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TitleDescriptionTopicDocument Type
2020 Meeting Notices, Board of Directors MeetingsPDF
“A Tree’s Dream” Environmental Education Program

These materials teach youth about ways we are conserving Earth’s natural resources and protecting the environment through the “A Tree’s Dream” video and accompanying lessons.

Classroom ResourcesExternal Website
“One Tree Planted” Oak Establishment Program 2020-21 Public NoticeForest Management & ConservationPDF
“One Tree Planted” Seedling ApplicationForest Management & ConservationPDF
07.30.2020 Board Meeting Agenda2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
09-28-22 Leaf Watch Report

GFC Fall Leaf Watch report for September 28th, 2022 in North Georgia.

2022 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
1. GA Tree Owners Manual

From Planting to Maintenance

Georgia Releaf Grant Program Resources, Homeowner Help, TAG Grant Program ResourcesPDF
10-05-22 Leaf Watch Report

GFC Fall Leaf Watch report for October 5th, 2022 in North Georgia

2022 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-11-23 Leaf Watch Report2023 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-12-22 Leaf Watch Report

GFC Fall Leaf Watch report for October 12th, 2022 in North Georgia.

2022 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-13-21 Leaf Watch Report

Lowering temperatures and adequate rainfall has led to the beginning of foliage color change in NW GA.

2021 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-18-23 Leaf Watch Report2023 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-20-21 Leaf Watch Report

The past week has been cool and sunny with a little rain, allowing many of the trees to slowly progress with color change. Areas with high concentrations of blackgum and sourwood are currently showing the most vivid colors providing differing shades of red and orangeSassafras is also beginning to show a variety of colors including yellow, orange and red. 

2021 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-20-22 GFC Leaf Watch Report

GFC Fall Leaf Watch report for October 20th, 2022 in North Georgia.

2022 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-25-23 Leaf Watch Report2023 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-26-22 GFC Leaf Watch Report

GFC Fall Leaf Watch report for October 26th, 2022 in North Georgia.

2022 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-27-21 Leaf Watch Report

Foliage color change is steadily progressing and is most visible in areas above 2000 feet. Sourwood and blackgum continue to provide a majority of the red patches seen from overlooks and ridges. Hickory and poplar have made the most significant changes over the past week as they are beginning to display a mix of vivid yellows, golds, and browns.

2021 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10-4-23 Leaf Watch Report2023 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
10/7/21 Leaf Watch Report

Cooler nights, sunny days, and adequate rainfall are signaling the beginning of the fall foliage season. Trees are on track to display vivid changes in color over the next four weeks.

2021 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
11-02-22 Final Leaf Watch Report

Final GFC Fall Leaf Watch report for November 2nd, 2022 in North Georgia.

2022 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
11-1-23 Leaf Watch Report2023 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
11-11-21 Leaf Watch Report

Color change has surpassed peak in a majority of NW GA. Overlooks are showing duller shades of yellow, brown and gold, with occasional patches of red. There is very little green left and many species such as yellow poplar, sourwood, and blackgum have lost a majority of their leaves, resulting in patches with little to no color.

2021 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
11-17-21 Final 2021 Leaf Watch Report

Foliage color change is ending in NW GA as a large percentage of trees have lost their leaves. The few leaves remaining are showing dull colors of brown, yellow, and red. Chestnut oak, white oak, and red oak are among the few species retaining leaves contributing to arrays of brown and yellow.  Select few maples are still showing some vivid colors of yellow and orange.

Overall color intensity will likely decrease in the coming week as leaves continue to drop. 

2021 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
11-4-21 Leaf Watch Report

Fall color change in Northwest GA remains approximately one week behind last year. Many areas from 1500 to 3000 feet are currently at peak, displaying a wide variety of vivid yellows and dull reds. A large percentage of red maple have transformed into differing shades of bright and vivid yellows with occasional reds dramatically changing the views seen from overlooks and valleys. Chestnut oak, red oak, and white oak have made significant changes as they are currently exhibiting shades of gold, brown, and yellow.   

2021 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
11-8-23 Leaf Watch Report2023 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
12.01.20 Board Meeting Agenda2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
1999 – 2009 Georgia Trout Stream BMP’s Interpretation addendum

Georgia’s forestry BMP manual (revised in 1999 and 2009) recommends a 100 foot wide Streamside Management Zone, measured from the stream bank horizontally outward away from the stream; to be implemented on all Georgia designated primary or secondary trout streams – and tributaries (p. 11 Georgia’s BMPs for Forestry manual).

Water QualityPDF
2. GFC and Georgia ReLeaf Grant Program – How to Plant a 5 Gallon Containerized Tree

How to plant a containerized tree from a Georgia ReLeaf Tree Giveaway.

Georgia Releaf Grant Program ResourcesVideo
2011 Forestry BMP Survey HighlightsBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2012 Georgia Forestry BMPs for Forest Firefighting Dip Sites and Associated Spoils Material

In some instances, forest fire fighting activities dictate the need for adequate sources of water for use in forest fire suppression. Such water can be taken, through the use of helicopter dip buckets, from ponds, lakes, rivers, or other existing sources.

Fire Prevention & Suppression, Water QualityPDF
2013 Forestry BMP Survey HighlightsBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2013 Forestry Pesticide Applications – Complying with Georgia’s Pesticide General Permit (GAG820000)

Forestry herbicide applications are commonly used to help control competing vegetation in pine plantations. Pine plantations may occur in areas that could be considered waters of the state, especially in the Coastal Plain Region of Georgia.

Water QualityPDF
2013 Results of Georgia’s Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation and Compliance SurveyBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2013 Using Geoweb and Geotextiles for Stream Crossings

Learn about Geoweb and Geotextiles with this informational sheet.

Water Quality
2015 Forestry BMP Survey HighlightsBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2015 Georgia Harvest and Utilization Study

This resource bulletin describes the principal findings of a harvest and utilization study conducted during the ninth inventory of Georgia’s forest resources. Survey crews sampled and measured trees harvested in a variety of logging operations, and analysts calculated wood volume and percent of wood utilization. Harvest volume data and factors for growing-stock and nongrowing-stock logging residue are described and interpreted.

Forest UtilizationExternal Website, PDF
2015 Results of Georgia’s Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation and Compliance SurveyBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2016 FIA Data – Forest Inventory and Analysis Program: Trends for Georgia’s Forest Land

Collected information for the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program, a cooperative program between the U.S. Forest Service and the states to provide estimates of the condition of the forest and forest trend data.

Forest Industry Analysis, Timber Products
2016 Savannah Clean Warter Fund Summary

Overview of the project to protect the water supply for communities and businesses along the Savannah River in Georgia and South Carolina.

Water QualityPDF
2017 Firebreak Installation and Water Quality Brochure

General Procedures for Compliance with the Clean Water Act.

Best Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2017 Forestry BMP Survey HighlightsBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2017 Results of Georgia’s Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation and Compliance SurveyBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2018-2022 Georgia Forest Inventory & Analysis Fact Sheet

This fact sheet is adapted from the current Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) data available for Georgia.  The data for this report comes from the United States Forest Service and the USFS Evalidator database.

Forest Industry, Forest Industry AnalysisPDF
2019 Best Management Practices – BMPs

Information for landowners, foresters, timber buyers, loggers, site preparation and reforestation contractors, and others involved with silvicultural operations about common-sense, economical and effective practices to minimize non-point source pollution (soil erosion and stream sedimentation) and thermal pollution. These minimum practices are called BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES and are commonly referred to as BMPs.

Best Management Practices, Fire Prevention & Suppression, Forest Industry, Forest Management & Conservation, Water QualityPDF
2019 BMP Brochure – Sustaining Your Forest and Georgia’s Water Quality

Forestry BMPs are an important part of the practice of sustainable forestry. Simply defined, sustainable forestry is ” … the management of forests to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.”

Best Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2019 Conservation and Restoration Priorities in the Middle Chattahoochee River Basin

The Chattahoochee River originates in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains above Helen, Georgia, and drains almost 5.6 million acres (8770 mi2) of piedmont and coastal plain landscape in Alabama and Georgia. With a length of 430 miles, it is commonly divided into three segments, with the Upper Chattahoochee flowing through Atlanta before becoming the Middle Chattahoochee through Columbus. From Lake Walter F. George, the Lower Chattahoochee
flows south toward Lake Seminole, where it joins with the Flint River to form Lake Seminole, which drains, in turn, into the Apalachicola River and the Gulf of Mexico. Along the way, the Chattahoochee provides drinking water for more than half of all Georgians and recreation opportunities on the reservoirs above the 13 dams that punctuate its course.

Water QualityPDF
2019 Forestry BMP Survey HighlightsBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2019 GA Carbon Sequestration Summary

Over 1.5 billion metric tons of carbon is sequestered on Georgia timberland according to 2019 Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) data, provided by the U.S. Forest Service. This includes 23.2 million acres on federal, state/local, and private property. It accounts for carbon in aboveground and belowground live and dead biomass, aboveground and belowground understory vegetation, coarse woody debris, soil, and leaf litter. This estimate excludes timberland primarily consisting of exotic species and non-stocked stands (previously forested land that has yet to be replanted or produce substantial natural vegetation).

Carbon SequestrationPDF
2019 Georgia’s Best Management Practices for Forestry Manual

The purpose of this manual is to inform landowners, foresters, timber buyers, loggers, site preparation and reforestation contractors, and others involved with silvicultural operations about common-sense, economical and effective practices to minimize non-point source pollution (soil erosion and stream sedimentation) and thermal pollution. These minimum practices are called BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES and are commonly referred to as BMPs.

Water QualityPDF
2019 Results of Georgia’s Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation and Compliance SurveyBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2020 – Georgia Statewide Forest Resources Strategy

Georgia’s original Forest Action Plan was produced with contributions from many program leaders of the Georgia Forestry Commission, Georgia Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Forest Service. Content contributors included Dr. Jon Ambrose, Constance Buford, Joe Burgess, Scott Thackston, Devon Dartnell, David Dickinson, Frank Sorrells, Ken Parker, Gary White, Scott Griffin, Josh Love, Joan Scales, Jim Ozier, Dru Preston, Dick Rightmyer, Buford Sanders and Risher Willard. Liz Kramer, University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences contractor, conducted the GIS analyses. Final document design and production was accomplished by Wendy Burnett, Kassie Keck and Stasia Kelly. Development and publication of this document was assisted by a grant from the National Association of State Foresters.

Forest Action Plan, Forest Management & ConservationPDF
2020 Cogongrass County Density Map Winter UpdateForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2020 Cogongrass in Georgia – Spring Update

Twenty three new detections have been confirmed from January 1, 2020 through March 10, 2020 in Georgia, bringing the statewide cumulative total to 1,374 cogongrass spots.

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2020 Cogongrass in Georgia Update

An updated listing of Georgia Counties with known Cogongrass infestations.

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2020 Cogongrass in Georgia Winter Update

There were 95 new detections in 2019, bringing the number of known cogongrass spots in the state to 1351, scattered across 65

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2020 Cogongrass in Georgia Winter UpdateForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2020 Cogongrass Percent Inactive Map Winter UpdateForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2020 Conservation and Restoration Priorities in the Upper Oconee River BasinWater QualityPDF
2020 Georgia Southern Pine Beetle Prediction Survey Update

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) participates annually in the southern pine beetle (SPB) prediction trapping program. The southern pine beetle is the most destructive forest pest in the southeastern states. Survey results are documented in an annual report so that activity and damage levels can be anticipated and mitigated.

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2020 Georgia Timber Product Output and Use

Georgia forests accounted for a total of 1,383,131 thousand cubic feet (MCF) of timber products while the forest products industry produced a total of 1,395,847 MCF within the State.

Timber Product Output (TPO)PDF
2020 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in Georgia (brochure)

Important dosage information for treating infestations of hemlock woolly adelgid.

Forest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, InsectsPDF
2020 HWA Soil Drench Treatment InstructionsPDF
2020 HWA Soil Injection Treatment InstructionsPDF
2020 Known Cogongrass in Georgia Map

Overview map of cogongrass infestations in Georgia.

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2020 Lower Savannah River Watershed (LSRW) Initiative – Announcement

Announcement of the LSRW Initiative to support state forestry commissions and water utilities by strengthening the forest and drinking water connection through projects that enhance public surface water supplies.

Water QualityPDF
2020 Lower Savannah River Watershed (LSRW) Initiative – Project Area Map

Detail map of the areas within the LSRW Initiative.

Water QualityPDF
2020 Selling Your Timber

Selling timber can be a source of great satisfaction to a landowner. It may also be surprising, frustrating and stressful, especially for landowners who conduct timber sales infrequently. Relying on the expertise of a registered consulting forester for help with harvest planning and timber sales reduces the likelihood that sellers or buyers will be caught off guard – and that helps landowners get the highest return for their timber.

Timber Products, Timber Sales & Harvest Advice, Wood Using IndustriesPDF
2020 Soil Injector/Soil Drench Kit Loan Program

Soil injectors are provided by the Georgia Forestry Commission to aid those interested in treating their own trees. The injectors are loaned out free of charge but a $250 deposit is required.

Forest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, InsectsPage on GFC Website
2021 BMP Survey Results Report

Results of Georgia’s 2021 Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation and Compliance Survey

Water QualityPDF
2021 Cogongrass in Georgia January Update

The 1457 cogongrass spots encompass a total of 373 acres. The status and treatment for each spot is at varying levels. The Georgia Forestry Commission recognizes a spot as eradicated after three consecutive years of finding no cogongrass resprouts.

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2021 Cogongrass Percent Inactive Map Winter Update

Sources: Esri, Airbus DS, USGS, NGA, NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, OS,NMA, Geodatastyrelsen, Rijkswaterstaat, GSA, Geoland, FEMA, Intermap and the GIS user community, Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2021 Cogongrass Spring Newsletter

The Georgia Forestry Commission has begun the 15th year of its campaign to fight the exotic, invasive weed known as cogongrass. Forty three new detections have been confirmed from January 1, 2021 through March 17, 2021 in Georgia, bringing the statewide cumulative total to 1,501 cogongrass spots. This number is moderately higher than the 31 detections made during this same time period in 2020.

Forest Health Archived Resources
2021 Dirty Dozen (Top Twelve Nonnative Invasive Plants) List

72 counties have had cogongrass detections since 2007, and to date 34 of the 72 counties have no active cogongrass. Georgia’s proactive treatment program assists landowners across the state, and 85% of all known cogongrass spots in Georgia are considered inactive.

The Georgia Forestry Commission documents all known cogongrass infestations.Invasive Species: Any plant or animal that has been introduced and aggressively competes with and displaces local native communities; normally having no native enemies to limit reproduction and spread.

The Dirty Dozen List of Non-native Invasive Species is ranked by the total acres occupied according to Forest Inventory and Analysis data. Honey Suckle and Fescue are not included in this list. Credit for the data used to make this list to the US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis Program and The Georgia Forestry Commission FIA Foresters.

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2021 Firewood Map

Firewood industry list and map.

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
2021 Forestry BMP Survey Highlights

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) has completed its 2021 Forestry BMP Implementation Survey covering 260 randomly selected sites statewide.

Water QualityPDF
2021 GA Stewardship Steering Committee Meeting

The GA Stewardship Steering Committee along with the Georgia Forestry Commission have a discussion about partnerships, legacy, and other topics related to #stewardship in #Georgia. #forestry #gatrees #education #prescribedfire #forest #legacy #partnerships

Forest StewardshipVideo
2021 Low Water Crossing Installation in Lower Coastal Plain

The Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404, exempts normal, established, ongoing silvicultural activities from the permitting process for discharges of dredged or fill material in jurisdictional wetlands; provided that 15 federal mandates are complied with.

This crossing:
• Crossing Purpose: To access timber for harvesting
• Alternatives: Other side would have required crossing another stream and building a new road
• Primary objective of State Forest: Timber Production
• Management Plan: Harvest timber and then reforest

Best Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
2022 Chinese Privet Identification Sheet

Chinese (Ligustrum sinense), European (Ligustrum vulgare) and Japanese (Ligustrum japonicum) privets are all listed as invasive-exotic species that threaten native South Carolina forests. These are semi-evergreen, multi-stemmed shrubs or small trees that can grow up to a height of 20 feet. Ligustrum sp. are native to China, parts of Europe and Japan, and were first introduced into the United States around 1909 for ornamental use as shrub borders, erosion control plantings and wildlife forage. Characteristic flowers of Ligustrum species are showy, panicles of tiny, creamy-white flowers that are very fragrant and abundant in late spring through summer. Fruit produced are small, rounded dark-purple berries that persist throughout the winter, especially favored by birds.

Forest Health, Invasive PlantsPDF
2022 Cogongrass County Density Map Winter Update

Sources: Esri, Airbus DS, USGS, NGA, NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, OS, NMA, Geodatastyrelsen, Rijkswaterstaat, GSA, Geoland, FEMA, Intermap and the GIS user community, Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2022 Cogongrass in Georgia Winter Update

In 2021, Irwin, Jones, and Pierce Counties were the only counties reporting cogongrass for the first time. There were 156 detections in 2021, bringing the number of known cogongrass spots in the state to 1621, scattered across 72 counties.

