2021 Cogongrass in Georgia January Update

The 1457 cogongrass spots encompass a total of 373 acres. The status and treatment for each spot is at varying levels. The Georgia Forestry Commission recognizes a spot as eradicated after three consecutive years of finding no cogongrass resprouts.

Spring Tree Care

…about the correct way to prune in this GFC video: Ask the Arborist Series: Best Pruning Tips & Techniques This is an ideal time for an overall health check-up on…

Proper Tree Mulching

Mulch is organic material placed on the soil’s surface around trees and plants to enhance their growing conditions. Mulch helps maintain soil temperature and moisture, reduce water loss from soil, reduce weed competition, improve soil structure, and give landscapes a clean appearance. Often overlooked, spreading mulch around your trees is one of the easiest and most beneficial techniques that can have great impact on the health and vitality of your trees.

2021 Cogongrass Spring Newsletter

The Georgia Forestry Commission has begun the 15th year of its campaign to fight the exotic, invasive weed known as cogongrass. Forty three new detections have been confirmed from January 1, 2021 through March 17, 2021 in Georgia, bringing the statewide cumulative total to 1,501 cogongrass spots. This number is moderately higher than the 31 detections made during this same time period in 2020.

Storm Timber Impact Assessment Report

The National Weather Service (NWS) determined an EF-4 tornado crossed Heard, Coweta, and Fayette Counties in the late hours of March 25, 2021 and into the early hours of March 26, 2021. The tornado touched down at approximately 11:37 PM EDT, west of Franklin, Georgia, ending at approximately 12:30 AM EDT just north of Peachtree City, Georgia

Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP)

Purpose The purpose of the Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP) is to promote healthy forests by eliminating nonnative, invasive plants. If left unchecked, lands occupied by these plants become unproductive…

Don’t Move Firewood

Georgia Forestry Commission Forest Health experts say moving firewood has been linked to the spread of destructive, non-native insects and diseases to forest ecosystems. While these pests can’t move far on their own, they can travel hundreds of miles when people move firewood, logs, chips, and mulch. Forest pests can kill our native trees and be very expensive, if not impossible, to control.

Leaf Watch Report October 13th, 2021

…schedule compared to the previous year. Species highlights: Sourwood – mostly green but showing hints of red in higher elevation Sassafras – fading to yellow with hints of red Sweetgum…