2021 Cogongrass in Georgia January Update

The 1457 cogongrass spots encompass a total of 373 acres. The status and treatment for each spot is at varying levels. The Georgia Forestry Commission recognizes a spot as eradicated after three consecutive years of finding no cogongrass resprouts.

Spring Tree Care

…out why it’s important to hire a commercial International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist at: Ask the Arborist Series: Why Hire an Arborist and where to find one at www.treesaregood.org/findanarborist….

Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)

Eligibility County Farm Service Agency (FSA) committees determine land eligibility using on-site damage inspections that assess the type and extent of damage. To be eligible for EFRP, NIPF land must:…

Huber “Trees for Georgia” Program

…The application must be signed by the landowner. The list of applicants will be compiled and randomly selected if necessary. Final approvals will be announced by August 30, 2024. Approved…

Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…have combined to give the look and feel of fall for Northeast Georgia. While the birches, poplars, and sycamores have all but completed their fall showing, other species like dogwood,…

Timber Harvest Notifications

…Harvesting Notification Requirements In compliance with legislation that updated OCGA 12-6-24, the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) will launch an easy-to-use, statewide harvest notification website, which will replace county-by-county notifications. The…

2015 Georgia Harvest and Utilization Study

This resource bulletin describes the principal findings of a harvest and utilization study conducted during the ninth inventory of Georgia’s forest resources. Survey crews sampled and measured trees harvested in a variety of logging operations, and analysts calculated wood volume and percent of wood utilization. Harvest volume data and factors for growing-stock and nongrowing-stock logging residue are described and interpreted.


…with an average of 100 new locations annually, with a record of 156 new cogongrass locations reported in 2021. The second part of the program is eradication. Eradication is completed…