Howard E. Bennett Museum

…tools, techniques, and the history behind naval stores in this part of the museum. Forest Use and Products Different types of forest products are on display – from everyday products…

Forest Health Archived Resources

…Cogongrass Winter Update 2023 Known Cogongrass in Georgia Dirty Dozen List – Nonnative Invasive Plants (2019) EAB – Destructive Tree Pest Detected in Georgia (2013) Georgia 2021 SPB Aerial Survey…

Timber Impact Assessment – April 2020 Tornadoes

On the evening of April 12 and the morning of April 13, 2020, Georgia was part of a severe weather event that extended across the Southeast. The National Weather Service confirmed that 30 tornadoes touched down across the state, ranging in levels from EF-0 to EF-3 and from 0.5 miles to approximately 17 miles long. These storms affected a number of landscapes across the state, including urban, suburban and rural areas.

2020 Georgia Southern Pine Beetle Prediction Survey Update

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) participates annually in the southern pine beetle (SPB) prediction trapping program. The southern pine beetle is the most destructive forest pest in the southeastern states. Survey results are documented in an annual report so that activity and damage levels can be anticipated and mitigated.

GFC Seedling Sales Open!

…different types of oak, and many fruit-bearing trees. Trees favored for aesthetics, such as dogwood and crape myrtle, are also available. All are sold in packages of 10, 50, 250,…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…color opportunity. South-facing slopes are showing a little more color also. Roadsides throughout the mountain counties are providing regular color. As in the last two weeks, the Richard Russel Scenic…

GFC Centennial

…of the foundational issues raised a century ago ring familiar today. While Georgia landscapes are covered with more than 24 million acres of trees, land use changes pose an ongoing…

Proper Tree Mulching

Mulch is organic material placed on the soil’s surface around trees and plants to enhance their growing conditions. Mulch helps maintain soil temperature and moisture, reduce water loss from soil, reduce weed competition, improve soil structure, and give landscapes a clean appearance. Often overlooked, spreading mulch around your trees is one of the easiest and most beneficial techniques that can have great impact on the health and vitality of your trees.