GFC Seeking Director/State Forester

…state agency leadership experience (GFC or other state agencies) will be preferred Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The application deadline is Friday, October 30, 2020 with interviews as…

Building Healthy Forests for Birds

…is also important. Where possible, dead trees (or snags) should be retained to provide food sources and nesting habitat for insect eating and cavity nesting birds. Allowing leaf litter to…

My Firewise Experience 

…your home and at least 6 feet from the ground, and remove dead branches. Keep your lawn and landscape healthy, and remove dead or decayed plants. Move firewood piles, propane…

Grant Funding Available for Urban and Community Forestry Management

…information visit Information webinar on September 7; register at Eligible recipients are communities, non-profits, and schools. APPLICATION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2023. GA ReLeaf- in partnership with the GA…

Educator Resources

…outdoors are often confronted with hazards that can cause sickness, injury, or death. This booklet provides a brief description of those hazards to help you avoid an unpleasant encounter. PDF…

Care For Your Community’s Trees

…Forest Foresters and others who work outside and those who enjoy being in the outdoors are often confronted with hazards that can cause sickness, injury, or death. This booklet provides…

Storm Mitigation Planning

…work outside and those who enjoy being in the outdoors are often confronted with hazards that can cause sickness, injury, or death. This booklet provides a brief description of those…

Forest Services Contractors

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? No Pesticide Applicator? No Bulldozing Burning For Site Prep Burning For…