GFC Seeking Director/State Forester

…times. While honoring its roots in protection from wildfire and sound land management for wood production and economic return, the GFC is seeking a visionary Director who personifies the mission:…

Storm Damage: Information for Landowners

Storms cause varying degrees of damage to forests and damage can be highly variable across affected areas of the landscape. Landowner objectives for the forest will help determine what actions are needed to restore the health and productivity of the forest resource. View steps to take after any storm.

Natural Disaster Recovery

…and pile it separately. Most woody debris can be recycled. Removal of Larger Debris GFC recommends homeowners only attempt to clean up minor tree debris. Tree trunks and large limbs…


…plans for landowners Assist with timber sales on state lands Provide technical assistance to landowners in afforestation and reforestation Diagnose insect and disease infestations and make recommendations for control Assess…

My Firewise Experience 

…your home and at least 6 feet from the ground, and remove dead branches. Keep your lawn and landscape healthy, and remove dead or decayed plants. Move firewood piles, propane…

Conservation Woodland Program

…property taxes. Landowners must promise to maintain their lands in the designated use (agriculture, forestry, or environmentally sensitive) for 10 years. Landowners can re-enroll after 10 years if they wish…

2020 – Georgia Statewide Forest Resources Strategy

Georgia’s original Forest Action Plan was produced with contributions from many program leaders of the Georgia Forestry Commission, Georgia Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Forest Service. Content contributors included Dr. Jon Ambrose, Constance Buford, Joe Burgess, Scott Thackston, Devon Dartnell, David Dickinson, Frank Sorrells, Ken Parker, Gary White, Scott Griffin, Josh Love, Joan Scales, Jim Ozier, Dru Preston, Dick Rightmyer, Buford Sanders and Risher Willard. Liz Kramer, University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences contractor, conducted the GIS analyses. Final document design and production was accomplished by Wendy Burnett, Kassie Keck and Stasia Kelly. Development and publication of this document was assisted by a grant from the National Association of State Foresters.


…demand is expected once again this year for Georgia Giants Loblolly, as well as Select Piedmont 3rd Cycle Loblolly and Super Select Premium Slash. These superior selections offer larger yields…