Southern Pine Beetles

… Figure 5: Active southern pine beetle spot – Photo by Gerald J. Lenhard, Louisiana State University, Needles turn pale green to yellow to red, then brown (Figure 5)….

Reflections on the Big Fire of 2007

…roads to “refill locations,” and helicopters fly many miles away to suitable ponds and lakes to refill buckets. This creates long turn-around periods for water supply. Sorrells said they learned…

National Forest Products Week

…gums, soaps, and detergents. Turpentine is used for paint solvents, varnishes, and even disinfectants and fragrances. In addition, newer technologies have pushed the envelope for the use of wood in…

Why Choose a Live Christmas Tree?

…We look forward to spending time with family and friends. And besides the turkey or ham selection, preparations are made for Christmas. Tree selection is a vital part of Christmas…


…it could be good forage for livestock, but it turns out it is actually not palatable to any wildlife or grazing animals due to the high amount of silica in…

Needlecast in Pines

…needles on their pines suddenly turned brown. These trees were most likely infected by the natural occurring fungus sometime last fall. Cool, wet falls have a tendency to harbor higher…

Seedling Webstore is Open for Business!

…may be hot outside today, but it won’t be long before the leaves start turning and cooler temps bring on the planting season. Be ready! Check out the great selections…

GFC’s people and services impact Georgians

…Arbor Day celebrations to wildfire season and Georgia-grown Christmas trees, GFC’s reach is immense, and stories are told at every turn. Each of our departments carries out the agency’s goals…