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2022 Economic Benefits of the Forestry Industry in Georgia

Georgia’s forest industry has many components, which interact with all other sectors of the economy in complex ways. The purposes of this analysis are to: (1) quantify the level of economic activity conducted by the components of the forest industry, (2) estimate economic activity supported in all Georgia sectors by the industry’s activities, (3) compare the level of activity in the forest industry with other industries, and (4) quantify the economic activity of forest industry sectors within each of the 12 regional commissions in Georgia.

Doing Business in GeorgiaPDF
2022 Economic Factsheet of the Forest Industry in Georgia Factsheet

Economic activity is measured by output, employment, and compensation generated directly by Georgia’s forest industry.

Doing Business in GeorgiaPDF
2022 Georgia Firsts Fact Sheet

Georgia’s leadership in the production of forest products in the U.S. south, nation and world is possible because of the
state’s highly productive forests. On average, Georgia’s 23.8 million acres of commercial timberlands grow in excess of 24
million tons more wood per year than is harvested, resulting in growth exceeding removals by 48% for all species combined.

Forest UtilizationPDF
2022 Known Cogongrass in Georgia Map

Sources: Esri, Airbus DS, USGS, NGA, NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, OS, NMA, Geodatastyrelsen, Rijkswaterstaat, GSA, Geoland, FEMA, Intermap and the GIS user community, Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2022 Longleaf Pine Accomplishment ReportLongleaf Restoration & ManagementPDF
2022 Tornado Damage Assessment from April 5 and 6, 2022

Description of the Event: On Tuesday, April 5th, and Wednesday, April 6th, a strong storm system produced multiple tornadoes, mainly across central and South Georgia. Georgia Forestry Commission management foresters and GIS foresters helped assess and map out the damage that occurred throughout the state. There
were 33 tornado touchdowns, with seven of the tornadoes causing timber damage that required an assessment.

Storm Disaster Recovery, Timber ProductsPDF
2022 Water Quality Area Map

The state is divided into five regions to ensure the best management of water controls.

Forest Management & Conservation, Water QualityPDF
2023 Cogongrass County Density MapForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2023 Cogongrass Percent Inactive MapForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2023 Cogongrass Spring UpdateForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2023 Cogongrass Winter UpdateForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2023 Dirty Dozen (Top Twelve Nonnative Invasive Plants) ListForest Health, Invasive PlantsPDF
2023 Forestry BMP Survey Highlights

Highlights from Georgia’s 2023 Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation and Compliance Survey

Water QualityPDF
2023 Forestry BMP Survey Results Report

Results of Georgia’s 2023 Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation and Compliance Survey

Water QualityPDF
2023 Known Cogongrass in GeorgiaForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2023 Laurel Wilt Disease MapDiseases, Forest Health, Laurel Wilt DiseasePDF
2023 South GA cost share flyerPDF
2023-07-25-BiomassSupplierListForest BiomassPDF
2024 American Tree Farm System Landscape Management Plan for the State of Georgia

The American Forest Foundation (AFF), in conjunction with Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.(SFC), developed the original components, outlines, structure, and drafts of the Landscape Management Plan (LMP) and the associated geodatabase. AFF and SFC also worked cooperatively to evaluate and incorporate edits, comments, and modifications that resulted in the final LMP and geodatabase.

Forest StewardshipPDF
2024 Cogongrass County Density MapForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2024 Cogongrass Percent Inactive MapForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2024 Cogongrass Spring UpdateForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2024 Cogongrass Winter UpdateForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2024 Georgia Certified Mills & Products

This is a list of companies that participated in the Timber Product Output (TPO) annual survey of the primary wood-using industries in Georgia and reported that their wood procurement system and/or listed mills and/or products are certified through SFI, FSC, PEFC or SBP1.

Doing Business in Georgia, Forest Industry, Timber Products, Wood Using IndustriesPDF
2024 Georgia Exporting Mills


Timber Products, Wood Using IndustriesPDF
2024 Georgia Pine Sawmills Producing Mechanical and Stress Rated Lumber

During a previous survey of the primary wood-using industries in Georgia, the following companies reported to GFC personnel that their listed sawmills used mechanical grading systems. Please note that not all mills responded to this question and there may be other Georgia mills that utilize mechanical lumber grading. Final determination will depend upon individual contact with the mills.

Timber Products, Wood Using IndustriesPDF
2024 Georgia Southern Pine Beetle Prediction Survey ReportForest Health, InsectsPDF
2024 Known Cogongrass in GeorgiaForest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
2024 SGL Focal Area
2024-2025 Dawson Forest WMA Trail Use Schedule and Restrictions

Dawson Forest Wildlife Management Area (WMA) City of Atlanta Tract – Trail Schedule (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025)

2025 Cogongrass County Density MapCogongrassPDF
2025 Cogongrass Percent Inactive MapCogongrassPDF
2025 Cogongrass Winter UpdateCogongrassPDF
2025 Known Cogongrass in GeorgiaCogongrassPDF
3. Community Tree Planting and Establishment Guidelines

This Document is intended to aid homeowners and local government staff in planting and directing the establishment and maintenance of community trees.

Ask The Arborist - General Info, Community Help, Georgia Releaf Grant Program Resources, TAG Grant Program ResourcesPDF
4. Tree Planning and Planting Campaign: A Guide for Reforesting Cities and Towns

This document is a guide to reforesting cities and towns.

Georgia Releaf Grant Program ResourcesPDF
5. How to Plant Trees – A Homeowner’s Guide

“How do I plant a tree?” This is a common question, and tree planting and establishment guidelines have changed considerably over the past 20 years. Learning how to plant a tree and following proper practices when planting trees can lead to long term benefits from well established plants.

Ask The Arborist – Tree Care, Community Help, Community Resources, Forest Health, Georgia Releaf Grant Program Resources, Homeowner HelpPDF
6 Tree Giveaway Checklist

Checklist for planning and executing a Georgia ReLeaf-funded Tree Giveaway

Georgia Releaf Grant Program ResourcesPDF
9-27-23 Leaf Watch Report2023 Leaf Watch ReportsPage on GFC Website
A Closer Look at Stem Quality of Old-Field Planted Longleaf Pines

GFC worked with the University of Georgia on a longleaf pine stem quality study funded by a grant from the US Forest Service. This study was performed with the primary objective of quantifying the sawtimber and pole potential of longleaf pine trees planted in old-fields/pastures/hay fields. More than 200 landowner sites were
inventoried for stocking, condition and form quality.

Longleaf Restoration & ManagementPDF
About the Tree City USA Program

The Tree City USA program has been greening up cities and towns across America since 1976. It is a nationwide movement that provides the framework necessary for communities to manage and expand their public trees. Learn more.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
ACD Brochure – GFC changes
ADA Complaint FormHuman ResourcesPDF
Add A Line Fire Safety

Add a line to discover objects threaten by fire and things that protect them.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Affidavit for IndividualsPDF
Albany Pilot Project 2.0 V-Smoke Decision MatrixPDF
Albany Pilot Project Summary 2.0 (V2)PDF
Albany Pilot Project Summary V1
Ambrosia Beetles in Urban Trees

Ambrosia beetles are non-native (in Georgia) major wood-boring pests that usually attack hardwoods and ornamental trees during times of drought, storm damage and construction damage.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative (ALRI)

ALRI is a collaborative effort of multiple public and private sector partners that actively supports range-wide efforts to restore and conserve longleaf pine ecosystems.

Longleaf Restoration & ManagementExternal Website
American Carbon Registry

The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit enterprise of Winrock International, was founded in 1996 as the first private voluntary greenhouse gas registry in the world.

Carbon SequestrationExternal Website
Analysis of the Feasibility of Forest Biomass Production (2011)Forest BiomassPDF
Animal Tracks Activity

Activity for discovering animal tracks around your home.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Appendix A Agreement Addendum / FFATA (Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act)Rural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
Application Resources for Tree City USA

Several tools are available to help you meet the four standards and complete your application for Tree City USA recognition.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Application Webinar SlidesPDF
Appling CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
April 13, 20062006 Meeting NoticesPDF
April 16, 20152015 Meeting NoticesPDF
April 21, 20102010 Meeting NoticesPDF
April 23, 20132013 Meeting NoticesPDF
April 29, 20142014 Meeting NoticesPDF
April 30, 20132013 Meeting NoticesPDF
Arbor Day

Resources and ideas for local celebrations.

Community HelpPage on GFC Website
Arbor Day Foundation Seedlings Reimbursement Program Terms and Conditions
Area Fire Weather Forecast

Daily forecasts with NFDRS Ratings and State-wide Fire Danger Ratings

Burn Permits, Fire Disaster RecoveryPage on GFC Website
Ask for Wood Website

This is a link to Ask for Wood which is part of the Keeping Forests Initiative. The website contains a lot of facts on wood, it’s properties, environmental benefits, etc.

Timber ProductsExternal Website
Ask the Arborist

Online assistance for homeowner’s questions about the trees in your yard.

Community HelpPage on GFC Website
Ask The Arborist Series: Assessing Storm Damage 101

Steps on assessing storm damage around our home and property.

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Ask The Arborist Series: Best Pruning Tips & Techniques

Best tips and techniques on pruning trees

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Ask The Arborist Series: Best Watering Practices

Best watering practices for your trees

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Ask the Arborist Series: Insects and Diseases

Learn about different types of insects and diseases that can affect our trees.

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Ask The Arborist Series: Mulching Tips & Techniques

Tips & techniques for using mulch around your trees

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Ask The Arborist Series: Risk Assessment for your Trees

How to assess various types of trees and explains certain risk factors.

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Ask The Arborist Series: Why Hire an Arborist?

The importance of hiring an #ISA #Certified #Arborist to care for our trees.

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Ask the Arborist: Root and Soil Disturbance

Steps on how to assess root and soil disturbance and best practices.

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Ask the Arborist: Tree Identification 101

Shows us how to identify common trees in our backyard.

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Assessing Soil Water Resource Space

Trees require high quality resources in the correct proportions to perform best. Water, and the soil volume which holds water, are critical to great tree growth.

Ask The Arborist – Tree Care, Homeowner HelpPDF
Athens Community Tree CouncilTree Advocacy OrganizationsExternal Website
Atkinson CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
August 15, 20062006 Meeting NoticesPDF
August 16, 20072007 Meeting NoticesPDF
August 30, 20192019 Meeting NoticesPDF
August 8, 20132013 Meeting NoticesPDF
Autumn Leaves Flyer

Shorter days and cooler nights start a precise clockwork of physical and chemical interactions within leaf cells bringing forests ablaze with color as they prepare for winter dormancy. In response to certain environmental stimuli, leaf pigments begin to reveal themselves in the leaves of Georgia’s deciduous trees. The amount of pigments in trees depends on the tree species, soil composition, and other environmental components.

Leaf Watch Resources and PublicationsPDF
Bacon CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Baker CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Banks CWPP 2022Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Barrow CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Bartow CWPP -2013Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Be Smoke Savvy: Pocket Guide for Prescribed Fire Smoke ManagementPDF
Ben Hill CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Benefits of Tree Campus Higher Education® Program

A commitment to trees on your campus can significantly reduce the amount of energy a campus, and community, needs to generate.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Berrien County CWPP updated 2023Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Billy Lancaster Forestry Youth Camp

This Camp provides an indoor and outdoor classroom for energetic, inquisitive students to learn about forestry, wildlife, ecology, tree identification, fire protection, forest products and the people who manage these resources in Georgia’s vast forests. It was founded in 1988 by Billy Lancaster and is sponsored by the Georgia Division of the Society of American Foresters. For ages 12-13.

External Website
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Bloom or Bust?

A Document of the UNEP FI Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services Work Stream (BESW).

Ecosystem ServicesPDF
Biology and Management of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern U.S.

Hemlock trees in eastern forests are late successional tree species that provide shade for the forest understory. Globally, there are ten hemlock species, with populations located in Asia and eastern and western North America12. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana) grow in the eastern U.S. These trees have great ecological and cultural value in forests. However, the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae or HWA) is decimating hemlock populations throughout much of the trees’ native range, altering landscapes, and threatening these iconic tree species in both rural and urban areas.

Hemlock Woolly AdelgidExternal Website
Biomass Assessment Services for Industry (2008)Forest BiomassPDF
Biomass Designation and Tracking for Renewable Biofuels ProductionForest BiomassPDF
Biomass Supplier List

Biomass Supplier List

Bleckley CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Bot Canker in Ornamental Trees

Bot canker is a serious pathogen of landscape and ornamental trees. This fungus is opportunistic and generally requires a weakened or damaged host.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
Branding Guidelines

A PDF featuring a breakdown of GFC’s branding guidelines.

GFC Media ToolkitPDF
Brantley CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Brasstown Bald Webcams

Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest in Georgia

Leaf Watch External LinksExternal Website
Brooks CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Bryan County CWPP (Revised 2018)Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Bulloch CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Burke CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Butts CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Calhoun CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Callery Pear Information

Callery pear is one of the most rapidly-spreading invasive plants in the eastern U.S. This plant stems from cultivars of ornamental pears, most commonly the Bradford pear. Callery pear can have long thorns, and grows singly or in thick patches in old fields, roadsides, or forested areas.

Forest Health, Invasive PlantsExternal Website
Camden CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Campus Liability Endorsement Form

Liability Waiver

TAG Grant Program ResourcesPDF
Candler CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Carpenter Ants and Trees

Carpenter ants are common in log houses and other wooden structures. These insects are primarily a nuisance, and are not likely to cause serious damage quickly.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
Casualty Loss and Involuntary Conversion Applicable for Timberland Owners

A review of some of the Internal Revenue Service rules, regulations and or Revenue Rulings pertaining to Casualty Losses.

Taxes & Estate PlanningPDF
Catoosa CWPP -2013
Cavities in Trees

Cavities are created when physical wounding of the trunk occurs whether by human, weather or wildlife action. These wounds are then expanded by wood decaying fungi, bacteria or wildlife and can occur anywhere on the tree, but are most critical when they occur in the trunk or in major stems and branches.

Ask The Arborist - Structural Issues or Damaged TreesPDF
Center for Watershed Protection

Learn how to conduct Urban Tree Canopy assessments and goal setting.

Canopy Studies & Inventories, Community Planning, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Certified Burner Reciprocity AffidavitPDF
Champion Trees Overview

Learn more about how to measure, score, and nominate a Champion Tree.

Charlton CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Chatham CWPP -2020Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Chattahoochee CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Chattooga CWPP -2020Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
City of Atlanta Interactive Maps

Assessing Urban Tree Canopy in the City of Atlanta.

Canopy Studies & Inventories, Community Planning, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Clay CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Clean Water Connect The Dots

Learn about clean water while connecting the dots.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Cleaning our Air Fact Sheet

Did you know that Georgia’s 22 million acres of working forests provide clean air for you to breathe every day? Download fact sheet to learn more.

Benefits of Trees, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsPDF
Climate Action Reserve

A helpful source of information for Forest Offset Project Standards and Protocols.

Carbon SequestrationExternal Website
Clinch CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Coastal Arborist Association

The Coastal Arborist Association (CAA) was founded in 2015 to provide education, training, and fellowship to arborists in the coastal region of Georgia and South Carolina.

Community HelpExternal Website
Coastal Bryan Tree Foundation

Tree advocacy group.

Tree Advocacy Organizations, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Coastal Georgia’s Green Infrastructure & Stormwater Management

Discover the damaging effects of stormwater runoff and how you can help protect, preserve, and restore Coastal Georgia’s water quality and natural resources.

Green InfrastructureVideo
Cobb Trees

Tree advocacy group.

Tree Advocacy Organizations, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Code of Ethics for Prescribed Burn

The Code of Ethics for Prescribed Burners

Prescribed BurnPDF
Coffee CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Cogongrass Eradication Agreement

Form for landowners to submit for assistance with cogongrass eradication.

Cogongrass Eradication Strategies

GFC began treating cogongrass in 2007 and has developed several methods to combat the problem.

Cogongrass in Georgia

14 minute Youtube video descriving cogongrass and its impact in Georgia

Cogongrass in Georgia PSA

30 second Youtube video advising Georgians to be on the look out for cogongrass

Cogongrass: Identifying one of the Most Invasive Plant Species

Cogongrass is one of the most invasive plants in Georgia. Follow along with Lynne Womack, our Forest Health Coordinator, and Mark McClure, our Forest Health Specialist, as they discuss the characteristics, common look-a-likes, and location of Cogongrass.


Comprehensive information on cogongrass in Georgia along with links to other southeastern state efforts on cogongrass

CogongrassExternal Website
Color by Number

Color by Number to make a forest scene

Student WorksheetsPDF
Colquitt CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Columbia CWPP -2020Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Community Forestry Assistance Program

GFC’s Sustainable Community Forestry Program (SCFP) provides technical support to cities, counties, elementary schools, college campuses, home owners and nonprofit organizations.

