Care For Your Community’s Trees

…in cleaner, cooler air. Providing environmental benefits like oxygen production, carbon dioxide absorption, erosion prevention, improved water quality, and providing wildlife habitat. How can communities keep their trees healthy? To…

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

…development on biodiversity in the WUI have yet to be scientifically validated. It is accepted, though, that most threats to biodiversity arise from human activity. Habitat loss, or destruction, and…


…learn more. PDF Conserving Habitat for Georgia’s Wildlife Fact Sheet Georgia is one of the most biologically diverse states in the nation, and working forests play a big role ensuring…

Social & Cultural

…clean air for you to breathe every day? Download fact sheet to learn more. PDF Conserving Habitat for Georgia’s Wildlife Fact Sheet Georgia is one of the most biologically diverse…

Health & Recreational

…million acres of working forests provide clean air for you to breathe every day? Download fact sheet to learn more. PDF Conserving Habitat for Georgia’s Wildlife Fact Sheet Georgia is…

Virtual Meeting Brings Together Prescribed Fire Proponents

…times,” said Dr. Jon Ambrose, Chief of Georgia DNR’s Wildlife Conservation Section. “Prescribed burning improves habitat for wildlife, reduces fuel loads, and lowers the risk of wildfire smoke impacts to…

Georgia Arbor Day

…so Morton set out to plant millions of trees. These served as windbreaks, prevented soil erosion and provided habitat, shade and fuel, among many other things. Mr. Morton convinced many…

Educator Resources

…that Georgia’s 22 million acres of working forests provide clean air for you to breathe every day? Download fact sheet to learn more. PDF Conserving Habitat for Georgia’s Wildlife Fact…

Prescribed Burn

A prescribed burn plan is important for a safe and successful prescribed burn. A written burn plan includes the prescription for the stand and outlines the objectives for the burn….

Georgia to Celebrate Trees’ Many Benefits on Arbor Day

…sector adding another $4 billion. Forests in Georgia provide an estimated $37 billion in ecosystem services, including clean air, clean water, and wildlife habitat. The statewide Arbor Day event, co-hosted…