Certified Tree Professionals

…a number of ways to find a certified arborist in Georgia. Either through reliable word of mouth or through the web page listings of either the International Society of Arboriculture…

Forestry Intern’s Experience at GFC

…Memorial State Forest. I was lucky that the Region 5 office was located in the state forest, so when I had free time, I could go out into the woods…

Emergency Response

…a number of helpful tips to properly prepare. Georgia records some 3,500 wildfires annually. There is a higher risk of wildfire in the wildland urban interface (WUI), where homes are…

Society of American Foresters (SAF)

SAF challenges landowners, decision makers, and society at large to make choices about our forests based on professional knowledge, leading-edge thinking, and a century of practical experience.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) in Georgia

…is capable of rapid population growth. In the Southeast, mild winters also allow greater numbers of HWA to survive the winter, leading to higher population grown than in the northeastern…

GFC Seedling Sales Open!

…you’re looking for super-fast growing loblollies, the Georgia Giants should be your choice. These seedlings have been rigorously tested and found to produce 71% more volume per acre. If you’re…

Seedling Webstore is Open for Business!

…more volume per acre than unimproved stock. For those seeking a longer term timber investment, our Elite Straight Loblolly is an excellent choice for superior straightness and fusiform rust resistance….

Leaf Watch Report for October 12, 2022

…still a good choice. It’s still a little early for the overlooks due to most of the higher elevations being composed of oaks, and they haven’t experienced significant color change,…