GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

…from i75. Turn left on Hwy 157 on top of lookout mountain (Or continue on Hwy 157 to go to Cloudland Canyon). Turn left on Daughtery Gap Rd to come…

Save Energy – Plant Trees!

Plant trees to lower utility bills, save energy, and add value to your property. A homeowner learns how in this Georgia Forestry Commission video.

Spring Tree Care

…to be considered established. An additional year of supplemental watering may be needed if that year has long periods of high temperatures and drought. Another formula to remember is this:…

Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP)

…by April 1, 2025. Application Process This program is administered by the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) with US Forest Service funds. The sign-up period is currently closed. Additional information can…

Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)

Eligibility County Farm Service Agency (FSA) committees determine land eligibility using on-site damage inspections that assess the type and extent of damage. To be eligible for EFRP, NIPF land must:…

Huber “Trees for Georgia” Program

…qualified landowners. Signup period: The signup period ends on August 16, 2024. To apply, complete a Huber “Trees for Georgia” seedling application and return it to the local GFC Forester….

One Tree Planted – Reforestation Program

…tree planting plan for the acreage involved. The plan will quantify acreage and address site preparation and planting specifications. The applicant must agree to follow the plan to be eligible…

GA Outdoor Burn Notification System Frequently Asked Questions

GA code section 12-6-90 eliminates the need to notify the Georgia Forestry Commission when a person, firm,corporation or association intends to burn hand-piled vegetation/yard debris. Important fire prevention precautions for burners, however, were added.

Leaf Watch Report October 13th, 2021

…with meadows are enhanced with the addition of a full bloom of asters, golden rods, wild sunflowers, and bright red sumac. A combination of this and a hint of color…