March Tornado Timber Damage Totals Nearly $3 Million

…12:37, just north of Peachtree City. It traversed across wooded land, pastures, and residential areas. Damage included uprooted and broken trees, along with damage to many dwellings, utility buildings and…

Southern Pine Beetles

…vulnerable to attack, as are trees damaged by road building or logging activities (Figure 6). Figure 6: Lightning struck tree – Photo by Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service,…

Conservation Woodland Program

buildings against fire. This understanding and planning can improve your home’s survivability against wildfire. The Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) includes the house and its immediate surroundings within 100 to 200…

2021 Low Water Crossing Installation in Lower Coastal Plain

The Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404, exempts normal, established, ongoing silvicultural activities from the permitting process for discharges of dredged or fill material in jurisdictional wetlands; provided that 15 federal mandates are complied with.

This crossing:
• Crossing Purpose: To access timber for harvesting
• Alternatives: Other side would have required crossing another stream and building a new road
• Primary objective of State Forest: Timber Production
• Management Plan: Harvest timber and then reforest

Prescribed Burn Time in Georgia

…a trailer available to rent and several other RC&D’s across south Georgia are building more. Eight or more trailers are expected to become available to private landowners there this year….

Prevention Tactics Shared as Fire Danger Rises

…extend up to 100 feet around a building, so trimming tree branches, cleaning gutters and decks, and removing flammable items are wise actions to take now.” To contact the fire…