Meet GFC’s Director: Tim Lowrimore

It is a real honor to be meeting you here, virtually. I am excited to be joining the Georgia Forestry Commission team and I look forward to the time we…

Forestry Services Contractors Directory

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? No Pesticide Applicator? No Bulldozing Burning For Site Prep Burning For…

Incident Command System

The ICS is managed by the National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS). It gets agencies on the same page by: integrating common communication terminology providing training systemizing qualifications supporting technology…

Forests & Water: A Critical Combination

Forests & Water: A Critical Combination By Scott Thackston, GFC Water Quality Program Coordinator At the Georgia Forestry Commission, we’re proud to share the countless benefits that forests supply. Not…

My Internship Experience Working with GFC State Lands

Guest Blog by Jason Rucker UAS Flight Ops Intern My name is Robert “Jason” Rucker, and this summer, I was an intern with the Georgia Forestry Commission’s State Lands Department….

Summer Camp Openings for Nature-Loving Middle Schoolers

…Forestry Youth Camp for rising seventh and eighth-graders will be held July 10-14 at the FFA/Family Career and Community Leaders of America facility on Lake Jackson, south of Covington, Ga….

A Note from GFC’s New Deputy Director

…my career, I have worked with private and public land managers, all while continuing training, deploying, and moving up in the Incident Command System. Through all of this, there have…