2019 Conservation and Restoration Priorities in the Middle Chattahoochee River Basin

The Chattahoochee River originates in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains above Helen, Georgia, and drains almost 5.6 million acres (8770 mi2) of piedmont and coastal plain landscape in Alabama and Georgia. With a length of 430 miles, it is commonly divided into three segments, with the Upper Chattahoochee flowing through Atlanta before becoming the Middle Chattahoochee through Columbus. From Lake Walter F. George, the Lower Chattahoochee
flows south toward Lake Seminole, where it joins with the Flint River to form Lake Seminole, which drains, in turn, into the Apalachicola River and the Gulf of Mexico. Along the way, the Chattahoochee provides drinking water for more than half of all Georgians and recreation opportunities on the reservoirs above the 13 dams that punctuate its course.

2021 Cogongrass in Georgia January Update

The 1457 cogongrass spots encompass a total of 373 acres. The status and treatment for each spot is at varying levels. The Georgia Forestry Commission recognizes a spot as eradicated after three consecutive years of finding no cogongrass resprouts.

Think safety before starting a burn.

* Georgia law no longer requires notification to the Georgia Forestry Commission by people planning to burn yard debris. Charges may apply if wildfire results from escaped burning and evidence…

Pine Bark Beetles

…the most destructive and can kill large numbers of healthy trees over many acres in a short period of time. Black turpentine beetles and Ips beetles are generally attracted to…

2019 GA Carbon Sequestration Summary

Over 1.5 billion metric tons of carbon is sequestered on Georgia timberland according to 2019 Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) data, provided by the U.S. Forest Service. This includes 23.2 million acres on federal, state/local, and private property. It accounts for carbon in aboveground and belowground live and dead biomass, aboveground and belowground understory vegetation, coarse woody debris, soil, and leaf litter. This estimate excludes timberland primarily consisting of exotic species and non-stocked stands (previously forested land that has yet to be replanted or produce substantial natural vegetation).

Final Leaf Watch Report for November 17th, 2021

…few maples are still showing some vivid colors of yellow and orange. Overall color intensity will likely decrease in the coming week as leaves continue to drop. Species specifics: Dogwood…

Seedling Webstore is Open for Business!

GFC Guest Blog: Seedling Sales by Reforestation Chief Jeff Fields Georgia Forestry Commission seedling sales began on July 1 and orders are coming in at a rapid pace. If you…

Berrien County Woods Arson Suspect Jailed

…Brown, 37, is facing 55 charges in connection with 13 intentionally set fires that burned 13.7 acres and threatened the lives of local and state officers. If convicted on all…

Arbor Day Foundation Georgia Tree Planting Program

…local forester’s contract information, and required documents for payment (seedling invoice, planting invoice, map). Once tree planting has been completed, the landowner will submit necessary invoices and the tree planting…