GFC Centennial

Long, long before there were people dedicated to the sustainability of the resource, there were trees. Millions upon millions of acres, stretching beyond the horizon in every cardinal direction. The…

Pine Bark Beetles

For more specific information on SPB, click here. Pine bark beetles are native to Georgia and can have devastating effects on pine trees. Pine bark beetles found throughout Georgia include…

Southern Pine Beetle Cost Share Program (SPB)

Purpose The purpose of the SPBP is to help landowners implement various silvicultural practices that will prevent (or minimize) impacts of southern pine beetle infestations, restore healthy, more beetle-resistant forests…

Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP)

Purpose The purpose of the Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP) is to promote healthy forests by eliminating nonnative, invasive plants. If left unchecked, lands occupied by these plants become unproductive…

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)

Eligibility Land must be either cropland (including field margins) that was planted or considered planted to an agricultural commodity four of six crop years from 2012 to 2017, and which…

Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)

Eligibility County Farm Service Agency (FSA) committees determine land eligibility using on-site damage inspections that assess the type and extent of damage. To be eligible for EFRP, NIPF land must:…

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

Eligibility Farmers, ranchers and owners of private, non-industrial forest land that promote agricultural production, forest management and environmental quality. Forestry Practices Covered Prescribed burning, site preparation & tree planting, pre-commercial…

One Tree Planted – Reforestation Program

Program Overview One Tree Planted is providing funding to assist private landowners in North Georgia with reforestation expenses. The funds will reimburse approved landowners $100/acre on eligible reforestation practices. Signup…