Fall Leaf Watch Kickoff

…first hand reports from our foresters, chronicling where the most vivid fall leaf color viewing is occurring throughout the state, week to week. As you pause to appreciate the many…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…displaying the same vivid colors they were last week, the overlooks exhibit more overall color now than they have all year. Overlooks and ridges are predominantly composed of a mix…

Meet GFC’s Director: Tim Lowrimore

…can again freely congregate, shake hands and meet in person. With one of the most challenging years of my career I can recall now behind us, my focus remains optimistic…

GFC Centennial

…of the foundational issues raised a century ago ring familiar today. While Georgia landscapes are covered with more than 24 million acres of trees, land use changes pose an ongoing…

Spring Tree Care

By Seth Hawkins, GFC Urban Forest Specialist Springtime is here and with longer days and warmer temperatures at hand, trees are waking up for the growing season. Trees’ water needs…

Pine Bark Beetles

For more specific information on SPB, click here. Pine bark beetles are native to Georgia and can have devastating effects on pine trees. Pine bark beetles found throughout Georgia include…

Southern Pine Beetles

…University, Bugwood.org. The Southern Pine Beetle (SPB), Dendroctonus frontalis, is not much bigger than an eye gnat (Figure 1). It attacks and kills all species of southern yellow pines in…

Southern Pine Beetle Cost Share Program (SPB)

Purpose The purpose of the SPBP is to help landowners implement various silvicultural practices that will prevent (or minimize) impacts of southern pine beetle infestations, restore healthy, more beetle-resistant forests…