Prevention Tactics Shared as Fire Danger Rises

…Of special concern is the lack of normal rainfall amounts and the dry vegetative matter left by Hurricane Michael that still litters the forest floors. “Residents should take steps now…

Pass the Tissue, it’s Pollen Time!

…to receive pollen. Male pollen from a superior parent will be injected into the bag to pollinate flowers when they are at maximum receptivity. Tree pollen season starts in January…

Leaf Watch Report for October 12, 2022

…to be very vibrant and vivid. Adequate rainfall throughout the growing season, with moderate temperatures and minimal stress for the trees, has set the stage for an outstanding fall foliage…

2021 Dirty Dozen (Top Twelve Nonnative Invasive Plants) List

72 counties have had cogongrass detections since 2007, and to date 34 of the 72 counties have no active cogongrass. Georgia’s proactive treatment program assists landowners across the state, and 85% of all known cogongrass spots in Georgia are considered inactive.

The Georgia Forestry Commission documents all known cogongrass infestations.Invasive Species: Any plant or animal that has been introduced and aggressively competes with and displaces local native communities; normally having no native enemies to limit reproduction and spread.

The Dirty Dozen List of Non-native Invasive Species is ranked by the total acres occupied according to Forest Inventory and Analysis data. Honey Suckle and Fescue are not included in this list. Credit for the data used to make this list to the US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis Program and The Georgia Forestry Commission FIA Foresters.

2021 Low Water Crossing Installation in Lower Coastal Plain

The Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404, exempts normal, established, ongoing silvicultural activities from the permitting process for discharges of dredged or fill material in jurisdictional wetlands; provided that 15 federal mandates are complied with.

This crossing:
• Crossing Purpose: To access timber for harvesting
• Alternatives: Other side would have required crossing another stream and building a new road
• Primary objective of State Forest: Timber Production
• Management Plan: Harvest timber and then reforest

Georgia’s Conservation Woodland Program

…for animals, you can certainly grow food for yourself! We provide documents and external links to assist with recommendations for best-growing selections and soil amendments for optimal outcomes. With the…

Leaf Watch Report for September 28th, 2022

…Bald, offers great views of mountains and countryside. There is only minimal color change at this time; however, open fields provide some nice displays of fall wildflowers. Northeast GA: As…

What it cost to remove a tree?

Tree removal costs can vary widely depending upon a number of factors, many of which may be beyond control. There could be any number of scenarios requiring you to contract with a tree removal service, from storm damage to home remodeling. Requiring immediate service may drive up the cost, perhaps unnecessarily, if there are no structures involved or damage is minimal.

The Wise Way to Guard Against Fire

…is termed the “Wildland Urban Interface,” or “WUI” (pronounced WOO’-ee) for short. People living in these areas are at increased risk for forest fires. Forest fires are normal events in…

Pass the Tissue, it’s Pollen Time!

…receive pollen. Male pollen from superior parent will be injected into bag to pollenate flowers when they are at maximum receptivity. At the Georgia Forestry Commission, pollen is a critical…