2021 Low Water Crossing Installation in Lower Coastal Plain

The Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404, exempts normal, established, ongoing silvicultural activities from the permitting process for discharges of dredged or fill material in jurisdictional wetlands; provided that 15 federal mandates are complied with.

This crossing:
• Crossing Purpose: To access timber for harvesting
• Alternatives: Other side would have required crossing another stream and building a new road
• Primary objective of State Forest: Timber Production
• Management Plan: Harvest timber and then reforest

“The Best Time to Plant a Tree was Yesterday.”

GUEST BLOG – Scott Berta, President, Plant Newnan INC. There is a saying that states “you don’t know you have a good thing until it’s gone.” In 30 seconds on…


…with an average of 100 new locations annually, with a record of 156 new cogongrass locations reported in 2021. The second part of the program is eradication. Eradication is completed…

Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

…times to get your health benefits in. Second, exercise does not have to be extremely strenuous to be beneficial. Walking at a moderate pace is good for your body and…

High-flying Tools for Fire – and More!

…tool we are strategically moving forward with is UAS – Unmanned Aerial Systems. More commonly known as drones, they provide a unique opportunity to complete certain tasks more efficiently and…

Leaf Watch Report for September 27th, 2023

…during the second half of October. It looks as if lower elevations should peak within the first two weeks of November. Early fall creates the perfect opportunity to enjoy some…

Fall Wildfire Danger on the Increase Across North Georgia

…public viewing at https://georgiafc.firesponse.com/public/. Please use this to see fire activity in your area, and contact your local Georgia Forestry Commission office with questions about permission to burn in your…

Help at Hand for Michael-Struck GA Landowners

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JANUARY 16, 2019 Emergency assistance for landowners impacted by Hurricane Michael is being rolled out by the Georgia Forestry Commission. Aid approved by the Georgia Legislature in…

Legislature Marks Forest Agency’s Centennial

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 8, 2021 The Georgia Forestry Commission is marking an important milestone – its 100th year of service to Georgia. Forests make up 24 million acres, or…

Kemp Leads Forest Field Day

…the bedrock of forest sustainability,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director Chuck Williams, “and it’s one of the core missions of the Georgia Forestry Commission. Landowner events such as this are…