Local Forest Ranger Receives Fire Prevention Award

…In his nomination documents, Davis lauded English for numerous activities that promoted wildfire prevention. They included media appearances, extensive promotion of the Firewise USA program, many stints portraying Smokey Bear,…

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

The urbanization of the rural landscape has resulted in challenges for protecting not only natural resources, but also homes and people. Communities in the WUI are at risk of catastrophic…

Insecticide Applicators and Vendors for Hemlock Woolly Adelgids

…License Adelrid GPAL # 10410 Jann George 706.318.4458 customerservice@adelrid.org www.adelrid.org Dr. Mark Shearer GPAL # 06263 Mark Shearer 706.864.4787 markshearer@windstream.net www.hemlockdoctor.com Greenside Up GPAL # 100472 David Rogers 706.248.0179 laqueratts@comcast.net…

New Online Tool Tracks Georgia Wildfire Activity

…progress and the facts can be accessed from a computer or smart phone.” Sorrells explained that the Wildfire Public Viewer is directly linked to the Georgia Forestry Commission’s (GFC) wildfire…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…nursery stock each year. The Georgia Forestry Commission samples native vegetation surrounding these nursery sites as well as from forested areas throughout the state and to date, no native plants…

Christmas Tree Vendor Directory

…- Come See Come Saw David Bosshardt Call For Appointment , , Phone: 706-861-5672 County: Walker Call for appointment and directions. Blue Ice; Leyland Cypress; White Pine; Open Date: Mon:…