GFC provides leadership, service, and education in the protection and conservation of Georgia’s forest resources. The owners of Georgia’s 24.5 million acres of forests invest in reforestation and careful forest management practices with an expectation of future benefits. The confidence in these future benefits drives further reforestation and forest retention. GFC’s Forest Utilization Department strives to deliver the real value of these benefits by maintaining and improving markets for forest-based goods and services.

The staff assist businesses and forest landowners by:

  • marketing Georgia’s forest resources to attract new industries
  • providing marketing, technical, and forest resource procurement support to existing industries
  • establishing new product development and markets for Georgia’s forest resources

Timber Product Output Reports

Timber Product Output (TPO) reports provide information on the production of forest products and the amount of timber removals within Georgia. Data collection for TPO reports involves a coordinated effort by the U.S. Forest Service Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) and GFC’s Forest Utilization staff. To estimate industrial uses of roundwood, all primary wood-using industries in a state are surveyed bi-annually. Primary wood-using industries include pulp mills, sawmills, veneer mills, composite panel mills (osb), and other industrial products mills.

Refer to the tab below for TPO reports in Georgia. A limited number of printed copies can be obtained by contacting GFC’s Forest Utilization staff. Information can also be obtained through a query of the Forest Service’s TPO site.

Georgia TPO Reports

Additional Helpful Resources

TitleDescriptionDocument Type
2015 Georgia Harvest and Utilization Study

This resource bulletin describes the principal findings of a harvest and utilization study conducted during the ninth inventory of Georgia’s forest resources. Survey crews sampled and measured trees harvested in a variety of logging operations, and analysts calculated wood volume and percent of wood utilization. Harvest volume data and factors for growing-stock and nongrowing-stock logging residue are described and interpreted.

External Website, PDF
2022 Georgia Firsts Fact Sheet

Georgia’s leadership in the production of forest products in the U.S. south, nation and world is possible because of the
state’s highly productive forests. On average, Georgia’s 23.8 million acres of commercial timberlands grow in excess of 24
million tons more wood per year than is harvested, resulting in growth exceeding removals by 48% for all species combined.

Georgia Carbon Registry Factsheet

The Georgia Carbon Registry provides forest landowners, municipalities, and public and private entities with an official mechanism for the development, documentation, and reporting of carbon emissions offset projects undertaken in Georgia.

Georgia Forestry Laws

GFC is not liable for the distribution of out-of-date material. This document is not legal advice and cannot replace legal advice. Current Georgia Statutes are maintained by the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, and can be accessed through their website.

Georgia Pulpwood Production Fact Sheet – 2021

This fact sheet is adapted from Southern Pulpwood Production, 2021. The full report presents the findings of a 100 percent canvass of pulp mills that drew roundwood or wood residues from the 13 Southern States during 2021

GFC Services Handout

Overview document of GFC’s services and Area Contact information

Guiding Principles for a Practical and Sustainable Approach to Forest Carbon Sequestration Projects in the Southern U.S.

Key issues surrounding the development and application of forest-based offset projects in the southern region of the United States are examined in this paper.

External Website
Guiding Principles for Forest Carbon Sequestration – Executive Summary

This paper examines the key issues surrounding the development and application of forest-based offset projects in the southern region of the United States and provides the Southern Group of State Foresters’ (SGSF) recommendations for how these issues should be addressed in federal climate policy, should legislation be enacted.

Historical trends of timber product output in the South

Historical data of periodic canvasses of primary wood-using plants are presented for the 13 Southern States.

External Website
Pine saw-timber Volumes in Georgia, 2017

Utilization and Marking Analysis:  Study of SYP Standing Volumes and Acreage

Southern Pulpwood Production (2021)

A 2021 analysis of pulpwood production across the 13 Southern State.

External Website
Timber Buyers Directory

This list is made up of buyers/harvesters who have submitted information to GFC and is not meant as an endorsement of any individual or company. For a full list of Georgia Master Timber Harvesters (GAMTH), visit the GAMTH database. To be added to the timber buyers directory, contact Angela Kimberly at

Page on GFC Website
Trends in Southern pulpwood production, 1953-2006

An analysis of southern pulpwood production during a span of more than 50 years.

External Website