Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…a few areas of color showing occasional shades of dull red and brown, but still mostly green. Poplar is gradually shifting from green to differing shades of yellow, gold, and…

Longleaf Restoration

…competitive rates. Cost Share Programs EQIP – Environmental Quality Incentives Program EQIP – Environmental Quality Incentives Program Requirements: Non-industrial private lands AGI of less than 900,000/year (averaged over the last…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…vivid yellows, golds, and browns. Sassafras has also began shifting to shades of yellow, orange, and red. Select red maples are slowly making the transformation from green to differing shades…

West Central Georgia Rx Burn Initiative Cost Share

Program Overview: The FY24 WCG Rx Fire Initiative is funded again this year by National Fish and Wildlife America The Beautiful Challenge Grants, GDNR’s Bobwhite Quail Initiative, and partners impact…

Southern Pine Beetles

…Georgia, including white pines. Trees are killed when beetles construct winding S-shaped egg galleries underneath the bark (Figure 2). These galleries effectively girdle the tree and destroy the conductive tissues…

Community Forestry Assistance

…Kick-Off Webinar will be held June 6th, 2024 via Microsoft Teams. To receive the webinar link, please sign up by email here. Making the Shade Grant Program – Provides up…