Building Healthy Forests for Birds

…especially those with large crowns, and prioritize the removal of invasive, exotic plants that destroy natural ecosystems. This can be done slowly over time by manual removal or with carefully


…The term “southern yellow pine” refers primarily to longleaf, shortleaf, slash, and loblolly pine trees. The GFC’s Flint River Nursery grows improved selections of loblolly, slash, and shortleaf pines. High…

Landowner Resources

…Beetle Coloring Book Southern Pine Beetle – Biology, Prevention, and Restoration Southern Regional Extension Forestry – Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Overview info and resource documents for the hemlock woolly adelgid, originally

Southern Pine Beetles

…especially vulnerable to SPB attack and damage. Selecting pine species that are less susceptible to SPB is another key to preventing outbreaks. Loblolly, shortleaf and Virginia pines are the three…

Southern Pine Beetle Cost Share Program (SPB)

…of the documented, actual cost. There is a limit of $10,000 per landowner for all practices. Prevention practices offered– non-commercial thinning of loblolly/shortleaf pine stands ($70/acre), the release of loblolly/shortleaf…

State Managed Forests

…290 acres are suited for growing timber and predominantly consist of planted loblolly and longleaf pine trees. Bottomland hardwoods, made up of creeks and drains, utilize 52 acres. The forest…

Area Timber Thefts Yield Arrest and More Investigation

…illegally cut trees to his home. Authorities believe Price stole timber on several nearby properties in Richmond County, then cut, split, and sold it as firewood. He is formally charged…

Sirex Woodwasp in Georgia

…of pines could be impacted including several of tremendous commercial importance: Loblolly (Pinus taeda), Shortleaf (Pinus echinata), and Slash (Pinus elliottii). Sirex noctilio has the potential to use Georgia’s southern…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…to have infected plants in the summer and fall of 2004. A total of 59,000 potentially infected plants were shipped to Georgia. While 10,000 plants were intercepted by the Department…

Caring for Trees in Summer

…line on the ground at the furthest edge of a tree’s canopy. Proper watering is critical when temperatures rise, especially for your trees. Though there are exceptions, trees normally only…