2020 – Georgia Statewide Forest Resources Strategy

Georgia’s original Forest Action Plan was produced with contributions from many program leaders of the Georgia Forestry Commission, Georgia Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Forest Service. Content contributors included Dr. Jon Ambrose, Constance Buford, Joe Burgess, Scott Thackston, Devon Dartnell, David Dickinson, Frank Sorrells, Ken Parker, Gary White, Scott Griffin, Josh Love, Joan Scales, Jim Ozier, Dru Preston, Dick Rightmyer, Buford Sanders and Risher Willard. Liz Kramer, University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences contractor, conducted the GIS analyses. Final document design and production was accomplished by Wendy Burnett, Kassie Keck and Stasia Kelly. Development and publication of this document was assisted by a grant from the National Association of State Foresters.

My Firewise Experience 

My Firewise Experience By Noah Futch My name is Noah Futch, and I have just finished my senior year at White County High School and will attend the University of…

Five-Year Plan

College EPA Green Infrastructure and Water Protection City of Alpharetta City of Valdosta Georgia Forestry Commission Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Resiliency Keep Rome-Floyd Beautiful City of Atlanta Arborist Division City…

Forest Legacy & Conservation Easements

The majority of Georgia’s productive forest lands are in private ownership, but these private landowners are facing increased pressure to convert their forest lands to other uses. Georgia has identified…

Fire Danger Rising – Public’s Help Needed

…before doing any type of outdoor burning. The Georgia Forestry Commission reports 577 wildfires in the past month, which burned some 3,500 acres, and 229 of those fires happened in…

Storm Damaged Trees – Pruning Decision Guide

Right after a hurricane, communities and homeowners need to decide what to do with storm-damaged trees. Although damaged trees may seem to be dying, some trees can be restored, others will need to be removed, and still others will not require any special treatment and can be left alone.

State Managed Forests

Bartram Forest 2,113 acres State land tract Baldwin and Wilkinson Counties Milledgeville office: (478) 445-5164 The Bartram Forest is owned by the State of Georgia and managed with Forest Stewardship…

Ecosystem Services

…year, according to a 2011 study led by Dr. Rebecca Moore at the University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. “Quantifying the Value of Non-Timber Ecosystem Services…