Southern Regional Extension Forestry – Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Overview info and resource documents for the hemlock woolly adelgid, originally from Asia, which was first discovered in the eastern U.S. in the 1950’s. It has since spread throughout the range of hemlock in the East, and caused extensive mortality of mature hemlock – especially in the Appalachian Mountains.

1999 – 2009 Georgia Trout Stream BMP’s Interpretation addendum

Georgia’s forestry BMP manual (revised in 1999 and 2009) recommends a 100 foot wide Streamside Management Zone, measured from the stream bank horizontally outward away from the stream; to be implemented on all Georgia designated primary or secondary trout streams – and tributaries (p. 11 Georgia’s BMPs for Forestry manual).

Certified Burners Early Permit System

…a certification program for those who practice prescribed burning. To learn more about certification courses, please go to our Prescribed Burn Certification page. Tools for Planning and Executing your Prescribed…

2021 Low Water Crossing Installation in Lower Coastal Plain

The Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404, exempts normal, established, ongoing silvicultural activities from the permitting process for discharges of dredged or fill material in jurisdictional wetlands; provided that 15 federal mandates are complied with.

This crossing:
• Crossing Purpose: To access timber for harvesting
• Alternatives: Other side would have required crossing another stream and building a new road
• Primary objective of State Forest: Timber Production
• Management Plan: Harvest timber and then reforest

GFC Leaf Watch

…in trees depends on the tree species, soil composition, and other environmental components. PDF NTG Fall Color Supplement These are generally considered the fall colors during peak season. Habitat, weather,…