GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…surpassed peak as deep reds begin to dull. Species specifics: Dogwood – vivid red is beginning to dull and shedding leaves Birch – slowly fading to brown and yellow Yellow-poplar…

Leaf Watch Report October 7th, 2021

Northwest GA Specific (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): Cooler nights, sunny days, and adequate rainfall are signaling the beginning of the fall foliage season. Trees are on track to display vivid…

Wildlife Incentives for Nongame and Game Species (Project WINGS)

Eligibility Landowners, leaseholders, hunting clubs, wildlife organizations, government entities, and others committed to managing right-of-ways for wildlife are eligible. Eligible right-of-ways include: Georgia Power, Georgia Transmission, MEAG Power, Savannah Electric,…

The GFC Seedling Store is Open for Business!!

For the widest selection of species, now is the time to peruse and choose because sell-outs do occur, and your property deserves to boast the performance and aesthetics you envision….


For the widest selection of species, now is the time to peruse and choose because sell-outs do occur, and your property deserves to boast the performance and aesthetics you envision….

Georgia’s Conservation Woodland Program

…Invasive Species Identification and Control. Here you’ll find additional documents and links about which forest health and invasive species issues occur throughout Georgia, how to identify them, and the proper…

Care For Your Community’s Trees

Benefits of a thriving urban canopy: Increasing property value. The presence of larger street trees can add from 3% – 15% to home values. Increasing spending in business districts. Shoppers…

Longleaf Restoration

…to realize deforested areas were not reseeding in longleaf. Instead, faster growing species such as loblolly, slash and hardwoods were taking over. By the late twentieth century, preserved recreational areas…

Timber Products

…more. Slash, loblolly and longleaf are the species of choice for pine straw production. Christmas Trees Ninety percent (90%) of Georgia’s Christmas tree production is Virginia pine. The other 10%…

Carefully Planned “Good Fires” Prevent Bad Ones

…fire to safely mimic these natural forces, carefully applying controlled burning under specific weather conditions to enhance reforestation, aesthetics and forest access. The Georgia Prescribed Fire Council invites the public…