Cavities in Trees

Cavities are created when physical wounding of the trunk occurs whether by human, weather or wildlife action. These wounds are then expanded by wood decaying fungi, bacteria or wildlife and can occur anywhere on the tree, but are most critical when they occur in the trunk or in major stems and branches.

2019 Georgia’s Best Management Practices for Forestry Manual

The purpose of this manual is to inform landowners, foresters, timber buyers, loggers, site preparation and reforestation contractors, and others involved with silvicultural operations about common-sense, economical and effective practices to minimize non-point source pollution (soil erosion and stream sedimentation) and thermal pollution. These minimum practices are called BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES and are commonly referred to as BMPs.

Sirex Woodwasp in Georgia

…of pines could be impacted including several of tremendous commercial importance: Loblolly (Pinus taeda), Shortleaf (Pinus echinata), and Slash (Pinus elliottii). Sirex noctilio has the potential to use Georgia’s southern…

Caring for your Trees: Proper Watering

…trees require between 5 and 7.5 gallons of water per caliper inch (measure diameter on the trunk six inches above the soil line) each week throughout the entire length of…

Caring for Trees in Summer

Keeping trees healthy is a year ’round responsibility. Whether your focus is on the back yard or the “back 40,” the Georgia Forestry Commission has a wealth of resources to…

GFC Leaf Watch: November 5, 2020 (final leaf watch post)

…leaves with vivid colors. Currently, overlooks and ridges are predominately composed of dull greens, maroons, and browns with very little yellow or red. Many of the trees are leafless, while…

Think safety before starting a burn.

…machine-piled vegetation and area burning (land clearing, burning off understory or acreage), call your local GFC county office at Standard fire emergency tools include shovels, water and a cellphone,…

Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)

Eligibility County Farm Service Agency (FSA) committees determine land eligibility using on-site damage inspections that assess the type and extent of damage. To be eligible for EFRP, NIPF land must:…

Wildfire Danger Elevated Across Georgia

…Forestry Commission to prepare for the elevated threat of wildfires by discouraging outdoor burning this weekend. “We are asking everyone who may be planning to conduct any outdoor burning to…

Fire Danger Rising – Public’s Help Needed

…before doing any type of outdoor burning. The Georgia Forestry Commission reports 577 wildfires in the past month, which burned some 3,500 acres, and 229 of those fires happened in…