2021 Cogongrass Spring Newsletter

The Georgia Forestry Commission has begun the 15th year of its campaign to fight the exotic, invasive weed known as cogongrass. Forty three new detections have been confirmed from January 1, 2021 through March 17, 2021 in Georgia, bringing the statewide cumulative total to 1,501 cogongrass spots. This number is moderately higher than the 31 detections made during this same time period in 2020.

Think safety before starting a burn.

…show reasonable fire prevention precautions were not taken. Weather conditions have been ideal this year for creating a busy prescribed burn season. Landowners across the state are taking advantage of…

Reflections on the Big Fire of 2007

…up $65 million dollars in timber. Those who served on the fire, from Georgia and almost every other state in the nation, have vivid memories about the destruction, the hardships…

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)

…owner acquired the land due to the previous owner’s death; the ownership change occurred due to foreclosure where the owner exercised a timely right or redemption in accordance with state

Landowners Can Help Reduce Wildfire in Georgia

…than 3500 wildfires are recorded in our state, and most of them got their start in the same way. Escaped debris burning. It’s not that anyone deliberately intends to do…