Community HelpPage on GFC Website
Community Forestry Friend Program Application

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is rewarding communities and campuses implementing
exemplary urban forestry programs with a Community Forestry Friend social media badge. Earning
the badge means your community manages its trees with the best urban and community forestry
practices, partners and professionalism. Download application to apply for the Community Forestry Friend program.

Community Help, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
Comparing Certification Standards in the U.S.

A research study on how alternate forest certification systems could impact timberland economics in the United States. The three programs evaluated included ATFS, FSC and SFI.

Forest CertificationPDF
Conserving Habitat for Georgia’s Wildlife Fact Sheet

Georgia is one of the most biologically diverse states in the nation, and working forests play a big role ensuring healthy wildlife habitats. Download fact sheet to learn more.

Benefits of Trees, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsPDF
Cook CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Cooperative Forestry

The Cooperative Forestry unit of the USDA Forest Service works closely with partners to enhance and maintain forests across watersheds and ecosystems, both on private and public land, for the benefits they provide to the American people. Cooperative Forestry delivers its work through states, local governments, other federal agencies, non-profit organizations, and other partners leveraging additional resources and fueling innovation.

External Website
Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act Of 1978Rural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
Cost Share & Incentive Programs

Several federal, state, local and private cost sharing and incentive programs are available to help you meet your forestry management goals. Review programs.

Page on GFC Website
Cost Share & Incentive Programs

Learn about Cost-share and conservation assistance through federal and state programs.

Page on GFC Website
County Extension Offices

Connecting with your Extension County Office can keep you up to date with events, programs, and services just for you.

Disaster Recovery, Fire Disaster Recovery, Hurricane Helene, Storm Disaster RecoveryExternal Website
Coweta CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Crawford CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Crisp CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Current Fire Danger Rating

Daily updated information on current fire dangers across the state

Burn Permits, Fire Disaster RecoveryPage on GFC Website
Dade CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Daily Fire Danger Rating Map

Daily updates of fire risks across Georgia

Fire Prevention & Suppression, Incident Command System, Prescribed Burn, Wildfire PreventionExternal Website
Dawson CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Dawson Forest Basic Features MapForest Management & Conservation
Dawson Forest Trail MapForest Management & ConservationPDF
Dawson Forest Trail Use Restrictions 2024-25PDF
Dawson Horse Trail Permit ApplicationForest Management & ConservationPDF
Decatur CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
December 12, 20182018 Meeting NoticesPDF
Declining Urban and Community Tree Cover Report

National results indicate that tree cover in urban/community areas of the United States is on the decline at a rate of about 175,000 acres per year, which corresponds to approximately 36 million trees per year. View report.

Canopy Studies & Inventories, Community Planning, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Destination Ag: Our Family Tree Farm

Literary resources for elementary-level readers providing an entertaining and unique look into Georgia’s agriculture industry and a deeper connection to the food and fiber products importance in our daily lives.

Classroom ResourcesExternal Website
Dirty Dozen List – Nonnative Invasive Plants (2019)

The Dirty Dozen List of Nonnative Invasive Species is ranked by the total acres occupied according to Forest Inventory and Analysis data

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
Disaster Assistance – Federal Programs

USDA is here to help you prepare, recover, and build long-term resilience to natural disasters.

Storm Disaster RecoveryExternal Website
Disaster Resource Center

The USDA Disaster Resource Center offers information about specific disasters and emergencies, how to prepare, recover, and help build long-term resilience, as well as information about USDA assistance during disaster events.

Disaster Recovery, Storm Disaster RecoveryExternal Website
Discover Careers in the Forest

Explore various types of forestry careers through this booklet that is aligned with essential knowledge and skills in science and mathematics for grades 3rd through 5th. This workbook can stand alone or be easily integrated into existing lesson plans on ecology, earth science, or general environmental education.

Student WorksheetsExternal Website
Discrimination and Harassment complaint form

Human Resources filing document.

Human ResourcesPDF
Diseases of Leyland Cypress in the Landscape

Leyland cypress has become one of the most widely used plants in commercial and residential landscapes, and it is relatively pest-free. However, because of its relatively shallow root system, and because they are often planted too close together and in poorly drained soils, Leyland cypress is prone to root rot and several damaging canker diseases, especially during periods of prolonged drought.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
Distribution and Spread of Laurel Wilt Disease in Georgia (2006-08)

Survey and Field Observations – Laurel wilt is a disease of woody plants in the laurel family (Lauraceae). Hundreds of millions of redbay (Persea borbonia) trees have been killed by laurel wilt in the southeastern Atlantic Coastal Plain region of the United States.

Diseases, Forest Health, Laurel Wilt DiseasePDF
Dixon Memorial State Forest WMA MapPDF
Dodge CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Don’t Move Firewood

Georgia Forestry Commission Forest Health experts say moving firewood has been linked to the spread of destructive, non-native insects and diseases to forest ecosystems. While these pests can’t move far on their own, they can travel hundreds of miles when people move firewood, logs, chips, and mulch. Forest pests can kill our native trees and be very expensive, if not impossible, to control.

Leaf Watch Resources and PublicationsPDF
Don’t Move Firewood (brochure)

Important information about why moving firewood can cause big problems.

Forest Health, Moving FirewoodPDF
Don’t Move Firewood.org

The Don’t Move Firewood campaign is an outreach partnership managed by The Nature Conservancy. The overarching goal of the campaign is to protect trees and forests all across North America from invasive insects and diseases that can travel in or on contaminated firewood.

Forest Health, Moving FirewoodExternal Website
Dooly CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Dougherty CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
EAB – Destructive Tree Pest Detected in Georgia (2013)

An invasive insect responsible for the death or decline of tens of millions of ash trees in 20 states has been detected in Georgia for the first time.

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Forest Health Archived Resources, InsectsPDF
EAB – GAinvasives.org

Detailed information about emerald ash borer (EAB) from the Georgia Invasive Species Task Force.

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), InsectsExternal Website
EAB Chemical Treatments

Treatment options for emerald ash borer (EAB).

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Forest Health, InsectsPDF
EAB Homeowner Decision Guide

Guidelines for homeowners dealing with infestation from emerald ash borer (EAB) pests.

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Forest Health, InsectsPDF
EAB Insecticide Fact Sheet

Insecticide information for treatment of emerald ash borer (EAB).

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Forest Health, InsectsPDF
EAB Update (2020)

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was first detected in Georgia in 2013 in DeKalb and Fulton Counties and has now been found in 37 counties in Georgia. As of September 2020, there are infestations in 36 states and five Canadian provinces.

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)PDF
EAB Update (2021)

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was first detected in Georgia in 2013 in DeKalb and Fulton Counties and has now been found in 44 counties in Georgia. As of September 2021, there are infestations in 35 states, the District of Columbia and five Canadian provinces. Since 2013, both the Georgia Department of Agriculture and the Georgia Forestry Commission have followed federal guidelines and restricted the movement of ash materials out of quarantine areas.

Alerts & Updates, Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)PDF
EAB Update (2022)Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)PDF
EAB Update (2023)Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)PDF
Early CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Forest Tent Caterpillar and Fall Webworm

Helpful information about identifying and controlling tent caterpillars and webworms.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
Echols CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Ecosystem Marketplace

Launched as a web-based information platform in 2004, Ecosystem Marketplace publishes newsletters, breaking news, original feature articles and major reports about market-based approaches to conserving ecosystem services.

Ecosystem ServicesExternal Website
Ecosystem Services – A Guide for Decision Makers

A Guide for Decision Makers: by Janet Ranganathan, Karen Bennett, Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, Nicolas Lucas, Frances Irwin, Monika Zurek and Neville Ash and Paul West – March 2008

Ecosystem ServicesExternal Website
Effingham CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Elbert County CWPP (Revised 2020)Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
eLearn Urban Forestry (eXtension Campus)

eLearn Urban Forestry is a distance-learning program for beginning urban foresters and allied professionals. These include foresters, natural resource planners, landscape architects, city officials and public works employees. (ISA credit and certificate of completion available)

Community Help, Training & Workshops, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
eLearn Urban Forestry (Southern Regional Extension Forestry)

eLearn Urban Forestry is a distance-learning program for beginning urban foresters and allied professionals. These include foresters, natural resource planners, landscape architects, city officials and public works employees. (ISA credit not available)

Community Help, Training & Workshops, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Emanuel CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Rules & Regulations

EAB Rules and Regulations from the State of Georgia

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Forest Health, InsectsExternal Website

Website formed through a multinational effort to provide the latest information about the emerald ash borer (EAB)

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Forest Health, InsectsExternal Website
Emergency Response Plan for Community Officials

The purpose of this Emergency Storm Response Plan is to help clarify the roles of municipal personnel and establish uniform operating procedures in response to tree damage during storm events.

Storm Disaster RecoveryPDF
Emergency Response Plan for Community Officials

An effective storm plan will help to minimize a storm’s impacts on your community forest. This Emergency Response Plan developed in Columbus, GA is a good example.

Community Help, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
Energy Balance of Wood PelletsForest BiomassPDF
Entering a New Permit RequestPDF
Environmental Education in Georgia

Environmental Education Advances Quality Education, environmental education (EE) is a learning process that increases knowledge and awareness about the environment and develops skills that enable responsible decisions and actions that impact the environment.

Educational Programs, Training & WorkshopsExternal Website
Environmental Risks to Arthropods from Imidacloprid Applications for Hemlock Conservation

Managing hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) can involve use of insecticides. When it does, the non-target impacts (negative effects to other organisms) need to be thoroughly considered
and weighed against the environmental cost of inaction or alternative management approaches. Insecticides applied for HWA management are used for conservation purposes, which may seem counterintuitive. However, hemlocks are a key forest species, and so their loss can result in severe ecological consequences. To justify insecticide use against HWA, we have to ask: What are the possible negative consequences of using insecticides in the forest? We must consider these trade-offs in hemlock management. It is important to remember that there will be trade-offs in any kind of resource management discussion, even if it may not initially seem apparent. The negative environmental consequences of hemlock mortality must be weighed against the known consequences of insecticide use to preserve hemlocks.

Hemlock Woolly AdelgidPDF
EPA Office of Air and Radiation

Information for the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR), which oversees policies and protections for air quality and radiation exposure

Burn PermitsExternal Website
Estate Planning for Forest Landowners: What will become of your timberland?

The purpose of this book is to provide guidelines and assistance to nonindustrial private forest owners and the legal, tax, financial, insurance, and forestry professionals who serve them on the application of estate planning techniques to forest properties.

Taxes & Estate PlanningExternal Website
Evaluation of Laurel Wilt Disease in Georgia- Progression in Redbay and Sassafras (2008-2010)

Documentation of the growth and spread of Laurel Wilt in Georgia

Diseases, Forest Health, Laurel Wilt DiseasePDF
Evans CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Explore Georgia

Official Georgia Tourism and Travel Site

Leaf Watch External LinksExternal Website
Fall Color

Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest in Georgia

Leaf Watch External LinksExternal Website
Fall Color Pictures

Virginia Tech

Leaf Watch External LinksExternal Website
Fall Coloring Activity Sheet

Learn about why leaves change color in the fall through this coloring activity sheet.

Falling Trees and the Integrity of Tree Root Systems

Generally, trees with structurally sound root systems do not fall, except during very high wind events. When trying to determine which trees have root systems that are prone to failure, answers hinge upon a number of factors.

Ask The Arborist - Structural Issues or Damaged TreesPDF
Fannin CWPP -2011Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Farm Bill (2008)Forest Action Plan, Forest Management & ConservationExternal Website
February 14, 20112011 Meeting NoticesPDF
February 25, 20102010 Meeting NoticesPDF
February 4, 20082008 Meeting NoticesPDF
February 9, 20092009 Meeting NoticesPDF
Federal Clean Air Act

Overview of the Clean Air Act and corresponding protections and actions by the EPA

Burn PermitsExternal Website
FEMA Disaster Declaration Map

View GA Map of disaster declaration by FEMA.

Storm Disaster RecoveryPDF
FFP Program Overview

The Firefighter Property (FFP) Program refers to excess Department of Defense (DoD) property that is suitable for use in providing fire and emergency services.   The FFP Program began in 2005; Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) began participating in 2012.  The US Department of Defense (DoD) allows USFS to manage excess DoD Firefighting property transfers.  USFS works in cooperation with the State agency responsible for wildland and rural firefighting to ensure authorized and qualified firefighting entities are Users/Recipients of the property.

Rural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
FIA Statistics Report for Georgia (1997)

This report highlights the principal findings of the seventh forest survey of Georgia. Field work began in November 1995 and was completed in April 1998. Six previous surveys, completed in 1936, 1953, 1961, 1972, 1982, and 1989 provide statistics for measuring changes and trends over the previous 62 years.

Forest Industry AnalysisPDF
Financial Detail Form

Budget worksheet to be used with all TAG grant applications.

TAG Grant Program ResourcesExcel
Find Tree Campus Higher Education® Schools

View campuses receiving Tree Campus Higher Education® recognition!

Celebrate Trees
Find Tree City USA Communities

Thousands of Tree City USA communities—large and small—have made a commitment to their urban tree canopy and their residents. Check them our.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Find Tree Line USA Utilities Participants

Directory for Tree Line USA Utilities.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Fine Fuel Moisture Table

A close estimate of the fine dead fuel moisture (FDFM) on your burn unit any time a FDFM reading is desired

Prescribed BurnPDF
Fire Danger Rating

Graphic data from statewide fire danger weather stations

Burn PermitsPage on GFC Website
Fire In The Forest

Learn about forest fires and prescribe burning.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week works to educate everyone about the small but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe. Learn more about creating a plan.

Educational ProgramsExternal Website
Fire Weather Forecast

Current Fire Weather Forecasts and current National Fire Danger Ratings by GFC Areas

Fire Disaster Recovery, Fire Prevention & Suppression, Incident Command System, Prescribed Burn, Wildfire PreventionExternal Website
Firewise Success Story – Wildcat Community / Dawson County

Overview of the Firewise program in Wildcat community in the North Georgia mountains

Fire Prevention & Suppression, FirewisePDF
Firewise USA®

A program that teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together to prevent losses

Fire Prevention & Suppression, Wildfire PreventionExternal Website
Firewood – Stop Invasives (Poster)

Reminders about the dangers of moving firewood and spreading insect infestations and growth of invasives.

Forest Health, Moving FirewoodPDF
Fireworks Safety – FirewiseFirewisePDF
Five Year Plan for Georgia’s Urban & Community Forest

The five-year plan is a guidance document for the Urban & Community Forestry program of the GFC and the GTC. The plan is developed by a diverse group of industry leaders in Georgia.

Canopy Studies & Inventories, Community Planning, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
Floyd CWPP -2011Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Food Forest Species List

Species list for U&CF funded grant projects involving food forest. Contains species for North Georgia and South Georgia

TAG Grant Program ResourcesPDF
Forecast Fire Danger Rating

Daily updates for 24-hour fire danger forecast

Burn PermitsPage on GFC Website
Forecast Fire Danger Rating for the Co-Op Area

Forecasted weather conditions and fire danger ratings for the Co-Op Area (Oakland Station – North Marion County)

Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative, Helpful ResourcesExternal Website, Page on GFC Website
Forest Action Plan – GA Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources (2015)

Georgia’s 24 million acres of forest land are a rich and renewable resource that provide a myriad of benefits to citizens across the state. This updated Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources addresses the conditions and issues at hand today, and prioritize concerns for the near and distant future.

Forest Action Plan, Forest Management & ConservationPDF
Forest Animals Word Scramble

Unscramble letters to discover forest animals.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Forest Certification and the Sustainability Issue Concerning Wood Products

Helpful overview regarding the merits of Forest Certification.

Forest CertificationPDF
Forest Certification FAQsForest CertificationPDF
Forest Debris Management Program Performance Form

Form to help you gather the appropriate information for Forest Debris Management Program (FDMP) activities.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Forest Debris Management Program Practices

View acceptable debris management practices include chipping, grinding, root raking, piling, windrowing, pile burning, or other cost-effective methods to manage storm damage debris.

Storm Disaster RecoveryPDF
Forest Fast Break Videos

Short videos to highlight important forestry-related topics.

Classroom ResourcesExternal Website
Forest Health

A healthy forest is a working forest. They work to filter our water, clean our air, and provide homes for wildlife and peaceful spaces for us to enjoy. Learn more about healthy forests.

Page on GFC Website
Forest Health GuideForest Health, Forest Health General InfoPDF
Forest Health Program Area MapForest Health General InfoPDF
Forest Industry & Analysis (FIA) – National ProgramForest Action PlanExternal Website
Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) National Program

As the Nation’s continuous forest census, the FIA program projects how forests are likely to appear 10 to 50 years from now. This enables us to evaluate whether current forest management practices are sustainable in the long run and to assess whether current policies will allow the next generation to enjoy America’s forests as we do today.

