Forest Stewardship Program

…Steering Committee along with the Georgia Forestry Commission have a discussion about partnerships, legacy, and other topics related to #stewardship in #Georgia. #forestry #gatrees #education #prescribedfire #forest #legacy #partnerships Video…

Grant Program Funds Tree Plantings

…partnerships, establish and build new ones, and create relationships between a community and its local Georgia Forestry Commission personnel and resources. To learn more about this program, go to….

Fire Weather

…contained or controlled when suppression is complete If GFC is responding to an incident, the system syncs automatically. Wildfire incidents that are closed are not shown. Please Note: smartphone applications…

Pre-Suppression Firebreaks

…firebreaks be two times the width of the expected height of the flames. GFC provides the service of plowing pre-suppression firebreaks to landowners. Plowing is scheduled on a first come,…

Fine Fuel Moisture Table

A close estimate of the fine dead fuel moisture (FDFM) on your burn unit any time a FDFM reading is desired

Cooperative Forestry

The Cooperative Forestry unit of the USDA Forest Service works closely with partners to enhance and maintain forests across watersheds and ecosystems, both on private and public land, for the benefits they provide to the American people. Cooperative Forestry delivers its work through states, local governments, other federal agencies, non-profit organizations, and other partners leveraging additional resources and fueling innovation.

USDA Forest Service – Cooperative Forestry

The Cooperative Forestry unit of the USDA Forest Service works closely with partners to enhance and maintain forests across watersheds and ecosystems, both on private and public land, for the benefits they provide to the American people.

Diseases of Leyland Cypress in the Landscape

Leyland cypress has become one of the most widely used plants in commercial and residential landscapes, and it is relatively pest-free. However, because of its relatively shallow root system, and because they are often planted too close together and in poorly drained soils, Leyland cypress is prone to root rot and several damaging canker diseases, especially during periods of prolonged drought.

Sirex Woodwasp in Georgia

…of pines could be impacted including several of tremendous commercial importance: Loblolly (Pinus taeda), Shortleaf (Pinus echinata), and Slash (Pinus elliottii). Sirex noctilio has the potential to use Georgia’s southern…