Cogongrass in Georgia

…its introduction, it has become widespread throughout Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida and is moving into Georgia and South Carolina. This grass suppresses and eliminates natural vegetation thereby significantly reducing tree

2020 Soil Injector/Soil Drench Kit Loan Program

Soil injectors are provided by the Georgia Forestry Commission to aid those interested in treating their own trees. The injectors are loaned out free of charge but a $250 deposit is required.

Where are my trees’ roots?

Many people think removing a few of the tree’s encroaching roots will cause little long term harm and that large trees can easily recover from minor root loss, but that
is seldom the case.

Slime Flux

Helpful information about “weeping water” from the trunk of a tree – usually a sign of a bacterial disease called Slime Flux or Bacterial Wetwood.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) in Georgia Fact Sheet

HWA is a serious pest of hemlock trees in Georgia. The aphid-like insect feeds on eastern and Carolina hemlock trees, eventually resulting in tree mortality. The very existence of the eastern and Carolina hemlock species is greatly threatened by HWA.

Gummosis in Trees

Gummosis is a common infection found on various fruit and nut trees. In the landscape, gummosis is most often recognized as a glob of translucent, amber colored sap on the side of the stem or lower trunk of trunk of a tree.

Fungal Conks on Trees

Fungal Conks, or mushrooms growing from the trunk or base of a tree, are an indication that a rotinducing pathogen has taken up residence. Some of these fungi are significantly less harmful than others, but all warrant further investigation.

Diseases of Leyland Cypress in the Landscape

Leyland cypress has become one of the most widely used plants in commercial and residential landscapes, and it is relatively pest-free. However, because of its relatively shallow root system, and because they are often planted too close together and in poorly drained soils, Leyland cypress is prone to root rot and several damaging canker diseases, especially during periods of prolonged drought.