Forest Biomass

…used in Georgia result in large volumes of wasted wood and bark in the tops and branches of trees harvested for their stem wood. These tops and branches are often…

Newnan Tornado Recovery – One Year Later

…2021, hundreds of volunteer hours have been donated, along with GFC seedlings and container trees as the community works to recover. “For many decades, Newnan has been known for its…


Cleaner, Cooler Air Trees trap lung-damaging dust, ash, pollen and smoke from the air. Shade from trees reduces temperatures and helps keep air pollutants from becoming even more volatile. Most…

My Firewise Experience 

…should look like. The other activity involved volunteering at a recent community plant sale hosted by the Soque Garden Club and setting up a Firewise information booth. I met great…

Local Forestry Employees Earn 2021 Performance Award

…to their many skills, more than $30,000 in savings was realized, electrical wiring projects and upgrades at two county offices were completed, and two employees volunteered and deployed to western…


…in volume, disease resistance, and other gains in physical properties such as straightness. Also notable are our Controlled Mass Pollinated seedlings in a limited number, which utilize superior parent pollen,…

“Wildfires in Georgia”

…would happen if your fire escapes and who else would be involved; the fire department, Georgia Forestry, and other volunteers all working in dangerously hot conditions because your fire got…

Carbon Registry

…the project are recorded in the Georgia Carbon Registry and credits are issued to participants – typically building owners. Participation is voluntary. The guidelines provided in this document strive to…

My Internship Experience Working with GFC State Lands

…maintaining full compliance with FAA regulations. In State Lands, I learned how to cruise timber, collecting all the necessary data to establish a clear picture of the volume and type…