Forest Industry AnalysisExternal Website
Forest Legacy – Assessment of Needs

This assessment documents the need for a Forest Legacy Program in Georgia; identifies and delineates the boundaries of forest areas meeting the eligibility
requirements for designation as Forest Legacy Areas; and provides details of recommended areas for inclusion in the Forest Legacy.

Forest LegacyPDF
Forest Legacy Areas (2016 Map)Forest LegacyPDF
Forest Management Plan

A forest management plan is the roadmap to a healthy forest. Landowners have diverse goals for their forested land. Explore the benefits of creating a forest management plan.

Page on GFC Website
Forest Product Sales Agreement (SAMPLE ONLY)

This is an example of a contract agreement for the sale of timber or forest products. It is meant for informational purposes and is a SAMPLE ONLY. This document has no legal standing in the execution of a sale between parties.

Timber Sales & Harvest AdvicePDF
Forest Product Sales Contract for Lump Sum Sales Sample

Sample contract agreement for private landowners selling trees, timber or wood by lump sum.

Timber Sales & Harvest AdvicePDF
Forest Product Sales Contract for Per-unit Sales Sample

Sample contract agreement for private landowners selling trees, timber or wood by unit.

Timber Sales & Harvest AdvicePDF
Forest Products Network Website

View listings of primary forest products mills or secondary forest products manufacturers.

Wood Using IndustriesExternal Website
Forest Products Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt for forest product items around the house/yard.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Forest Road and Firebreak Program AnnouncementPDF
Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis

The Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program has provided the Nation’s forest census since 1930. A system of forest measurement field plots across the United States serves as the program’s foundation.

Canopy Studies & InventoriesExternal Website
Forest Steward Designation Evaluation Form

Landowners enrolled in Georgia’s Forest Stewardship Program should periodically be evaluated to ensure they are on the path of good land stewardship. Before a landowner can be honored as a Forest Steward, a completed copy of this evaluation form along with a copy of the forest stewardship plan must be provided to the local District Stewardship Forester.

Forest StewardshipPDF
Forest Stewardship Glossary

A glossary of Forestry & Wildlife terms. Authored by the Georgia Forestry Commission.

Forest StewardshipPDF
Forest Stewardship Program Application

Apply to the Forest Stewardship Program.

Forest StewardshipPDF
Forest Stewardship Program Map

Contacts and map.

Forest Stewardship
Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Series: Longleaf Pine

Episode two of our Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Video series. The topic of this video is Longleaf Pine.

Forest StewardshipExternal Website
Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Series: Managing Land for Wildlife

Episode seven of our Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Video series. The topic of this video is Managing Land for Wildlife.

Forest StewardshipExternal Website
Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Series: Pine Bark Beetles

Episode one of our Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Video series. The topic of this video is Pine Bark Beetles.

Forest StewardshipExternal Website
Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Series: Prescribed Burning

Episode five of our Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Video series. The topic of this video is Prescribed Burning.

Forest StewardshipExternal Website
Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Series: Shortleaf

Episode four of our Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Video series. The topic of this video is Shortleaf.

Forest StewardshipExternal Website
Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Series: Tree Thinning

Episode six of our Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Video series. The topic of this video is Tree Thinning.

Forest StewardshipExternal Website
Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Series: Water Quality

Episode three of our Forest Stewardship Virtual Field Day Video series. The topic of this video is Water Quality.

Forest StewardshipExternal Website
Forest, Farm, and Homeowners: Address Heirs Property, Unlock Your Wealth, and Mitigate Natural DisastersForest Management & Conservation, Forest StewardshipPage on GFC Website

Forest2Market is a global provider of timber pricing, cost benchmarks and in-depth analytics for participants in the wood raw materials supply chain. Our data-based solutions provide insight into complex business issues and support fact-based decision making and planning.

Timber Sales & Harvest AdviceExternal Website

Global Wood & Fiber Supply Chain Experts.

External Website
Forestry Biomass Assessment for Georgia (2021)Forest BiomassPDF
Forestry Services Contractors Directory

Directory of contractors who provide forestry services including forest management practices, mulching, bulldozer work, etc.

Hurricane HelenePage on GFC Website
Forests of Georgia, 2020

Overview of forest resources in Georgia based on an inventory conducted by the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program, the Southern Research Station (SRS) in cooperation with the Georgia Forestry Commission.

Forest Industry, Forest Industry Analysis, Forest Inventory and Analysis, Research & Fact Sheets, Research & Studies, Timber ProductsPDF
Franklin County CWPP 2024Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Friday, March 27, 2020 – Agenda

Friday, March 27, 2020 – Agenda

2020 Meeting Notices, Board of Directors Meetings
Friday, March 27, 2020 – Meeting Notice

Board Meeting note for Friday, March 27, 2020.

2020 Meeting Notices, Board of Directors Meetings
FSA Farm Fact SheetPDF
Fun in the Woods Coloring Sheet

Coloring sheet showing fun things to do in the woods.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Fungal Conks on Trees

Fungal Conks, or mushrooms growing from the trunk or base of a tree, are an indication that a rotinducing pathogen has taken up residence. Some of these fungi are significantly less harmful than others, but all warrant further investigation.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
FY25 WCG Rx Fire Applicants Information

This cost-share program is focused on reintroducing prescribed fire in the Chattahoochee Fall Line area of Georgia to provide ecological benefits and reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. The program will be implemented by the Georgia Forestry Commission with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, American Forest Foundation, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Bobwhite Quail Initiative, Landscape Scale Restoration Grant, and other partners.

Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative, Helpful ResourcesPDF
GA Outdoor Burn Notification System Changes Fact Sheet

Changes are being made to Georgia’s outdoor burn notification system. The law no longer requires a burner to inform the GFC online or by phone about their intention to burn leaf piles and yard debris. New legal safety requirements are now specified for this type of debris burning.

Burn PermitsPDF
GA Outdoor Burn Notification System FAQs (Spanish Version)

GA código sección 12-6-90 elimina la necesidad de notificar a la comisión forestal de Georgia cuando una persona, empresa, corporación o asociación tiene la intención de quemar vegetación apilada a mano/ escombros de patio. Sin embargo, se añadieron importantes precauciones de prevención de incendios para los quemadores.

Burn PermitsPDF
GA Outdoor Burn Notification System Frequently Asked Questions

GA code section 12-6-90 eliminates the need to notify the Georgia Forestry Commission when a person, firm,corporation or association intends to burn hand-piled vegetation/yard debris. Important fire prevention precautions for burners, however, were added.

Burn PermitsPDF
GA Perspective on CA WildfiresPDF
GA Southern Pine Beetle Outbreak Map (1960-2004)

Map outlining historical outbreaks of southern pine beetle infestations.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
GA Tree Council – Tree Ordinance CentralTree OrdinanceExternal Website
Gall Producing Insects

Galls are abnormal vegetative growths on trees that result from the feeding and egg laying activities of various insects and mites. Generally, galls are not life threatening to trees, but there are recommended steps to control the growth.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
GBWF Registration Form
GEMA County Locations

In addition to county offices, the state is parceled into eight different regions for GEMA and Homeland Security response.

Disaster Recovery, Fire Disaster Recovery, Storm Disaster RecoveryExternal Website
Generating Value through Forest Carbon – An Introduction

Individuals seeking facts about the forestry carbon marketplace can easily be overwhelmed by the amount of information available. Confusing and contradictory details can make it very hard to assess income potential or assign appropriate risk. This guide seeks to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about forestry carbon and help direct further investigation.

Carbon SequestrationPDF
Georgia 2021 SPB Aerial Survey Report

Southern pine beetle (SPB) activity was very low across the state in 2021. Above average rainfall throughout the summer maintained healthy tree vigor resulting in very few pine beetle spots. Flights were flown across the state in August and September for a total of 5,509

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
Georgia 2022 SPB Aerial Survey ReportAlerts & UpdatesPDF
Georgia 2022 SPB Prediction Trapping Results

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) participates annually in the southern pine beetle (SPB) prediction trapping program. The southern pine beetle is the most destructive forest pest in the southeastern states. Survey results are documented in an annual report so that activity and damage levels can be anticipated and mitigated.

Alerts & Updates, Southern Pine Bark BeetlePDF
Georgia 2023 SPB Prediction Trapping ResultsAlerts & Updates, Forest Health, Forest Management & Conservation, Insects, Southern Pine Bark BeetlePDF
Georgia Carbon Registry Factsheet

The Georgia Carbon Registry provides forest landowners, municipalities, and public and private entities with an official mechanism for the development, documentation, and reporting of carbon emissions offset projects undertaken in Georgia.

Carbon Sequestration, Forest UtilizationPDF
Georgia Carbon Sequestration Public Hearings – Athens 2007

Creation of Georgia’s Carbon Sequestration Registry included a public review process of proposed draft protocol documents and presentations. This is related resource document.

Carbon Sequestration ArchivePDF
Georgia Carbon Sequestration Public Hearings – Statesboro 2007

Creation of Georgia’s Carbon Sequestration Registry included a public review process of proposed draft protocol documents and presentations. This is related resource document.

Carbon Sequestration ArchivePDF
Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry

The Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry is a non-profit program established by Georgia Senate Bill 356 in 2004 and is administered by the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) and the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority (GSCCCA).

External Website
Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry

Protocols for Carbon Accounting of Sustainable Products in Buildings Prepared by the Sustainable Building Materials Technical Advisory Committee

Carbon RegistryPDF
Georgia Centennial Farms

The Georgia Centennial Farm Program was developed in 1993 to distinguish family farms that have contributed to preserving Georgia’s agricultural history by maintaining working farms for more than 100 years. The program has recognized over 530 farms around the state.

Georgia Species & HabitatsExternal Website
Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD)

GDEcD is the state’s lead agency for attracting new business investment, encouraging the expansion of existing industry and small businesses, aligning workforce education and training with in-demand jobs, locating new markets for Georgia products, and planning and mobilizing state resources for economic development.

Doing Business in Georgia, Forest BiomassExternal Website
Georgia Emergency Management (GEMA)

The state’s preparedness, response and recovery agency works with public and private sector organizations to prevent and respond to natural and man-made emergencies.

Disaster Recovery, Fire Disaster Recovery, Storm Disaster RecoveryExternal Website
Georgia Envirothon

The Georgia Envirothon, offered in cooperation with the National Conservation Foundation (NCF) Envirothon, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization established in 1995 to provide hands-on, science-based training in natural resources and ecology to middle and high school students in a challenging, fun, and competitive outdoor experience.

External Website
Georgia EPD

Contact information and resources for the state’s Environmental Protection Division (EPD)

Burn PermitsExternal Website
Georgia EPD Open Burning Rules

Overview of permissible and impermissible open burning practices

Burn PermitsExternal Website
Georgia Forest Facts

Fact sheet showing Georgia’s latest forestry statics.

Classroom Resources, Community Resources, Educational Programs, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact Sheets, Research & StudiesPDF
Georgia Forest Products Exports (2019)

An overview of Georgia’s largest product exports for 2019.

Doing Business in Georgia, Forest IndustryPDF
Georgia Forestry Forum Podcast: Selling Your Timber with Troy Clymer and Morgan Cook

Join GFC’s Troy Clymer and Morgan Cook for an in-depth discussion on how to sell your timber, including a step-by-step breakdown with tips straight from the experts.

Hurricane HeleneExternal Website
Georgia Forestry Laws

GFC is not liable for the distribution of out-of-date material. This document is not legal advice and cannot replace legal advice. Current Georgia Statutes are maintained by the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, and can be accessed through their website.

Arson & Law Enforcement, Fire Prevention & Suppression, Forest Utilization, Timber SecurityPDF
Georgia Forestry Magazine

Georgia Forestry Magazine is published by HL Strategy in partnership with the Georgia Forestry Association and Georgia Forestry Commission. Together we are focused on telling the story of Georgia’s working forests, the landowners and producers who steward the land, and the manufacturers who are promoting innovative uses of wood.

Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Georgia Invasive Species Task Force

The Georgia Invasive Species Task Force is comprised of the Georgia Department of Agriculture, the Georgia Forestry Commission, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and the University of Georgia. For more than 15 years, members of this group have worked cooperatively together in invasive species detection, education, and control.

Forest Health, Invasive PlantsExternal Website
Georgia Model Urban Forest

This guidebook helps organize community support and plan development with green infrastructure in mind

Community Planning, Green InfrastructurePDF
Georgia Prescribed Burn Laws

Prescribed Burn Laws from the Official Code of Georgia, Section 12-6-90 and Sections 12-6-145 through 12-6-149

Arson & Law Enforcement, Prescribed BurnExternal Website
Georgia Prescribed Fire Council

Council for prescribed fire advocacy across the state

Prescribed BurnExternal Website
Georgia Prescribed Fire Smoke Management Practices GuidePDF
Georgia Project Learning Tree (PLT)

Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an award-winning environmental education program designed for all educators working with students in Pre-K through 12th grade. review curriculums and more.

Training & WorkshopsExternal Website
Georgia Project WET

Project WET is Water Education for K-12 Teachers! Our goal is to promote awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources through classroom-ready teaching materials and educator workshops. Our Mission is to bring WATER EDUCATION to the world!

Training & WorkshopsExternal Website
Georgia Project WILD

Project WILD has been providing award winning, classroom tested, quality conservation education in Georgia, the U.S. and around the world for over 20 years. It is an environmental education program for students of all ages. This program is sponsored in Georgia by the Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division and the Georgia Chapter of the Safari Club International.

Training & WorkshopsExternal Website
Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB)

The mission of GPB is to create, produce and distribute high quality programs and services that educate, inform and entertain our audiences and enrich the quality of their lives.

Classroom ResourcesExternal Website
Georgia Pulpwood Production Fact Sheet – 2021

This fact sheet is adapted from Southern Pulpwood Production, 2021. The full report presents the findings of a 100 percent canvass of pulp mills that drew roundwood or wood residues from the 13 Southern States during 2021

Forest Industry Analysis, Forest UtilizationPDF
Georgia ReLeaf Program

Georgia ReLeaf efforts to help south Georgia communities replace tree canopy lost to severe storms and other communities planting trees for veterans.

Community Help, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Georgia Senate Bill 119 12-6-90

1 To amend Code Section 12-6-90 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to
2 permit required for burning woods, lands, marshes, or other flammable vegetation, and
3 exceptions, so as to except certain yard waste from permitting; to provide for related matters;
4 to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Burn Permits
Georgia Sentinel Landscape Prescribed Fire InitiativeCost Share ProgramsPDF
Georgia Southern Pine Beetle Prediction Survey Report (2019)

Outline of projected expansion of southern pine beetle infestations.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
Georgia Species Fact Sheets

Review fact sheets on Georgia Species: Amphibians, Birds, Crayfish, Dragonflies, Mammals, Fishes, Mussels and Snails, Plants and Reptiles.

Georgia Species & Habitats, Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Georgia Species Management & Conservation Programs

As one of six divisions within Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) is charged with conserving, enhancing and promoting Georgia’s wildlife resources, including game and nongame animals, fish and protected plants.

Educational Programs, Georgia Species & HabitatsExternal Website
Georgia State Board of Registration for Foresters

Overview information about the Georgia State Board of Registration for Foresters.

External Website
Georgia State Board of Registration for Foresters

The Georgia General Assembly created the Georgia State Board of Registration for Foresters in 1951 for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety, and welfare by regulating those who engage in the practice of professional forestry.

Timber Sales & Harvest AdviceExternal Website
Georgia State Holidays (2021)

Listing of state holidays in Georgia for 2021 (GFC offices are closed on state holidays).

Georgia State Wildfires 2012 to Present

View interactive map of wildfires in Georgia from 2012 to the present.

Fire Prevention & Suppression, Wildfire Prevention
Georgia Tree City USA, Tree Campus Higher Education® and Tree Line USA Map

View interactive map for Tree City USA, Tree Campus Higher Education® & Tree Line USA.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Georgia Tree Council

Tree advocacy group who works to sustain Georgia’s green legacy by partnering with individuals, organizations, and communities in raising awareness toward improving and maintaining Georgia’s community forests.

Community Help, Tree Advocacy Organizations, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Georgia Water Planning

Georgia manages water resources in a sustainable manner to support the state’s economy, to protect public health and natural systems, and to enhance the quality of life for all citizens.

Water QualityExternal Website
Georgia’s Forests – 5 Year Report (2019)

Inventories provide information needed to formulate sound forest policies, provide information for economic development, develop forest programs, and provide a scientific basis to monitor forest ecosystems.

Forest Industry Analysis, Timber ProductsPDF
Georgia’s State Forests Map

Georgia’s State Forests Map 2023

Georgia’s Forest Legacy Program Brochure

The Forest Legacy Program protects environmentally important working forests threatened by conversion to non-forest uses. GFC assists private landowners with technical advice in forest management and by holding conservation easements that support working forests.

