
…plant at higher densities. Landowners with other objectives — such as wildlife habitat — may plant pines and other species at a lower density to satisfy their goals. This fact…

STEM & Forestry

…offers various opportunities. Georgia’s educators and school systems work hard to incorporate STEM and STEAM into our youths’ learning pathways. STEM is incorporated through day-to-day lessons and activities in the…

Timber Sales & Harvest Advice

…the type of sale, Best Management Practices (BMP) compliance, length of contract, damage penalties and harvest restrictions. Things to Consider When looking to sell your timber, make sure to consider…

Searching for the Next “Great American Tree”

…individuals, organizations and communities in raising awareness about improving and maintaining Georgia’s community forests. Assistance is also given by the Georgia Forestry Commission, which provides leadership, service and education in…

Certified Tree Professionals

…for proof of workers’ compensation and personal and property damage insurance. Verify that each policy is current by calling insurance carriers. This helps protect you from liability related to injuries

Outstanding Employees Honored at Georgia Forestry Commission

…agencies, universities and other state entities with their timber inventory, sales and active management. Those management activities include essential forestry practices such as prescribed fire, invasive species control, timber thinning…

Forests & Water: A Critical Combination

…clean air are just a few. Thousands of forest-related jobs benefit families, communities, and the state’s economy. Best of all, forests are a renewable resource – if we protect them….