Teacher Conservation Workshop gets an A+

…leaf pine ecosystem. The two mills we visited opened my eyes to the different jobs that young adults, fresh out of high school or college, can get that are nothing…

2020 – Georgia Statewide Forest Resources Strategy

Georgia’s original Forest Action Plan was produced with contributions from many program leaders of the Georgia Forestry Commission, Georgia Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Forest Service. Content contributors included Dr. Jon Ambrose, Constance Buford, Joe Burgess, Scott Thackston, Devon Dartnell, David Dickinson, Frank Sorrells, Ken Parker, Gary White, Scott Griffin, Josh Love, Joan Scales, Jim Ozier, Dru Preston, Dick Rightmyer, Buford Sanders and Risher Willard. Liz Kramer, University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences contractor, conducted the GIS analyses. Final document design and production was accomplished by Wendy Burnett, Kassie Keck and Stasia Kelly. Development and publication of this document was assisted by a grant from the National Association of State Foresters.

PLT and Me!

…a “cookie”. Fast-forward 12 years, and I was serving as a County 4-H agent with the University of Georgia (UGA). UGA Extension is part of the College of Agricultural and…

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) in Georgia

…of Georgia, the University of North Georgia, Young Harris College and (previously) Clemson University in the rearing and releasing of predator beetles in HWA infested areas. To date, we have…

YHC – Hemlock Project

The Young Harris College (YHC) Hemlock Proiect is a volunteer effort of community members and students to help raise Sasajiscymnus tsugae, a tiny ladybird beetle that is one of the few natural predators of the HWA. The organization works in conjunction with the Forest Service and GFC to decide where to release the adult beetles.

School of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ABAC)

The Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) School of Agriculture and Natural Resources leads the South in advancing the agriculture field through hands-on experience and rigorous academic preparation. The school offers six baccalaureate programs.