Forest LegacyPDF
Getting Started with Adopt-A-Stream

This workshop is based on the manual Getting To Know Your Watershed. Volunteers learn about the process of registering the stream, wetland or lake that they will monitor.

Forest Management & ConservationExternal Website
GFC 2008 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2009 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2010 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2011 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2012 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2013Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2014 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2015 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2016 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2017 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2018 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC 2019 Annual ReportAnnual ReportsPDF
GFC Benefits SummaryPDF
GFC County Contacts

List of GFC contacts listed by county.

Hurricane HelenePage on GFC Website
GFC Firewise Communities

List of Firewise Communities in Georgia.

GFC Forecast Area Map (2018)

Georgia is divided into ten areas for tracking fire weather forecast conditions.

Fire Prevention & Suppression, Wildfire PreventionPDF

Map to the State Agency Headquarters Complex

GFC InfographicsPDF
GFC Logo Black & White

Transparent PNG of the GFC logo in black and white.

GFC Media Toolkit
GFC Logo Black Letters

Transparent PNG of the GFC logo with black letters.

GFC Media Toolkit
GFC Logo Horizontal

Transparent PNG of a horizontal version of the GFC logo.

GFC Media Toolkit
GFC Logo White Letters

Transparent PNG of the GFC logo with white letters.

GFC Media Toolkit
GFC Reforestation Equipment RentalsForest Management & Conservation, SeedlingsPDF
GFC Service Rates (Effective 10/2024)Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
GFC Services Handout

Overview document of GFC’s services and Area Contact information

Community Resources, Fire Prevention & Suppression, Forest Industry, Forest Management & Conservation, Forest UtilizationPDF
GFC UC&F Species Selection List

Recommended Tree Species Selections for Urban and Community Forest Sustainability

Community Help, Homeowner Help, TAG Grant Program ResourcesPDF
Gilmer CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Girdling Roots in Trees

Healthy roots are the foundation for a long, beautiful relationship with your trees. A girdling root problem starts very early in a tree’s development and can cut short a plant’s life.

Ask The Arborist - Structural Issues or Damaged TreesPDF
Glascock CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Glossary of Tree Ordinance Terms

Guide includes a list of tree ordinance terms.

Tree Ordinance, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
Glynn CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Gordon CWPP -2013Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
GPB Virtual Leaning Journey: Georgia Forests

Take your students on an interactive journey through the working forests of Georgia to learn about forest ecosystems, food webs, and life cycles, as well as forestry management processes, career opportunities, and much more. Key concepts are presented through text, images, videos, 360º tours, and interactive elements.

Training & WorkshopsExternal Website
Grady CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Grant Expenditures Form

Budget worksheet to be used with all TAG grant applications.

TAG Grant Program ResourcesExcel
Greater Okefenokee Forest Management Options: A Forest Planning Manual for Wildfire Mitigation

This manual was developed in an effort to identify practical wildfire hazard mitigation techniques; for landowners with a vision for a diverse, dynamic, and healthy fire-maintained ecosystem.

Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Green Buffers for Screening and Noise Reduction

This document discusses basic landscape tools and guidelines for optimizing sound reduction and visual screening.

Ask The Arborist - General InfoPDF
Green Cities: Active Living

Recent research indicates that quality outdoor environments affect activity attitudes and behaviors. Urban greening contributes to more walkable places.

Benefits of Trees, Ecosystem Services, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Green Cities: Crime & Public Safety

This briefing summarizes the research findings on the relationship between urban vegetation and crimes, aggressive behavior, and safety.

Benefits of Trees, Ecosystem Services, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact Sheets
Green Cities: Good Health

Metro nature – including trees, parks, gardens, and natural areas – enhance quality of life in cities and towns. The experience of nature improves human health and well-being in many ways. review these scientific studies that tell us how.

Benefits of Trees, Ecosystem Services, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Green Cities: Mental Health & Function

Both visual access and being within green space helps to restore the mind’s ability to focus. This can improve job and school performance, and help alleviate mental stress and illness.

Benefits of Trees, Ecosystem Services, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Green Cities: Place Attachment & Meaning

Place attachment and meaning are particularly relevant when considering issues of urban development and community-building. Attachment and meaning emerge from a variety of experiences and situations, and are often related to parks, green spaces, and natural areas. Learn more with this brief summary.

Benefits of Trees, Ecosystem Services, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Green Cities: Reduced Risk

Trees and vegetation can dampen ambient noise, improve air quality, cool over-heated urban centers, and be a food security solution.

Benefits of Trees, Ecosystem Services, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Green Cities: Safe Streets

his article surveys the research on roadside vegetation benefits, and the scientific evidence concerning city trees, and transportation safety.

Benefits of Trees, Ecosystem Services, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Green Cities: Social & Cultural Strengths

Urban green spaces can provide a neutral space within which people come together, social interactions occur (that include people from different backgrounds), and relationships or partnerships take form. Read this briefing for research studies.

Benefits of Trees, Ecosystem Services, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Green Cities: Work & Learning

Places that incorporate or are located near nature can help remedy mental fatigue and restore one’s ability to focus on tasks. The result can be better performance in the work place and classroom.

Benefits of Trees, Ecosystem Services, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsExternal Website
Green Infrastructure Center

Trees and stormwater calculator tool, case studies from Norcross and Alpharetta, GA.

Green InfrastructureExternal Website
Green Infrastructure: A Landscape Approach

Report from the American Planning Association, shows how green infrastructure cleans the air and water, replenishes aquifers, reduces flooding, and moderates the climate.

Community Planning, Green Infrastructure, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Green Local Economies

Rad this article to learn about economic benefits of trees in cities.

Benefits of Trees, Learn & ExploreExternal Website
Greene CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Guidelines for Forest Steward Designation

These guidelines are intended to set the standards for judging whether or not landowners have accomplished sufficient stewardship management of their forest resources to warrant their designation as a “Forest Steward” and their property certified as a Stewardship Forest by Georgia’s Forest Stewardship Program.

Forest StewardshipPDF
Guiding Principles for a Practical and Sustainable Approach to Forest Carbon Sequestration Projects in the Southern U.S.

Key issues surrounding the development and application of forest-based offset projects in the southern region of the United States are examined in this paper.

Carbon Sequestration, Forest UtilizationExternal Website
Guiding Principles for Forest Carbon Sequestration – Executive Summary

This paper examines the key issues surrounding the development and application of forest-based offset projects in the southern region of the United States and provides the Southern Group of State Foresters’ (SGSF) recommendations for how these issues should be addressed in federal climate policy, should legislation be enacted.

Carbon Sequestration, Forest UtilizationPDF
Gummosis in Trees

Gummosis is a common infection found on various fruit and nut trees. In the landscape, gummosis is most often recognized as a glob of translucent, amber colored sap on the side of the stem or lower trunk of trunk of a tree.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
Gypsy Moth Fact Sheet

Details about managing gypsy moth infestation.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
Gypsy Moth Infestations Map

Overview of gypsy moth infestations across Georgia.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
Habersham CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Habitats of Georgia

Georgia is a diverse state, with many habitats from coastal beaches to mountain hardwood forests. Check out information about the plants and animals of the habitats, the adaptations of species living there, and the environmental issues facing those habitats.

Georgia Species & HabitatsExternal Website
Hall CWPP -2013Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Hancock CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Haralson CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Hardwood Defoliating Caterpillars of North Georgia

Overview information for the hardwood defoliating caterpillar.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
Harris CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Hart CWPP -2012Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Hazards of the Forest

Foresters and others who work outside and those who enjoy being in the outdoors are often confronted with hazards that can cause sickness, injury, or death. This booklet provides a brief description of those hazards to help you avoid an unpleasant encounter.

Classroom Resources, Community Help, Community Resources, Educational Programs, Forest Health, GFC Staff, Insects, Learn & ExplorePDF
HB 1EX Bill

Bill provides emergency disaster relief assistance for cleanup efforts for timberland owners, as well as emergency funding for state agencies and local governments in heaviest-impacted areas.

Storm Disaster RecoveryExternal Website
HB 4EX Bill

Bill creates a tax credit for timber growers in the 28 counties included in the disaster area who incurred significant damages and expenses due to Hurricane Michael.

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives Research

Take care of the forest, and it will take care of you. As research is being conducted and becoming available, findings reinforce what much of the urban forestry community already knows — that trees have a positive impact on human health. Check out research on why Healthy Trees make Healthy Lives.

Benefits of Trees, Community Help, Educational Programs, Homeowner Help, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Heard CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) in Georgia Fact Sheet

HWA is a serious pest of hemlock trees in Georgia. The aphid-like insect feeds on eastern and Carolina hemlock trees, eventually resulting in tree mortality. The very existence of the eastern and Carolina hemlock species is greatly threatened by HWA.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and Diseases, Hemlock Woolly AdelgidPDF
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infographic

Appearance, Life-Cycle and Quick Facts.

Hemlock Woolly AdelgidExternal Website
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Management in Georgia (2019)

Guidelines for addressing infestation of hemlock woolly adelgid pests.

Alerts & Updates, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Insects, Pest AlertsPDF
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Spread in Georgia Map (2012)Forest Health Archived Resources
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid U.S. Map (2019)Forest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, InsectsPDF
HemlockFest WebsiteForest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Insects
Henry CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Heterobasidion Root Disease (Annosum Root Rot) Guide

Annosus root rot can be a serious problem of pines in plantations that have been thinned one or more times. Loblolly, slash and white pines are affected most but shortleaf and longleaf are sometimes infected.

Diseases, Forest Health, Heterobasidion (or Annosum) Root DiseaseExternal Website
Heterobasidion Root Disease (Annosum Root Rot) Map

An overview map of area’s where Annosum Root Rot is most prevalent in Georgia

Diseases, Forest Health, Heterobasidion (or Annosum) Root DiseasePDF
Heterobasidion Root Disease (Annosum Root) Brochure

Detailed information about managing Heterobasidion Root Disease / Annosum Root Rot

Diseases, Forest Health, Heterobasidion (or Annosum) Root DiseasePDF
Hidden Hazards of Backyard Burning

Important information about the illegal practice of burning household waste

Burn PermitsPDF
Hidden Hazards of Backyard Burning (Español)

Peligros ocultos de la quema del patio trasero. En Georgia, es ilegal quemar la basura que generamos en nuestros hogares.

Burn PermitsPDF
Historical trends of timber product output in the South

Historical data of periodic canvasses of primary wood-using plants are presented for the 13 Southern States.

Forest Industry Analysis, Forest UtilizationExternal Website
History of the Georgia Forestry Commission

This document provides a detailed history of GFC and forest management in Georgia.

Community ResourcesPDF
Homeowner’s Role in Maintaining the Urban Forest

Download this guide to get tips on maintaining trees, selecting an arborist and a homeowner tree survey checklist.

Ask The Arborist - General Info, Community Help, Homeowner Help, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
House Bill 790

2014 bill authorizing GFC Forestry Investigators to enforce laws related to the protection, security, conservation, and sale of forest resources.

Arson & Law Enforcement, Timber SecurityPDF
Houston CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
How Many Trees Should I Plant?

The density of an initial planting of trees or plants depends upon both the species and objectives of the landowner. This table offers guidelines for the most tree planting densities.

Forest Management & ConservationPDF
How to Evaluate and Manage Storm Damaged Forest Areas

Read this resource to learn what steps to take to evaluate storm damage.

Hurricane Helene, Storm Disaster RecoveryPDF
How to Hire a Tree Service

Helpful suggestions for finding a tree service and avoiding many of the pitfalls involved

Ask The Arborist - General InfoPDF
How to Take Pictures of Your Tree

When requested to send photographic images of your tree to an arborist for review, it is important to remember the following photography “Do’s” and “Don’ts.”

Ask The Arborist - General InfoPDF
How to Water Your Trees

Summer heat often prompts us to wonder how our trees can survive when too little rain falls to keep the grass alive. There are important tips to follow for proper watering and maintenance.

Ask The Arborist – Tree Care, Homeowner HelpPDF
Huber Seedling Application 2024-25PDF
Huber Trees for GA 2024-2025 – Public NoticePDF
Human Trafficking Information

Important details about reporting cases of human trafficking

Arson & Law Enforcement, Human ResourcesPDF
Hurricane Helene Timber Impact Assessment 2024

Hurricane Helene Timber Impact Assessment 2024 – The goal of the Timber Impact Assessment survey is to determine the current overall damage to the forest in Georgia and to document widespread impacts to the region affected by hurricane conditions.

Hurricane HelenePDF
Hurricane Idalia Timber Impact Assessment Georgia August 30, 2023

The goal of the Timber Impact Assessment survey is to determine the current overall damage to the forest in Georgia and to document widespread impacts to the region affected by hurricane conditions.

Forest Management & Conservation, Storm Disaster RecoveryPDF
Hurricane Matthew Timber Impact Assessment Georgia (2016)

Hurricane Matthew impacted multiple southern states, and all coastal counties of Georgia experienced extreme winds and heavy rain on October 7th and 8th, 2016.

Disaster Recovery, Timber Products, Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Hurricane Michael – Farm Recovery Block Grant Eligibility Map

Map of 95 counties eligible for the Recovery Block Grant program.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Farm Recovery Block Grants

The Georgia Department of Agriculture will accept online applications for the $347 million in block grant funds beginning March 18, 2020. Georgia farmers and forest landowners in 95 eligible counties, who suffered losses to beef, dairy, fruit and vegetable, pecan, poultry, timber, and uninsured infrastructure can enroll. The federal block grants seek to help recover losses not covered under existing USDA Farm Service Agency programs. Only online applications will be accepted. All applications must be completed and submitted by April 8, 2020.

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Hurricane Michael – Farm Recovery Block Grants – Press Release

Description of the Farm Recovery Block Grant program.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – FEMA Disaster Map

Map of counties in Georgia declared disaster areas for FEMA assistance following Hurricane Michael.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Forest Landowner Relief Program Meeting (Bainbridge Part 1)

Video 1 of 5 – Video footage of Bainbridge Meeting, 01/23/19 (broken into five sections)

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Hurricane Michael – Forest Landowner Relief Program Meeting (Bainbridge Part 2)

Video 2 of 5 – Video footage of Bainbridge Meeting, 01/23/19 (broken into five sections)

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Hurricane Michael – Forest Landowner Relief Program Meeting (Bainbridge Part 3)

Video 3 of 5 – Video footage of Bainbridge Meeting, 01/23/19 (broken into five sections)

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Hurricane Michael – Forest Landowner Relief Program Meeting (Bainbridge Part 4)

Video 4 of 5 – Video footage of Bainbridge Meeting, 01/23/19 (broken into five sections)

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Hurricane Michael – Forest Landowner Relief Program Meeting (Bainbridge Part 5)

Video 5 of 5 – Video footage of Bainbridge Meeting, 01/23/19 (broken into five sections)

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Hurricane Michael – Forest Landowner Relief Program Meeting (Colquitt Part 1)

Video 1 of 3 – Video footage of Colquitt Meeting, 01/23/19 (broken into three sections)

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Hurricane Michael – Forest Landowner Relief Program Meeting (Colquitt Part 2)

Video 2 of 3 – Video footage of Colquitt Meeting, 01/23/19 (broken into three sections)

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Hurricane Michael – Forest Landowner Relief Program Meeting (Colquitt Part 3)

Video 3 of 3 – Video footage of Colquitt Meeting, 01/23/19 (broken into three sections)

Hurricane MichaelExternal Website
Hurricane Michael – Forest Road and Firebreak Clearing ApplicationHurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Georgia State Timber Tax Credit Replant and Restoration Guideline

Tax credits can only be claimed in the taxable year in which the taxpayer first completes:
1. Replanting of timber and/or 2. Restoration of timber

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Georgia Timber Tax Credit: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Hurricane Michael tax credit and who is eligible.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Georgia Timber Tax Program

Presentation from Scott Griffin, GFC’s Forest Management Chief.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Georgia Timber Tax Program – General Eligibility Requirements

In November of 2018, the Georgia General Assembly enacted House Bill 4EX. This bill allows eligible taxpayers to apply for a Timber Tax Credit to assist in offsetting the substantial economic losses incurred during Hurricane Michael. This document outlines general eligibility requirements and guidelines.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Map of 28 GA Counties in declared state of emergency

Map of counties declared to be in a state of emergency following Hurricane Michael.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Resources for Impacted Forest Landowners

Press release about resource available to landowners impacted by Hurricane Michael.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Timber Casualty Losses and Involuntary Conversion

View presentation from Yanshu Li, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Forest Taxation and Economics.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Timber Tax Credit Application Instructions

A taxpayer seeking pre-approval for the Timber Tax Credit, must apply electronically through Georgia Tax Center. Get instructions.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael – Timber Tax Credit Program Press Release

In November of 2018, the Georgia General Assembly enacted House Bill 4EX. This bill allows eligible taxpayers to apply for a Timber Tax Credit to assist in offsetting the substantial economic losses incurred during Hurricane Michael.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael Forest Access Road and Firebreak Debris Clearing Program

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) has established procedures for landowners seeking assistance with debris clearing and restoration of pre-existing forest roads and firebreaks.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hurricane Michael Timber Impact Assessment

This survey examined landscape‐level impacts and classified them accordingly.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
Hypoxolon Canker in Urban Trees

Found in the outer bark areas of living and healthy trees, Hypoxylon are normally of little consequence. However, the fungi can severely injure or kill trees that have been weakened by factors such as drought, root disease, mechanical injury, logging or construction activities. T

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
i-Tree Streets

Within the i-Tree software suite, street tree populations are assessed using i-Tree Streets, which is an analysis tool for urban forest managers that uses tree inventory data to quantify the dollar value of annual environmental and aesthetic benefits.

