Care For Your Community’s Trees

…arborist and a homeowner tree survey checklist. PDF Managing Storm Damaged Trees: Do’s and Don’ts Check out this resource for the Do’s and Don’ts on how to manage damaged trees…

Spongy Moth (formerly Gypsy Moth) in Georgia

…pest capable of causing severe damage to hardwood trees, especially oaks. This damage is inflicted as the spongy moth larvae defoliate entire stands of trees. In cooperation with the USDA…

Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)

Eligibility County Farm Service Agency (FSA) committees determine land eligibility using on-site damage inspections that assess the type and extent of damage. To be eligible for EFRP, NIPF land must:…

Trees Across Georgia (TAG) Grant Program

…planting projects which address tree equity, mitigate the effects of extreme heat and climate change, replace storm damaged canopy, create greenspaces, reduce stormwater runoff and/or increase the environmental and social…

Forest Biomass

…700 trees per acre and less understory shrubs will improve residual tree growth and reduce the hazard of damage from wildfire. It is best to perform these thinnings at early…

Community Forestry Assistance

…tabs below for more information to consider: Urban Forest Map Where are trees abundant, scarce, healthy, unhealthy, or damaged? Is our community gaining or losing our tree cover, and at…

Southern Pine Beetles

…Pines are most susceptible when they are stressed by drought, flooding, storm damage, or by stand conditions such as overcrowding, old age, or root disease. Lightning struck trees are particularly…

GFC U&CF Technical Assistance Program

…scarce, healthy, unhealthy or damaged? Is our community gaining or losing our tree cover and at what rate? Should we be concerned? How can we justify spending the right amount…

Understanding Georgia’s Outdoor Burning Laws

…the fire rekindled. Pers on responsible shall be liable for any resulting damage to adjacent properties. This clarifies that the person who is burning is responsible and accountable for damages…

State Managed Forests

…that minimize damage to the forest caused by human and natural forces. The Forest produces timber, wildlife habitat, clean water into the Etowah River watershed, and many opportunities for people…