Plan Now, Dodge Bullets Later!

…Certified Arborist to prune trees to reduce wind and weight loading. Do not park vehicles on tree roots, which could result in compaction and root zone decay. Do not try…

Explore and Enjoy Georgia’s Public Lands

…which are designed to help conserve the natural resources, reduce user conflict, and help provide an enjoyable visitor experience. Much of the land now known as Paulding Forest, was once…

Understanding Georgia’s Outdoor Burning Laws

…zones and neighborhoods. Many complaints are received when the smoke settles. It also may reduce visibility on roads for the traveling public and cause motor vehicle accidents and injuries. Burning…

Fire Risk Rising Rapidly with Onset of Cold Front

…to the individual. “Everyone needs to stay aware of this weather situation and help reduce the risk of wildfire,” said Sorrells. “Georgia is very dry right now and we want…

Building Healthy Forests for Birds

…pollinators and birds, habitats filled with native plants help reduce stormwater run-off and mitigate the effects of climate change. Reducing mowing and avoiding mowing in natural areas during nesting season…

Timber Products

…is used as: fire starters for wood stoves and fireplaces decorative mantle and hearth products Floral Greenery + Decor Several Georgia trees produce a variety of decorative products. Greenery –…

Prescribed Burn

A prescribed burn plan is important for a safe and successful prescribed burn. A written burn plan includes the prescription for the stand and outlines the objectives for the burn….

Educator Resources

…GPB is to create, produce and distribute high quality programs and services that educate, inform and entertain our audiences and enrich the quality of their lives. External Website Hazards of…