Benefits of TreesExternal Website
Identifying Cogongrass (Field Guide)

Helpful tips for identifying invasive cogongrass.

Insecticide Applicators and Vendors for Hemlock Woolly Adelgids

Get help with Hemlock Woolly Adelgids. View list of vendors.

Forest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, InsectsPage on GFC Website
Interactive Map of Wood-Using Industries in Georgia

On a yearly basis the Forest Utilization Department at the Georgia Forestry Commission conducts a survey to identify primary wood using industries in the state of Georgia.

Wood Using IndustriesExternal Website
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

The IRS is the nation’s tax collection agency and administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress.

Taxes & Estate PlanningExternal Website
Introduction to Prescribed Fire in Southern Ecosystems

Helpful resource for managers to plan and execute prescribed burns in Southern forests and grasslands

Prescribed BurnPDF
Invasive Climbing Fern Fact Sheet

Overview information about invasive climbing ferns.

Forest Health, Invasive PlantsPDF
Invasive Plants of Georgia Forests

Overview of invasive plants in forests across Georgia.

Forest Health, Invasive PlantsPDF
Ips Engraver Beetle Outbreak (2016)

Ips engraver beetles continue to heavily infest drought-stressed trees in northern and central Georgia.

Forest Health Archived Resources, InsectsPDF
Ips Engraver Beetle Outbreak Update (2017)

Ips engraver beetles continue to heavily infest drought-stressed trees in northern and central Georgia.

Forest Health Archived Resources, InsectsPDF
Irwin CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Is My Tree Safe?

All trees will fail at some point in their life, and all trees have some level of risk associated with them. Determining the likelihood of tree failure requires a significant level of experience and knowledge about how trees grow, how they fail, and what characteristics make a tree “risky.”

Ask The Arborist - General InfoPDF
ISA – Find an Arborist
ISO Mitigation Tables and Wildland Brush ApparatusRural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
Itemized Reimbursement Expenses

Excel sheet for itemized reimbursement requests

TAG Grant Program ResourcesExcel
iTree Software

i-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban and rural forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools.

Canopy Studies & Inventories, Community Planning, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Jackson County CWPP 2022Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
January 2023 Tornado Timber Impact AssessmentForest Management & ConservationPDF
January 21, 20142014 Meeting NoticesPDF
January 29, 20132013 Meeting NoticesPDF
Jasper CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Jeff Davis CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Jefferson CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Jenkins CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Johnson CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Jones CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
July 17, 20142014 Meeting NoticesPDF
July 26, 20192019 Meeting NoticesPDF
June 24, 20102010 Meeting NoticesPDF
June 25, 20092009 Meeting NoticesPDF
June 26, 20082008 Meeting NoticesPDF
June 28, 20122012 Meeting NoticesPDF
Keys to Successfully Establishing a Longleaf Pine

Best practices for planting and maintaining longleaf pines

Longleaf Restoration & ManagementPDF
Lamar CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Landowner Field Trips Flyer Revised (10-01-20)

Would you like to see a live prescribed burn or visit a site that has been burned to see what it looks like afterward? Then Landowner Field Trip (LFT) is perfect for you. When our agency partners and volunteer landowners are conducting a prescribed burn, we will give you a guided tour of a burn.

Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative, Helpful ResourcesPDF
Lanier CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Laurel Wilt Disease FAQs

Informational overview regarding Laurel Wilt Disease

Diseases, Forest Health, Laurel Wilt DiseasePDF
Laurel Wilt Disease History in Georgia

Overview of the history of Laurel Wilt in Georgia since its arrival in 2002

Diseases, Forest Health, Laurel Wilt DiseasePDF
Laurel Wilt Progression MapLaurel Wilt DiseasePage on GFC Website
Laurel Wilt USFS Pest Alert (2019)

2019 update from the U.S. Forest Service on Laurel Wilt in the U.S.

Diseases, Forest Health, Laurel Wilt DiseasePDF
Laurens CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Leaf Coloring Pages

US Forest Service

Leaf Watch External LinksExternal Website
Leaning Trees – What’s up with that?

Unfortunately, neither Mother Nature nor the character of a tree can reduce the very real risks associated with leaning. It’s not that trees that lean are inherently bad; it’s just that gravity creates problems.

Ask The Arborist - Structural Issues or Damaged TreesPDF
Learn & Burn Flyer

More information on Learn & Burns

Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative, Helpful ResourcesPDF
Learn about Fall Foliage

Learn about how leaves change colors in the fall with Chelsea York, our Conservation Education Coordinator.

Learn, Plan, Act

GFC and the Southern Group of State Foresters launched “Learn, Plan, Act” as a way to promote sound forest management practices and provide helpful educational materials, guidance and other resources to Georgia landowners.

Water QualityExternal Website
Lee CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Liberty CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Lightning Struck Trees

For trees, the impact of a lightning strike may be light, leaving no obvious damage, or it may be severe, with catastrophic results.

Ask The Arborist - Structural Issues or Damaged TreesPDF
Lincoln CWPP -2015Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Long CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Longleaf Pine Conservation Reserve Initiative

The Longleaf Pine Initiative was established to convert suitable, environmentally sensitive cropland to longleaf pine forests.

Forest Management & ConservationPDF
Longleaf Pine Conservation Reserve Initiative

The Longleaf Pine Initiative restores and enhances longleaf pine ecosystems. The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) provides farmers and landowners with initiatives like this to achieve many farming and conservation goals.

Longleaf Restoration & ManagementPDF
Longleaf Pine Forest Establishment Hub

The Forest Stewardship Program is designed to integrate forest management objectives of sustaining quality native timber, native wildlife populations, soil & water resources, aesthetics, & recreation, over a 10-year planning period. This template provides landowners with technical guidance that places near-equal emphasis of these objectives. It prescribes conservation practices to establish new longleaf pine forests using either artificial planting methods or natural regeneration methods.

Forest Stewardship, Longleaf Restoration & ManagementPDF
Longleaf Pine Mortality – Rhizoctonia Blight (2010)

Rhizoctonia blight is typically published as a fungal disease pathogen causing blight or mortality in seedling stock of pine nursery beds.

Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
Longleaf Range MapLongleaf Restoration & ManagementPDF
Looking for Lunch Maze

Help the deer find his way thru the maze for food.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Lowndes CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Lula Lake Land Trust (LLLT)

Since 2014, LLLT has treated 7,500 Hemlocks against the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, and the core preserve serves as a State of Georgia research site for chemical and biologic controls.

Forest Health, InsectsExternal Website
Lula Lake Land Trust WebsiteForest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Insects
Lumpkin CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Macon CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Madison CWPP -2011Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Make That Paper!
This online game designed to help high school students learn about the forestry industry and career employability skills. In the game, students are managers in three varied forestry career pathways, hiring personnel, solving industry-related problems, and making sound business decisions. To attain their goal of sustainable, efficient, and successful management of the forest and production of forest products, they must use best practices in hiring and staff management while using the resources and information provided by industry experts.
Student WorksheetsExternal Website
Making the Shade Application

Download form to apply for Making the Shade Program.

Elementary School Shade ProgramPDF
Making the Shade Program

Get shaded playground areas for your elementary school with Making the Shade Program.

Educational ProgramsPage on GFC Website
Making the Shade Program-Liability Waiver Letter of Endorsement

Complete form for application submission.

Making Your Home More Energy Efficient By Planting Trees

Learn the best ways to save money and energy through tree planting – a time tested method for reducing energy use.

Ask The Arborist - General InfoPDF
Management Plans

A forest management plan is the roadmap to a healthy forest. There are many reasons why it is helpful to have a forest management plan for your property. Find out how to develop a plan.

Page on GFC Website
Managing Storm Damaged Trees: Do’s and Don’ts

Check out this resource for the Do’s and Don’ts on how to manage damaged trees from a storm. Includes: how to hire a professional for clean up, chainsaw safety, pruning and maintenance for damaged trees and more.

Community Help, Homeowner Help, Storm Disaster Recovery, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
Map of 28 Counties Declared Under State of Emergency

View GA Map of counties declared under State of Emergency EO under Hurricane Michael.

Hurricane MichaelPDF
March 15, 20132013 Meeting NoticesPDF
March 20, 20122012 Meeting NoticesPDF
Marietta TreeKeepers

Tree advocacy group.

Tree Advocacy Organizations, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Marion CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Match Expenditures Form

Budget worksheet to be used with Non-IRA TAG grant applications.

TAG Grant Program ResourcesExcel
May 18, 20102010 Meeting NoticesPDF
May 18, 20112011 Meeting NoticesPDF
May 23, 20122012 Meeting NoticesPDF
May 23, 20192019 Meeting NoticesPDF
May 9, 20072007 Meeting NoticesPDF
McDuffie CWPP – 2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
McIntosh CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Mechanisms for Securing Longterm Forest Biomass SupplyForest BiomassPDF
Meriwether CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Mileage Reimbursement Form

Excel sheet for mileage reimbursement

TAG Grant Program ResourcesExcel
Miller CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Mitchell CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Model Timber Harvesting OrdinanceForest Management & ConservationPage on GFC Website
Monday, February 6th, 2023 Board Meeting Notice2023 Meeting Notices, Board of Directors MeetingsPDF
Monroe CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Montgomery CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Morgan CWPP -2020Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Murray CWPP -2011Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
NAAEE Guidelines for Excellence

The National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education, initiated by NAAEE in 1994, has developed a series of guidelines that set the standards for high-quality environmental education.

Educational ProgramsExternal Website
NAAQS Air Quality Index Fact SheetPDF
NAAQS Overview PresentationPDF
NAAQS Wildland Fire Air Quality Fact SheetPDF
National Arbor Day 20132013 News Archive, News Archives
National Arson Awareness Week

The U.S. Fire Administration provides resources to spread important messages in your community to prevent arson. Access resources.

Educational ProgramsExternal Website
National Project Learning Tree (PLT)

Project Learning Tree is an award-winning environmental education program designed for teachers and other educators, parents, and community leaders working with youth from preschool through grade 12. View trainings, curriculums, family activities and more.

Training & WorkshopsExternal Website
National Timber Tax Website

A reference source for timberland landowners; also for accountants, attorneys, consulting foresters and other professionals who work with timberland owners regarding the tax treatment of timber related activities.

Storm Disaster Recovery, Taxes & Estate PlanningExternal Website
National Water Quality Trading Program

When the water in our rivers, lakes, and oceans becomes polluted; it can endanger wildlife, make our drinking water unsafe, and threaten the waters where we swim and fish. EPA research supports efforts under the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act.

Ecosystem ServicesExternal Website
Native Trees of Georgia

Georgia’s forests are home to approximately 250 species of trees. Native Trees of Georgia describes 92 of them.

Leaf Watch Resources and PublicationsPDF
Native Trees of Georgia Book

Book showing illustrations of trees native to Georgia.

Classroom Resources, Community Help, Community Planning, Community Resources, Educational Programs, Forest Health, GFC Staff, Learn & ExplorePDF
Nature’s Water Filter Fact Sheet

Did you know working forests are the most significant factor affecting water quality and quantity in Georgia? Download fact sheet to learn more.

Benefits of Trees, Learn & Explore, Research & Fact SheetsPDF
New Ambrosia Beetle Detected (2010 Update)

The Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) trapping program helps detect exotic wood boring beetles entering our state. The trapping in Georgia for 2007 detected a new introduction of the camphor shot beetle, an exotic ambrosia beetle from Asia.

Forest Health Archived Resources, InsectsPDF
New Stewardship Plan Shapefile Requirements

View shapefile requirements and GFC District Stewardship Foresters.

Forest StewardshipPDF
Newton CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
NFP/VFA Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Announcement Letter FY2024Rural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
NIIMS Operational System Description

Operational system descriptions and procedures for general use

Fire Prevention & Suppression, Incident Command SystemPDF
Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests

Information on accurate identification and effective control of the 33 plants or groups that are invading the forests of the 13 Southern States at an alarming rate, showing both growing and dormant season traits.

Invasive PlantsExternal Website
North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE

We bring the brightest minds together to advance environmental literacy and civic engagement through the power of education to create a more sustainable future for all.

Educational ProgramsExternal Website

On May 1, an outdoor burn ban will begin in 54 Georgia counties, primarily in the northern half of the state. Affected residents are asked to refrain from burning yard and land clearing debris, whose smoke can negatively impact the state’s air quality during the hot summer months by contributing to high ozone levels. These conditions have been linked to lung and heart disease in humans. Please see this .pdf for more details.

Burn Permits, Prescribed BurnPDF
November 17, 20102010 Meeting NoticesPDF
November 2, 20102010 Meeting NoticesPage on GFC Website, PDF
November 7, 20132013 Meeting NoticesPDF
NTG Fall Color Supplement

These are generally considered the fall colors during peak season. Habitat, weather, genetics, and other components can give variations to the general. Nature determines fall color, not exact science.

Leaf Watch Resources and PublicationsPDF
Oak Leafminer Factsheet

Oak Leafminer Factsheet

Forest Health, Forest Health General InfoPDF
Observed Fire Danger Ratings for the Co-Op area

Observed weather conditions and Fire Danger Ratings for the Co-Op Area (Oakland Station – North Marion County)

Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative, Helpful ResourcesExternal Website, Page on GFC Website
Oconee CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Oconee WMA FY25

County: Greene
Location: Oconee WMA
Deadline: 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Bid Process Contact: Ben Hammond, GFC, 706-612-3729
Sale Area Contact: Forrest Buckner, GA DNR, 404-987-4112

GFC Timber SalesPDF
October 12, 20112011 Meeting NoticesPDF
October 17, 20062006 Meeting NoticesPDF
October 21, 20192019 Meeting NoticesPDF
October 25, 20072007 Meeting NoticesPDF
October 29, 20092009 Meeting NoticesPDF
October 30, 20082008 Meeting NoticesPDF
Oglethorpe County CWPP (Revised 2023)Community Wildfire Protection PlanPDF
Ongoing Silviculture In Bottomland HardwoodsBest Management Practices, Water QualityPDF
Optimized Insecticide Dosage for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control in Hemlock Trees

Important dosage information when treating for hemlock woolly adelgid.

Forest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, InsectsPDF
Ordering Tree Seedlings

GFC offers a wide variety of pine and hardwood seedlings. We cater to small, private, non-industrial landowners and we serve thousands of customers in that capacity. Seedlings are available in small or large quantities and we offer varieties suitable for all environments in Georgia.

Page on GFC Website
Other Careers in Georgia State Government

A resource for employment opportunities in Georgia State government (outside of GFC).

Career ResourcesExternal Website
Outstanding GA Forestry Commission Employees

The Georgia Forestry Commission has named its outstanding groups of employees for 2019, and last week they were recognized at the state capitol.

GFC Staff
Overview of Timber and Biomass Supply ChainForest BiomassPDF
Paradise PFA FY25

County: Berrien 
Location: Paradise Public Fishing Area (PFA)
Deadline: 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Bid Process Contact: Ben Hammond, GFC, 706-612-3729
Sale Area Contact: Michael Staton, GA DNR, 404-844-6448

GFC Timber SalesPDF
Paulding CWPP -2013Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Paulding Forest Base MapForest Management & ConservationPDF
Peach CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Pecan Trees for the Home or Backyard Orchard

Pecan trees are commonly found surrounding both urban and rural dwellings throughout Georgia. They can enhance the environment and provide additional income from the sale of nuts. Pecans are recommended for home planting in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont, but are not recommended for the north Georgia mountains.

Ask The Arborist – Tree CarePDF
People of Forestry Career Video Series

Career forestry videos from GFC.

Training & WorkshopsExternal Website
People of Forestry: Discover Careers in the Forest Activity Booklet

People of Forestry – Discover Careers in the Forest is an outreach project of the Southern Group of State Foresters and the state forestry agencies representing 13 southern states. It is intended to help children across the South become interested in careers in forestry at an early age.

