My Firewise Experience 

…and neighborhoods safe from wildfires. The Firewise community service project involved many components. Under the guidance of Mr. Nathan Eason from White County 4-H, I began learning about Firewise and…

Five-Year Plan

…and enhance Georgia’s community forests. The plan guides the strategic direction of the Georgia Forestry Commission Sustainable Community Forestry Program and Georgia Urban Forest Council Vision Citizens, policy-makers and managers…

Grant Funding Available for Urban and Community Forestry Management

…information visit Information webinar on September 7; register at Eligible recipients are communities, non-profits, and schools. APPLICATION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2023. GA ReLeaf- in partnership with the GA…

Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) National Program

As the Nation’s continuous forest census, the FIA program projects how forests are likely to appear 10 to 50 years from now. This enables us to evaluate whether current forest management practices are sustainable in the long run and to assess whether current policies will allow the next generation to enjoy America’s forests as we do today.

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…azaleas, vaccinium, roses, and the Georgia State Tree: Live Oak (Quercus virginiana). Who is Involved State (Georgia Forestry Commission, University of Georgia, Georgia Department of Agriculture) and Federal (USDA Forest…

Urban & Community Forestry

Healthy community and urban forests are integral to the lives of all Georgians. The Georgia Forestry Commission’s urban and community foresters help protect and promote Georgia’s urban forests by: Providing…

Community Wildfire Protection Plan

…homeowners associations environmental organizations A completed CWPP is circulated to the community and posted on their public website so citizens can understand their local risk and prepare accordingly. CWPP plans…

Special Committee Tackles Carbon Credit Tracking in Georgia

…place. “The Georgia Forestry Commission is proud to be facilitating this important effort,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director Tim Lowrimore. “We’ve gathered an extraordinary group of subject experts who are…