New Online Tool Tracks Georgia Wildfire Activity

…progress and the facts can be accessed from a computer or smart phone.” Sorrells explained that the Wildfire Public Viewer is directly linked to the Georgia Forestry Commission’s (GFC) wildfire…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…samples have been processed along with 84 confirmed positives on nursery stock from 2004-2006 to date through this lab. Georgia’s stream baiting continues in 2006 and 10 sites were chosen…

Law Enforcement Warns About Fake Burn Permitting Scam

…burn permit may need to be obtained from local county or city officials/offices, based on local ordinances. “Law Enforcement has informed us that a rogue website is offering nationwide burn…

Get Ready for Summer with Post-Storm Tree Assessments

…compromised root plates. All of these tree injuries could become larger issues down the road if not addressed. You can send pictures of storm damage to GFC’s “Ask the Arborist”…

Fall Leaf Watch Kickoff

…expressed leaf senescence makes for better sugar production during the growing season, and a vigorous tree with good sugar production will typically have better expressed fall color. If you want…

Arson Investigations

The Georgia General Assembly passed a law giving GFC the authority to enforce the fire laws of the state nearly 100 years ago. To combat arson and enforce Georgia’s forestry…

Care For Your Community’s Trees

…system (the checklist and the process) can be used for municipal or county urban forest management programs, or to evaluate college or corporate campus management programs External Website exclamation-circle No…

Prescribed Burn Certification

…procedures and requirements for managing smoke from prescribed burns PDF V Smoke VSmoke-Web is a web-based implementation of VSmoke (Lavdas, 1996) and is designed to assist with planning prescribed burns…

GFC and COVID-19 – 5/27/20 Update

…show reasonable fire prevention precautions were not taken. It’s been a trying time for us all. The challenges and restrictions caused by COVID-19 have had far-reaching effects, yet we recognize…

Virtual Meeting Brings Together Prescribed Fire Proponents

…on Wednesday, September 30, from 10 AM – 3 PM. All elements of the online gathering are designed to promote stronger relationships and increased knowledge about prescribed fire. A dynamic…