2019 Best Management Practices – BMPs

Information for landowners, foresters, timber buyers, loggers, site preparation and reforestation contractors, and others involved with silvicultural operations about common-sense, economical and effective practices to minimize non-point source pollution (soil erosion and stream sedimentation) and thermal pollution. These minimum practices are called BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES and are commonly referred to as BMPs.

Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)

…will have a minimum annual payment of $1,500. Contract Length 5 years Application Process The USDA Natural Conservation Resource Service (NRCS) makes CSP available on a nationwide basis through continuous…

2019 Georgia’s Best Management Practices for Forestry Manual

The purpose of this manual is to inform landowners, foresters, timber buyers, loggers, site preparation and reforestation contractors, and others involved with silvicultural operations about common-sense, economical and effective practices to minimize non-point source pollution (soil erosion and stream sedimentation) and thermal pollution. These minimum practices are called BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES and are commonly referred to as BMPs.

My Firewise Experience 

…the tasks needed for the project. Some of the tasks were completing an online fire safety course, attending a Firewise community meeting in Hiawassee, completing a Firewise risk assessment of…

Tree Ordinances

…trees. A well-designed tree ordinance can take months or years for communities to write, but can provide many benefits to people living in the community. Tree ordinances should be formulated…

Community Forestry Friend Program Application

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is rewarding communities and campuses implementing
exemplary urban forestry programs with a Community Forestry Friend social media badge. Earning
the badge means your community manages its trees with the best urban and community forestry
practices, partners and professionalism. Download application to apply for the Community Forestry Friend program.

Pine Straw Producers Directory

…Fax: mattplyler1973@gmail.com Premium Pineneedles LLC Reece Holley Pageland, SC29728 Phone 843-680-0778 Fax: 843-672-7901 jrh5186@yahoo.com Premium Pineneedles LLC Reece Holley Baxley, GA31513 Phone 843-680-0778 Fax: 843-672-7901 jrh5186@yahoo.com Putnal’s Premium Pine Straw,…