11-11-21 Leaf Watch Report

Color change has surpassed peak in a majority of NW GA. Overlooks are showing duller shades of yellow, brown and gold, with occasional patches of red. There is very little green left and many species such as yellow poplar, sourwood, and blackgum have lost a majority of their leaves, resulting in patches with little to no color.

Leaf Watch Report for October 05, 2022

…peak of this transition is expected to begin the first week of November. Scenic NW drive: Route 1: Take Hwy 136 from i75 to Hwy 341. Turn left on Hwy…

Leaf Watch Report for September 28th, 2022

…to Hwy 341. Turn left on Hwy 341 / Hog Jawl Road. Continue on Hog Jawl through Mountain Cove Farms and up Daughtery Gap to Hwy 157. Turn right on…

Needlecast in Pines

…to needle browning that looks like scorching left by wildfire. These needles are typically dropped as spring moves on and are replaced by new green needles forming tufts at the…

Final Leaf Watch Report for November 17th, 2021

…good season, with some time left to enjoy pops of color within the piedmont region. Peak has come and gone for the higher elevations. Metro Atlanta and beyond: While traditional…

Forest Biomass

…referred to as logging residues. They are left in piles at the log loading decks or they are scattered out across a timber harvest area, at additional cost. Piles are…

Storm Damaged Trees – Pruning Decision Guide

Right after a hurricane, communities and homeowners need to decide what to do with storm-damaged trees. Although damaged trees may seem to be dying, some trees can be restored, others will need to be removed, and still others will not require any special treatment and can be left alone.

Landowners Can Help Reduce Wildfire in Georgia

…a requirement to notify the GFC of the intention to burn, Georgia’s wildfire rate has remained constant. Complacency crept in and fires were left unattended, or smoldering embers caught a…

Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP)

Purpose The purpose of the Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP) is to promote healthy forests by eliminating nonnative, invasive plants. If left unchecked, lands occupied by these plants become unproductive…