Classroom Resources, Learn & Explore, Student WorksheetsPDF
Pickens CWPP -2011Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Pierce CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Pike CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Pine Bark Beetles in Urban AreasPDF
Pine Beetle – The Urban Problem

Awareness of the location of pine beetle infestations near them and research based information relative to the management options available is the best defense a homeowner can have.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
Pine saw-timber Volumes in Georgia, 2017

Utilization and Marking Analysis:  Study of SYP Standing Volumes and Acreage

Forest Utilization, Timber ProductsPDF
Planting Container Trees

Containerized trees may come in many different sizes but and are usually available in 1,3,5,7 10 or 15 gallon-sized containers. Ideally, the size diameter of the container should be 8-10 inches for every inch of trunk diameter measured at 6” above the ground.

Homeowner HelpPDF
Planting Containerized Trees

How to plant a containerized tree.

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Polk CWPP -2013Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Pre-suppression Firebreak Plowing

The GFC provides the service of plowing pre-suppression firebreaks to landowners.

Page on GFC Website
Prescribed Burn Certification Affidavit FormPrescribed BurnPDF
Prescribed Burn Plan – 2021 Update

A resource for all GFC personnel when conducting prescribed burn assistance for landowners and when conducting prescribed burning on GFC owned lands

Prescribed BurnPDF
Prescribed Burning

Assistance with prescribed burning, including firebreak installation, burn plan development and assistance carrying out a burn

Page on GFC Website
Prescribed Burning Brochure

Overview of best practices for preparing a prescribed burn plan

Prescribed BurnPDF
Prescribed Burning Management

Assistance with prescribed burning, including firebreak installation, burn plan development and assistance carrying out a burn.

Page on GFC Website
Prescribed Fire – Sprewell Bluff Natural Area

Overview of a prescribed fire near Thomaston, GA conducted by members of an inter-agency burn team

Prescribed BurnVideo
Prescribed Fire Certification ClassExternal Website
Prescribed Fire Certification Course – Brunswick, GA

GFC instructors are providing instruction on fire behavior, fire weather, and fire tactics.

Date: October 7-8

Location: Coastal Pines Technical College – Brunswick, GA

Registration information coming soon!

Prescribed Fire Certification Training
Prescribed Fire Certification Course – Jasper, GA

GFC instructors are providing instruction on fire behavior, fire weather, and fire tactics.

Date: June 10-11

Location: Chattahoochee Technical College Appalachian Campus – 100 Campus Dr Jasper, GA 30143

Registration for this class is now open! Click here to register.

Prescribed Fire Certification Training
Prescribed Fire in Georgia – A Strategic Plan 2008-2020

Helpful resource for detailed information on prescribed burning

Prescribed BurnPDF
Products From Trees Word Search

Discover products made from trees.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Project Learning Tree – Activities for Families

Nature is a great teacher! Try these activity ideas from Project Learning Tree to connect the children in your life to the outdoors and nature.

Classroom ResourcesExternal Website
Project WINGS brochure

Project WINGS (Wildlife Incentives for Nongame and Game Species) is a rights-of-way management campaign designed to create new wildlife lands along gas and electrical transmission lines.

Forest Management & ConservationPDF
Proper Tree Mulching

Mulch is organic material placed on the soil’s surface around trees and plants to enhance their growing conditions. Mulch helps maintain soil temperature and moisture, reduce water loss from soil, reduce weed competition, improve soil structure, and give landscapes a clean appearance. Often overlooked, spreading mulch around your trees is one of the easiest and most beneficial techniques that can have great impact on the health and vitality of your trees.

Ask The Arborist – Tree Care, Homeowner Help, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
Public Law 94-519 (as amended)Rural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
Public Use RegulationsForest Management & ConservationPDF
Public Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal

A consistent, comparable set of scientific results to be used as a foundation for wildfire mitigation and prevention planning in the Southern states

Fire Prevention & SuppressionExternal Website
Pulaski CWPP -2012Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Putnam CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Quantifying the Value of Non-Timber Ecosystem Services from Georgia’s Private Forests

2011 study led by Dr. Rebecca Moore at the University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources quantifying the value of non-timber ecosystem services from Georgia’s private forests.

Ecosystem ServicesPDF
Quitman CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Rabun CWPP -2016PDF
Rabun CWPP 2024Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Randolph CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Recommendations to Assist Federal Regulatory Agencies in the Determination of Ongoing Silviculture In Bottomland Hardwood and Cypress Swamps

The SGSF Water Resources Committee developed this general guidance document to assist Environmental Protection Agency and other federal regulatory agency representatives in making field level distinctions between ongoing silviculture for bottomland hardwood and cypress swamps and other land uses that may have similar operational aspects.

Water QualityExternal Website
Recommended Community Tree Ordinance Tree Conservation Standards

Download guide for recommended conservation standards, tree care and maintenance practices, recommendations for utility corridors, tree Selection and planting standards, design standards for trees plus more.

Community Planning, Tree Ordinance, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
Redbay Laurel Wilt Recovery Plan (2015)

Overview of efforts to reclaim and replenish areas impacted by Laurel Wilt Disease

Diseases, Forest Health, Laurel Wilt DiseasePDF
Registered Consulting Foresters Directory

This application allows you to search for consulting foresters that cover the state of Georgia. These professionals are registered foresters within the state and have personally requested to be added to GFC’s database.

Disaster Recovery, Forest Health, Forest Management & Conservation, Forest Stewardship, Hurricane HeleneExternal Website
Rockdale CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
RX Burn Trailer Flyer

A trailer containing tools which supplement and assist landowners in conducting safe prescribed burning is now available for rent through the Georgia Forestry Commission. The West Central Georgia Forest Landowners Association initiated the idea to provide local forestland managers with professional equipment needed to conduct safer and more efficient prescribed burns. The trailer and tools are also used at training events for private landowners.

Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative, Helpful ResourcesPDF
Safety First For Landowners Burning Debris

This video provides helpful tips for safely burning debris.

Burn Permits, Fire Prevention & Suppression, Wildfire PreventionVideo
Salvaging the Bradford Pear

These trees were genetically selected for their perfect “lollypop” shaped crown, but it is that shape that is responsible for a shortened life span. The limited life of these trees is a function of structural failure, not “natural causes.”

Ask The Arborist - Structural Issues or Damaged TreesPDF
Sample Application GFC VFA Grant

Preview of grant application. Applications must be submitted through online system.

Rural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
Sample Tree Ordiance

This document provides an example of basic formatting and verbiage to include in a Tree Ordinance.

Tree Ordinance, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
Sansavilla WMA FY25 #11617

County: Wayne
Location: Sansavilla WMA
Deadline: 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Bid Process Contact: Ben Hammond, GFC, 706-612-3729
Sale Area Contact: Darcy Tripod, GA DNR, 404-844-6451

GFC Timber SalesPDF
Sansavilla WMA FY25 #11618

County: Wayne
Location: Sansavilla WMA
Deadline: 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Bid Process Contact: Ben Hammond, GFC, 706-612-3729
Sale Area Contact: Darcy Tripod, GA DNR, 404-844-6451

GFC Timber SalesPDF
Sansavilla WMA FY25 #11619

County: Wayne
Location: Sansavilla WMA
Deadline: 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Bid Process Contact: Ben Hammond, GFC, 706-612-3729
Sale Area Contact: Darcy Tripod, GA DNR, 404-844-6451

GFC Timber SalesPDF
Savannah Tree Foundation

Tree advocacy group.

Tree Advocacy Organizations, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Save Energy – Plant Trees!

This video provides insights into the value of planting trees.

Community Help, Community Resources, Homeowner HelpVideo
Save Energy – Plant Trees!

Plant trees to lower utility bills, save energy, and add value to your property. A homeowner learns how in this Georgia Forestry Commission video.

Ask The Arborist - Video ResourcesVideo
Schley CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
School of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ABAC)

The Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) School of Agriculture and Natural Resources leads the South in advancing the agriculture field through hands-on experience and rigorous academic preparation. The school offers six baccalaureate programs.

Career ResourcesExternal Website
Screven CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Seedling Brochure 2024-25

Complete brochure on seedling types, care, and ordering information.

Seedling Care And Planting Guidelines

Overview guidelines for successfully planting and caring for seedlings.

Longleaf Restoration & Management, SeedlingsPDF
Seedling Delivery Schedule 2024-25

Seedling delivery schedule map

Seedling Price List 2024-25

Seedling prices for 2024-25

Selling Storm Damaged Timber

Selling timber is a relatively involved process even in the best of times, requiring patience and diligence so that a good harvest and the best price can be achieved. Learn what to expect when selling your timber.

Hurricane Helene, Storm Disaster RecoveryPDF
Selling Your Timber

Overview of the steps necessary for a successful timber sale.

Selling Your Timber (Webinar – .wmv file)Forest Industry, Timber Products, Timber Sales & Harvest Advice, Wood Using IndustriesVideo
Selling Your Timber Guide

A timber sale is a serious matter requiring careful preparation. Download guide for best practices on selling timber.

Timber Sales & Harvest AdvicePDF
Seminole CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
September 1, 20102010 Meeting NoticesPDF
September 18, 20182018 Meeting NoticesPDF
September 27, 20122012 Meeting NoticesPDF
Service Rate Increases Oct 1, 2024Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
SFI Report: Forests for Georgia, Georgia for Forests

Georgia is an ideal place to live and work – offering a quality of life that is unmatched. We are business friendly, benefit from a temperate climate and boast world class recreational and cultural experiences. Key to this way of life is the state’s robust forest industry, which supports our economy, natural resources and recreational opportunities.

Learn & Explore
SGSF Forest Certification Report

The Southern Group of State Foresters created an overview document about recommendations for actions with regard to Forest Certification.

Forest CertificationPDF
SGSF Forest Certification Report

Forest Certification Programs: Status and recommedations in the South

Forest Industry
Shortleaf Pine & Oak Restoration in the Georgia Cumberlands Cost Share Project Application

Application for the Shortleaf Pine & Oak Restoration in the Georgia Cumberlands Cost Share Project

Cost Share Programs, Forest Management & ConservationPDF
Sirex Woodwasp – U.S. Forest ServiceSirex Woodwasp
Slime Flux

Helpful information about “weeping water” from the trunk of a tree – usually a sign of a bacterial disease called Slime Flux or Bacterial Wetwood.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
Smoke Management Plan

Georgia’s basic procedures and requirements for managing smoke from prescribed burns

Prescribed BurnPDF
Smokey Bear

Wildfire safety through educational programs in schools, civic club gatherings and other public events

Educational Programs, Wildfire PreventionPage on GFC Website
Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl Poster Contest

For students to demonstrate their understanding of wildfire prevention and basic environmental conservation principles through original drawings of Smokey Bear or Woodsy Owl. 1st through 5th grade students

Educational ProgramsExternal Website
Smokey Bear Website

Visit the official Smokey Bear website for all types of resources on how to prevent wildfires, safe camp fires, and learn about the history of Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign.

Educational ProgramsExternal Website
Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention Program

A Smokey Bear wildfire prevention program is available for kindergarten to second grade students and public events that do not conflict with the national guidelines. Programs are available by appointment to groups of 100 or more. Get more information.

Page on GFC Website
Smokey BINGO

Mark items you find around your home or while traveling and try to get BINGO.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Society of American Foresters (SAF)

SAF challenges landowners, decision makers, and society at large to make choices about our forests based on professional knowledge, leading-edge thinking, and a century of practical experience.

Career ResourcesExternal Website
Society of American Foresters Career Center

Career Opportunities with The Society of American Foresters, which sets the standard in forest management by bringing science, best practice, and the best people together to actively shape the future of the profession.

Career ResourcesExternal Website
Soil Reconditioning Specs

Specifications for soil reconditioning after removing impervious surfaces, based on research conducted by Virginia Tech.

TAG Grant Program ResourcesPDF
South Georgia Landscape Cost Share Initiative GuidelinesPDF
South Georgia Landscape Restoration Cost Share ProjectCost Share ProgramsPDF
Southern Pine Bark Beetle BrochureSouthern Pine Bark Beetle
Southern Pine Bark Beetle Brochure (2013)

Overview information regarding pine bark beetles.

Forest Health, Insects, Southern Pine Bark BeetlePDF
Southern Pine Bark Beetle Coloring BookSouthern Pine Bark Beetle
Southern Pine Beetle – Biology, Pevention, & Restoration Brochure

Overview information regarding the southern pine beetle.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
Southern Pine Beetle – Historical Data (1972-2007)

Comprehensive numbers covering 35 years of southern pine beetle infestations.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
Southern Pine Beetle – Biology, Prevention, and RestorationSouthern Pine Bark Beetle
Southern Pine Beetle Coloring Book

Educational tool for learning about the southern pine beetle.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
Southern Pine Beetle Fact Sheet

Overview information about the southern pine beetle.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
Southern Pine Beetle Outbreak (2017)

Overview data and information for the southern pine beetle.

Forest Health Archived Resources, InsectsPDF
Southern Pine Beetle Prediction Map (2016)

Forecasting map for the spread of southern pine beetle infestations.

Forest Health, InsectsPDF
Southern Pulpwood Production (2021)

A 2021 analysis of pulpwood production across the 13 Southern State.

Forest Industry Analysis, Forest UtilizationExternal Website
Southern Regional Extension Forestry – Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Overview info and resource documents for the hemlock woolly adelgid, originally from Asia, which was first discovered in the eastern U.S. in the 1950’s. It has since spread throughout the range of hemlock in the East, and caused extensive mortality of mature hemlock – especially in the Appalachian Mountains.

Forest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, InsectsExternal Website
Southern Regional Forests and Drinking Water (Infographic)Water QualityPDF
Spalding CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Standards for Forest Stewardship Plans & Renewals

Georgia’s Forest Stewardship Program utilizes the unprecedented cooperation of resource professionals from both the public and private sector with backgrounds in forestry, wildlife biology, soil science, and recreation management. Working together, they produce detailed and comprehensive management plans called Forest Stewardship Plans for landowners enrolled in the program.

Forest StewardshipPDF
State of Georgia Application
Stem Quality Summary for Old‐field Planted, Unthinned Longleaf Stands in Georgia

Full Academic Longleaf Stem Quality Publication – This publication provides full data sets observed during the inventorying process, as well as some additional observations not covered in the landowner version.

Longleaf Restoration & ManagementPDF
Stephens CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Stewart CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Storm Damage and Forest Health Issues in Streamside Management Zones

Forestry BMP Requirements for Streamside Management Zones can be temporarily suspended for certain
catastrophic situations that have already or will threaten the forest canopy within an SMZ.

Water QualityPDF
Storm Damage: Information for Landowners

Storms cause varying degrees of damage to forests and damage can be highly variable across affected areas of the landscape. Landowner objectives for the forest will help determine what actions are needed to restore the health and productivity of the forest resource. View steps to take after any storm.

Storm Disaster RecoveryPDF
Storm Damaged Trees – Pruning Decision Guide

Right after a hurricane, communities and homeowners need to decide what to do with storm-damaged trees. Although damaged trees may seem to be dying, some trees can be restored, others will need to be removed, and still others will not require any special treatment and can be left alone.

Community Help, Homeowner HelpPDF
Storm Mitigation Template

Community Forest Storm Mitigation Plan for Georgia Communities Template

Community Help, Storm Disaster RecoveryPDF
Storm Mitigation Workbook

Community Forest Storm Mitigation Planning for Georgia Communities Workbook

Community Help, Storm Disaster RecoveryPDF
Storm Planning Module 1: Tree Risk AssessmentPDF
Storm Planning Module 2: Standing ContractsPDF
Storm Planning Module 3: Debris ManagementPDF
Storm Timber Impact Assessment Report

The National Weather Service (NWS) determined an EF-4 tornado crossed Heard, Coweta, and Fayette Counties in the late hours of March 25, 2021 and into the early hours of March 26, 2021. The tornado touched down at approximately 11:37 PM EDT, west of Franklin, Georgia, ending at approximately 12:30 AM EDT just north of Peachtree City, Georgia

Stormwater to Street Trees

Report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on how to engineer urban forests for stormwater management.

Community Planning, Green InfrastructurePDF
Student Activity on Planting a Tree

Student Activity Instructions on planting a tree properly.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Sudden Oak Death Brochure

Overview of the causes, impacts and preparations for Sudden Oak Death

Diseases, Forest Health, Sudden Oak DeathPDF
Sudden Oak Death Survey Map (2006)

Map showing areas of Georgia experiencing Sudden Oak Death

Diseases, Forest Health, Sudden Oak DeathPDF

The information below provides both quick answers to general questions about Sudden Oak Death, as well as more in-depth information.

Sudden Oak Death
Sumter CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Super Fire Knocker

The “Fire Knocker” is a self contained “slip-on” tanker unit.

Rural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
Sustainability Report for Georgia’s Forests – January 2024

Report details the condition of the state’s 24-million acres of forestland. It outlines the numerous economic, environmental, and social benefits of Georgia’s forests and details specific challenges to the resource that provided more than 141,000 jobs and generated nearly $42 billion in economic value to the state in 2022.

Doing Business in GeorgiaPDF
Sustainable Forest Management in Georgia (2008)

Georgia’s forests are being sustainably managed to meet the numerous needs of our state today. To ensure our forests will continue to meet the ever increasing demands of future generations, many challenges must be met. This initial report, submitted to the General Assembly on July 1, 2008, highlights the conditions of our forest resources, along with the challenges and opportunities being faced by Georgia’s forest managers and owners.

