Southern Pine Beetles

…vulnerable to attack, as are trees damaged by road building or logging activities (Figure 6). Figure 6: Lightning struck tree – Photo by Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service,…

Crawford County Man Pleads Guilty to Setting Wildfires

…years’ probation, $4,500 in fines, plus restitution. Georgia Forestry Commission Law Enforcement Officers charged Matthew DeFore with six counts of arson of lands December 2015, in connection with a series…

Southern Pine Beetle Cost Share Program (SPB)

…are publicly traded or legal entities principally engaged in the processing or manufacturing of wood products. Minimum practice size is 10 acres. Forestry Practices Covered Includes non-commercial thinning, pine release,…

Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP)

…entity, and lands owned by local governments (cities, counties, Board of Education, etc.), excluding corporations whose stocks are publicly traded or legal entities principally engaged in the processing or manufacturing…

Georgia Burn Notification Law Changing

…GA code section 12-6-90 was changed to eliminate the notification requirement to burn hand-piled natural debris. Agriculture, silviculture and land-clearing burns for residential or commercial development will continue to require…

Georgia Forestry Commission Helping Fight Western Wildfires

…rugged terrain. Many Georgia crew members have served multiple assignments in previous years, gathering valuable experience they apply away and at home. “Georgia has been receiving a good amount of…