Sung to the tune of “School’s Out for Summer!”

…that can make the season super fun and, dare we say, educational? Summer break is a time for kids to create memories with friends and family and develop important social…

Lancaster Forestry Youth Camp

…12 and 13. Over the past couple of years, we have worked diligently to develop a website to better represent the camp’s focus and mission. By visiting the website,,…

A Look Back at GFC in 2021

…technical committee to develop protocols for the expansion of Georgia’s Carbon Registry, which will enable the accounting of carbon credits from sustainable building materials. Modernization of Burn Notification System –…

One Tree Planted – Reforestation Program

…period For more information regarding signup for this program, please contact your local GFC Forester. Approved applicants A GFC forester will visit the sites of approved applicants and develop a…

Huber “Trees for Georgia” Program

…applicants: A forester will visit the sites of all approved applicants and develop a tree planting plan for the acreage involved. The plan will quantify the acreage and address site…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…Burgundy Birch – Yellow Yellow-poplar – Yellow/Gold… most of the early turners have dropped leaves but still some yellow poplar to develop yet. Redbud – becoming more prominent with yellows…

GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 1, 2020

…safer. Estimated percentage of color change from green to date: 5%_ABOVE 3500’ ELEVATIONS With color already starting to develop, projected peak is the last week of October. [NOTE: As we…