…still need everybody’s help in keeping our communities and our forestlands safe,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Chief of Protection Thomas Barrett. “As you plan outdoor activities, remember that any kind…

GFC Welcomes Johnny Sabo

compromise safety for the sake of any job, ever. It’s inspiring to know that the Georgia Forestry Commission plays such an important role in this state. We are the first…

2022 Economic Benefits of the Forestry Industry in Georgia

Georgia’s forest industry has many components, which interact with all other sectors of the economy in complex ways. The purposes of this analysis are to: (1) quantify the level of economic activity conducted by the components of the forest industry, (2) estimate economic activity supported in all Georgia sectors by the industry’s activities, (3) compare the level of activity in the forest industry with other industries, and (4) quantify the economic activity of forest industry sectors within each of the 12 regional commissions in Georgia.

Leaf Watch Report for November 11th, 2021

…as many species are at or surpassing peak. Overall color intensity will likely decrease in the coming week as leaves continue to drop. Species specifics: Dogwood – fading to maroon…

Timber Security

complaints, and every complaint is investigated. The priority will always be to protect our landowners and their forest resources by ensuring that credible timber harvest operations occur. Among the duties…

A Note from GFC’s New Deputy Director

…please don’t hesitate to come say hello. I look forward to meeting every single one of you and building upon a common bond; our love for Georgia’s Forest! Johnny Sabo…

FIA Statistics Report for Georgia (1997)

This report highlights the principal findings of the seventh forest survey of Georgia. Field work began in November 1995 and was completed in April 1998. Six previous surveys, completed in 1936, 1953, 1961, 1972, 1982, and 1989 provide statistics for measuring changes and trends over the previous 62 years.

Urban Forest Strike Team

This video outlines the work of GFC’s Urban Forest Strike Team, which helps communities deal with the aftermath of severe storms.

Prescribed Fire and COVID-19

* Georgia law no longer requires notification to the Georgia Forestry Commission by people planning to burn yard debris. Charges may apply if wildfire results from escaped burning and evidence…