GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 9, 2020

…trees that are beginning to fade from full green. Winds generated from Hurricane Delta could thin out the canopies this weekend on ridge tops and in the gaps. Hurricane Delta,…

Forest Industry Continues to Boost Georgia’s Economy

A new report shows Georgia’s forest industry continues to deliver strong results for the state’s economy. According to a Georgia Forestry Commission report provided by the Georgia Institute of Technology’s…

Area Forest Landowners Receiving Top-Rated Service

delivered custom services to 80 landowners. In addition, no preventable accidents were recorded all year. The Warren-McDuffie team was also recognized for equipment maintenance and repairs, substantial cost-saving measures, and…

Incident Command System

…working an incident, GFC activates an expanded dispatch center at GFC headquarters in Macon. These professionals assist with communications and delivery of resources. Helpful Resources TitleDescriptionDocument Type Daily Fire Danger…

Fire Weather

…(Lavdas, 1996) and is designed to assist with planning prescribed burns in the Southern United States. VSmoke is a simple gaussian smoke dispersion model that calculates isopleths of surface smoke…

Landowner Resources

…with partners to enhance and maintain forests across watersheds and ecosystems, both on private and public land, for the benefits they provide to the American people. Cooperative Forestry delivers its…