Forestry Services Contractors Directory

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…days. Did you know that May is also Clean Air Month? In 1972, the American Lung Association created the week-long event to raise awareness about the importance of clean air…

Forest Health

…beetle/Laurel Wilt disease. Common concerns include: Diseases (and Helpful Resources) Details about tree diseases common to Georgia: Heterobasidion Root Disease (formerly Annosum Root Disease) – Many Georgia landowners with property…

Community Resources

…owners and nonprofit organizations. Page on GFC Website Community Forestry Friend Program Application The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is rewarding communities and campuses implementing exemplary urban forestry programs with a…

Arbor Day Celebrated Across Georgia in February

…supplying the state with clean water, clean air, wildlife habitat and recreation opportunities. For information about Arbor Day events, planting trees, and services of the Georgia Forestry Commission, visit….

Trees Across Georgia (TAG) Grant Program

…promote the care of trees in communities throughout Georgia with emphasis on disadvantaged communities. The USDA Forest Service, authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act and the Community Forestry Assistance Act…

Plan Now, Dodge Bullets Later!

…for tree clean up. Here are two valuable videos to check out: Working with a certified arborist is always recommended, and you can find one here: Stay safe…

My Experience as an Urban and Community Forestry Intern

…summer as an urban and community forestry intern. I study community forestry and arboriculture at the University of Georgia. My advisors spoke highly of the Georgia Forestry Commission and its…

Firefighting Training & Resources

…is issued by the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC), the “Authority Having Jurisdiction” for wildland fire certification in the state of Georgia, in the form of a training completion certificate. Red…

Searching for the Next “Great American Tree”

…provide, The American Grove is sponsoring the 5th annual Great American Tree Competition. The American Grove, an online community of tree enthusiasts, promotes the Great American Tree Competition (GATC) every…