Forest Action Plan, Forest Management & ConservationPDF
TAG Employee Time and Effort Form

Federal Compliance Employee Time and Effort Worksheet

TAG Grant Program ResourcesExcel
TAG Grant GuidelinesPDF
TAG Grant Recipients List

List of recipients of TAG grant.

TAG Grant Program ResourcesPDF
TAG Recipient Reimbursement Reporting Guide

A guide for reimbursement reporting for TAG recipients.

TAG Grant Program ResourcesPDF
TAG Reimbursement Request Instructions

Instructional video on reimbursement requests

TAG Grant Program ResourcesExternal Website, Video
Talbot CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Taliaferro CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Tattnall CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Tax Tips for Forest Landowners

This is a collection of documents published by the Forest Service. It includes previous versions of the “Annual Tax Tips for Forest Landowners” as well as other publications related to the tax treatment of timber and timberland.

Taxes & Estate PlanningExternal Website
Taylor CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Teacher Conservation Workshop

Premier forestry, natural resources, and environmental education workshop for educators in Georgia

Training & WorkshopsExternal Website
Telfair CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Terrell CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
The Bay Bank Conservation Marketplace

Forests for the Bay: Keeping woodlands healthy.

Ecosystem ServicesExternal Website
The Longleaf Alliance

The mission of the Longleaf Alliance is to ensure a sustainable future for the longleaf pine ecosystem through partnerships, landowner assistance and science-based education and outreach.

Longleaf Restoration & ManagementExternal Website
The Science of Color in Autumn Leaves

US National Arboretum

Leaf Watch External LinksExternal Website
The Value of Conservation Easements in Georgia

Intact forestlands provide numerous benefits. However, as these areas are fragmented and disappear, so do the irreplaceable benefits they provide. The donated conservation easement, then, is the most logical legal tool to secure long-term conservation in Georgia.

Forest LegacyPDF
The Vast Impacts of Georgia’s Forest Landowners
Third Party Verification Providers

A list of third-party verification providers

Carbon RegistryPDF
Thomas CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Thousand Cankers Disease (2010 Update)

Currently, there are no reliable means for controlling Thousand Cankers Disease.

Diseases, Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
Thursday, August 25, 2022 Board Meeting Notice2022 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, August 26, 2021 – Meeting Notice2021 Meeting Notices
Thursday, August 27, 2020 – Meeting Notice2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, February 18, 2021 – Meeting Notice2021 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, July 21, 2022 Board Meeting Notice2022 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, July 30, 2020 – Meeting Notice2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, May 19, 2022 – Meeting Notice2022 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, October 27th, 2022 Board Meeting Notice2022 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, October 28, 2021 – Meeting Notice2021 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, October 29, 2020 – Meeting Notice2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, October 29, 2020 – UPDATED Meeting Notice2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
Thursday, September 10, 2020 – Meeting Notice2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
Tift CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Timber Buyers Directory

This list is made up of buyers/harvesters who have submitted information to GFC and is not meant as an endorsement of any individual or company. For a full list of Georgia Master Timber Harvesters (GAMTH), visit the GAMTH database. To be added to the timber buyers directory, contact Angela Kimberly at akimberly@gfc.state.ga.us.

Doing Business in Georgia, Forest Industry, Forest Utilization, Timber Product Output (TPO), Timber Products, Timber Sales & Harvest Advice, Water Quality, Wood Using IndustriesPage on GFC Website
Timber Harvest Notifications Website

The purpose of this website is to provide a state-wide timber harvest notification platform for the report of timber harvests to Georgia’s counties or municipalities.

Best Management Practices, Water QualityPage on GFC Website
Timber Impact Assessment – April 2020 Tornadoes

On the evening of April 12 and the morning of April 13, 2020, Georgia was part of a severe weather event that extended across the Southeast. The National Weather Service confirmed that 30 tornadoes touched down across the state, ranging in levels from EF-0 to EF-3 and from 0.5 miles to approximately 17 miles long. These storms affected a number of landscapes across the state, including urban, suburban and rural areas.

Alerts & Updates, Storm Disaster Recovery
Timber Security Law Fact Sheet

Overview of enforceable laws for harvesting of timber and forest resources in the state of Georgia

Arson & Law Enforcement, Timber SecurityPDF
Timber Tax Credit program

More information about the Timber Tax Credit program from the Department of Revenue.

Storm Disaster RecoveryExternal Website
TimberMart South

Timber and timberland market data, with analysis on current and historic trends and events.

Timber Sales & Harvest AdviceExternal Website
Toombs CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Total Maximum Daily Loadings (TMDL)

In July of 1997, the state of Georgia came under a federal court order to develop Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) rates and implementation plans on water quality impaired stream segments. GFC was tasked with developing the forestry component for TMDL plans.

Water QualityExternal Website
Towns CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Tree Benefits Calculator

The Tree Benefit Calculator allows anyone to make a simple estimation of the benefits individual street-side trees provide.

Benefits of TreesExternal Website
Tree Campus Higher Education® Application

The Tree Campus Higher Education® program helps colleges and universities around the country establish and sustain healthy community forests. Sign up!

Celebrate Trees
Tree Campus Higher Education® Program

The Tree Campus Higher Education® program helps colleges and universities around the country establish and sustain healthy community forests.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Tree Campus K-12®

The Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree Campus K-12® inspires collaboration between schools, students, and communities to facilitate experiences with trees as a learning tool.

Educational ProgramsExternal Website
Tree Care Manual
Tree City USA Application

Tree City USA is a great opportunity to celebrate the importance of an urban tree canopy and improve care of these vital city trees. Complete application.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Tree City USA Standards

To qualify as a Tree City USA community, you must meet four standards established by the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters. View standards.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Tree City USA, Tree Campus Higher Education® and Tree Line USA Programs

Celebrating communities all across America that are creating healthier and more abundant community forests.

Community HelpPage on GFC Website
Tree ID

Chart to help identify leaves found in the forest.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Tree Line USA Program Benefits for Utility Companies

View benefits for Utility Companies joining the Tree Line USA Program.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Tree Line USA® Program

The Tree Line USA® program exists to recognize best practices in public and private utility arboriculture, demonstrating how trees and utilities can co-exist for the benefit of communities and citizens.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Tree Line USA® Program Application

The Tree Line USA® program exists to recognize best practices in public and private utility arboriculture, demonstrating how trees and utilities can co-exist for the benefit of communities and citizens. Join now!

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Tree Ordinance Development Guidebook

This guide provides information ranging from how to form a working group to developing a draft tree ordinance.

TAG Grant Program Resources, Tree Ordinance, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
Tree Risk Management

Trees provide a host of benefits, but we have a responsibility to assess and minimize risks associated with the forest canopy.

Ask The Arborist - General InfoPDF
Tree Roots – Driveways and Sidewalks

When planting trees near our homes, we have to be aware of the serious and expensive consequences of tree roots growing under driveways and sidewalks.

Ask The Arborist - Structural Issues or Damaged TreesPDF
Trees & Storm Safety

During a storm, trees are at risk and can cause significant damage to infrastructure and personal property. A storm mitigation plan keeps citizens safe and protects valuable urban forest canopy in the event of a natural disaster.

Storm Disaster RecoveryPage on GFC Website
Trees and Drought

Drought is a main contributing factor to shade tree decline. Extended drought can influence the health of shade trees by the loss of absorbing roots.

Ask The Arborist – Tree Care, Homeowner HelpPDF
Trees Atlanta

Tree advocacy group.

Tree Advocacy Organizations, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Trees Columbus

Tree advocacy group.

Tree Advocacy Organizations, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
Trends in Southern pulpwood production, 1953-2006

An analysis of southern pulpwood production during a span of more than 50 years.

Forest Industry Analysis, Forest UtilizationExternal Website
Treutlen CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Troup CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Tuesday, August 22th, 2023 Board Meeting Notice2023 Meeting Notices, Board of Directors MeetingsPDF
Tuesday, December 1, 2020 – Meeting Notice (Director Interviews)2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
Tuesday, February 10th, 2025 Board Meeting Notice2025 Meeting NoticesPDF
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 – Meeting Notice2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
Tuesday, February 28, 2022 – Meeting Notice2022 Meeting NoticesPDF
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 – Meeting Notice

Board Meeting note for Tuesday, May 12, 2020.

2020 Meeting Notices, Board of Directors MeetingsPDF
Tuesday, May 19, 2020 – Meeting Notice2020 Meeting Notices, Board of Directors MeetingsPDF
Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 Board Meeting Notice2023 Meeting NoticesPDF
Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 Board Meeting Notice2024 Meeting NoticesPDF
Turner County CWPP 2023Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Twiggs CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook

Explore employment opportunities through the U.S. Department of Labor.

Career ResourcesExternal Website
U.S. Forest Service – Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Overview information for management of HWA invasive insects

Forest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, InsectsExternal Website
U.S. Forest Service – Invasive Insects

Resource information for invasive insects from the U.S. Forest Service

Forest Health, InsectsExternal Website
U&CF Area Map 2025 FebCommunity Help, Community Planning, Urban & Community ForestryPDF
UGA Timber Casualty Loss 2024

This document from UGA details how to claim timber casualty losses and defer taxes on salvage timber sales.

Hurricane HelenePDF
UNG Ecological Protection Lab

The University of North Georgia (UNG) Ecological Protection Lab (formerly the Beetle Lab) has led in regional efforts to protect the Eastern Hemlock from the invasive Wooly Adelgid by initiating biological control efforts through the rearing and release of predatory beetles to reduce adelgid numbers and impacts.

Forest Health, InsectsExternal Website
Union CWPP -2011Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
University of North Georgia Ecological Protection LabForest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Insects
Upson CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Urban Forest Strike Team

This video outlines the work of GFC’s Urban Forest Strike Team, which helps communities deal with the aftermath of severe storms.

Community Help, Community Resources, Disaster Recovery, Storm Disaster RecoveryVideo
Urban Forest Sustainability and Management Review – Checklist

The Urban Forest Sustainability & Management Review System is designed to provide a framework for comprehensively evaluating urban forest management programs. This review system (the checklist and the process) can be used for municipal or county urban forest management programs, or to evaluate college or corporate campus management programs

Community Help, Urban & Community ForestryExternal Website
USDA APHIS EAB Story MapEmerald Ash Borer (EAB)External Website
USDA EPA DOI CDC Memorandum of UnderstandingPDF
USDA Forest Service – Cooperative Forestry

The Cooperative Forestry unit of the USDA Forest Service works closely with partners to enhance and maintain forests across watersheds and ecosystems, both on private and public land, for the benefits they provide to the American people.

Taxes & Estate PlanningExternal Website
USDA Forest Service Jobs

Forest Service job opportunities through the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Career ResourcesExternal Website
USDA Office of Environmental Markets

The Office of Environmental Markets (OEM) is a new office created within the U.S. Department of Agriculture to catalyze the development of markets for ecosystem services.

Ecosystem ServicesExternal Website
USFS FIA Hurricane Michael Assessment

Please click on this link for more information.

Forest Industry, Forest Industry AnalysisExternal Website
V Smoke

VSmoke-Web is a web-based implementation of VSmoke (Lavdas, 1996) and is designed to assist with planning prescribed burns in the Southern United States.

Burn Permits, Prescribed Burn, Wildfire PreventionExternal Website
Vendor Management FormPDF
VERRA – Verified Carbon Standard

Verra develops and manages standards that help countries, the private sector and civil society achieve their sustainable development and climate action goals.

Carbon SequestrationExternal Website
Vibrant Cities Lab

Case Studies, Research Guides and Tools to help cultivate thriving urban forests that boost public health, safety, sustainability and economic growth.

Benefits of TreesExternal Website
Vibrant Cities Lab

Vibrant cities cultivate urban forests that support public health, safety, sustainability, and economic growth.

Celebrate TreesExternal Website
Volunteer Fire Assistance Program Frequently Asked QuestionsRural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
Volunteer Fire Assistance Program Overview and General GuidelinesRural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
Volunteer Sign-In Sheet

Example volunteer sign-in sheet

TAG Grant Program Resources
W-9 and Supplier Form
Walker CWPP -2013Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Walton CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Ware CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources (UGA)

Warnell prepares leaders in the conservation and sustainable management of forests and other natural resources; to discover ways to restore and better use the earth’s natural resources; and to put into practice forestry and natural resources knowledge.

Career ResourcesExternal Website
Warren CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Washington CWPP -2019Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Waste Fraud and Abuse Reporting Form

Human Resources filing document.

Human ResourcesPDF
Wayne CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Weather Conditions within a 24 hour period

If you would like to see the current weather conditions within a 24 hour period for the Co-Op Area (Oakland Station – North Marion County), please click this link.

Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative, Helpful ResourcesExternal Website, Page on GFC Website
Webster CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Wednesday, August 19, 2020 – Meeting Notice2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 – Meeting Notice2020 Meeting NoticesPDF
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 – Meeting Notice2021 Meeting NoticesPDF
Wednesday, May 24th, 2023 Board Meeting Notice2023 Meeting Notices, Board of Directors MeetingsPDF
What is my tree worth?

Homeowners often believe that trees in their landscape have economic value for use as lumber or other wood products. The main impediment to selling your landscape trees is the cost of their removal.

Ask The Arborist - General InfoPDF
What is my yard tree worth?

Homeowners often wonder about the value of their trees when removals appear necessary or when a tree has suffered damage at the hands of a contractor, neighbor, or storm.

Ask The Arborist - General InfoPDF
What it cost to remove a tree?

Tree removal costs can vary widely depending upon a number of factors, many of which may be beyond control. There could be any number of scenarios requiring you to contract with a tree removal service, from storm damage to home remodeling. Requiring immediate service may drive up the cost, perhaps unnecessarily, if there are no structures involved or damage is minimal.

Urban & Community Forestry
What To Do About Surface Roots in Your Landscape

Roots on the surface of the soil can cause all kinds of problems, but not necessarily for the tree.

Ask The Arborist - Structural Issues or Damaged TreesPDF
What’s Not To Lichen

Helpful information about various forms of lichen.

Ask The Arborist - Insects and DiseasesPDF
Wheeler CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Where are my trees’ roots?

Many people think removing a few of the tree’s encroaching roots will cause little long term harm and that large trees can easily recover from minor root loss, but that
is seldom the case.

Ask The Arborist - General InfoPDF
White CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Whitfield CWPP -2013Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Why Do Leaves Change Color?

Coloring sheet explaining what causes leaves to change color in the Fall.

Student WorksheetsPDF
Wilcox CWPP -2016Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Wildfire Damage Assessment – West Mims Fire (2017)

As of May 31, 2017 the West Mims Fire had consumed 145,315 acres (113,170 acres of federally owned land and 32,145 acres on private and industrial property).

Fire Disaster Recovery, Forest Health Archived ResourcesPDF
Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal

Tool to provide a consistent, comparable set of scientific results to be used as a foundation for wildfire mitigation and prevention planning

Fire Prevention & Suppression, Wildfire PreventionExternal Website
Wildland Brush Slip-In Unit

ICS Type 6/7 Engine – Tanks are constructed of 3/16” aluminum and are baffled to meet current NFPA specifications

Rural Fire Defense Lease ProgramPDF
Wilkes County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (2018)Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Wilkinson CWPP -2017Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
Will someone buy my trees

Many homeowners believe that the trees in their landscape have significant economic value for use as lumber or other wood products. These trees, whether pine or hardwood, seem to occupy such a large space in the landscape that it’s difficult to imagine they can’t be used to build houses, furniture or put to some other valuable use. Landowners also hope that this value will help offset the cost of the tree’s removal, which can be very expensive.

Urban & Community Forestry
Wood Using Industry (Chip Mill) Map

Chip Mill Industry in Georgia

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (chip-log export)

Chip-Log Wood Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (energy product)

Energy Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (log home) Map

Log Home Wood Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (mulch)

Wood Mulch Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (panel & eng wood)

Panel & Engineered Wood Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (post-pole)

Post-Pole Wood Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (pulp)

Pulp Wood Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (sawmill hardwood – softwood)

Sawmill – Hardwood/Softwood Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (sawmill hardwood)

Sawmill – Hardwood Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (sawmill-softwood)

Sawmill – Softwood Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (shavings)

Wood Shavings Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry (veneer)

Veneer Wood Products

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Wood Using Industry Template (with Mills by County)

Template (with Mills by County)

Wood Using IndustriesPDF
Worth CWPP -2018Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Fire Prevention & SuppressionPDF
YHC – Hemlock Project

The Young Harris College (YHC) Hemlock Proiect is a volunteer effort of community members and students to help raise Sasajiscymnus tsugae, a tiny ladybird beetle that is one of the few natural predators of the HWA. The organization works in conjunction with the Forest Service and GFC to decide where to release the adult beetles.

Forest Health, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, InsectsExternal Website