Leaf Watch Report for October 05, 2022

…greater visibility and better leaf color vibrancy. Lack of rain can accelerate leaf shedding in sweetgum, sycamore, poplar, and black gum. However, it should not adversely impact the oaks that…

Green Cities: Work & Learning

Places that incorporate or are located near nature can help remedy mental fatigue and restore one’s ability to focus on tasks. The result can be better performance in the work place and classroom.

Ecosystem Services

…benefits to society. These public goods provide the basis for sustainable economies, communities, and livelihoods, but have no recognized economic value in the marketplace. The vital contributions of ecosystem services…

Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources (UGA)

Warnell prepares leaders in the conservation and sustainable management of forests and other natural resources; to discover ways to restore and better use the earth’s natural resources; and to put into practice forestry and natural resources knowledge.

Caring for your Trees: Proper Watering

…trees require between 5 and 7.5 gallons of water per caliper inch (measure diameter on the trunk six inches above the soil line) each week throughout the entire length of…

Spring Tree Care

…prune. By cutting out any dead branches or stems, better structure can be established and it helps the tree seal off the wound where the dead branch was. Learn more…

Incident Command System

The ICS is managed by the National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS). It gets agencies on the same page by: integrating common communication terminology providing training systemizing qualifications supporting technology…