Certified Burner Reciprocal Agreement

…mailed in. In order to be considered valid and legal, the original (no copies) must be submitted with a notary seal and signature. Mail to: Ga. Forestry Commission Attn: Prescribed…

Searching for the Next “Great American Tree”

…person are encouraged. Nominations will be shared via social media, including Facebook (The Grove), Twitter (@plantyourlegacy; #greatamericantree #GATC19), and Instagram (@plantyourlegacy). Nominations may also be submitted as an email attachment…

#SpringIntoAction with GFC!

…Commission), twitter (@gatrees) and Instagram (gatrees) pages. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a while, we’ll post a theme to inspire you. Then you and your kids and all your…

GFC Launches Weekly Fall Foliage Updates

…weekly updates are also posted on GFC’s social media channels, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Find us at @GaTrees. Live updates with video and photos are scheduled on Fox5 TV’s Thursday…